0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600000700000000236.startfplayback -i on -r on -f 1 -e on -h on -t on -a on -k on -s 1 tcur 0 fps 24 tset 0 10 frange 1 240 unitlength 1 unitmass 1 prompt '`strcat(oppwf(), " -> ")`' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001300000001146.variablesset -g ACTIVETAKE = 'Main' set -g DRIVER = 'arnold_noice_imager' set -g DRIVERPATH = '/out/arnold_noice_imager' set -g E = '2.7182818284590452354' set -g EYE = 'stereo' set -g HANDLE_STATUS = '-1' set -g HIP = 'D:/tickets/panoply' set -g HIPFILE = 'D:/tickets/panoply/denoiser_example.hip' set -g HIPNAME = 'denoiser_example' set -g JOB = 'C:/Users/minort' set -g PI = '3.1415926535897932384' set -g POSE = 'C:/Users/minort/Documents/houdini20.0/poselib' set -g _HIP_SAVEPLATFORM = 'windows-x86_64-cl19.35' set -g _HIP_SAVETIME = 'Tue May 21 19:25:42 2024' set -g _HIP_SAVEVERSION = '20.0.688' set -g status = '0' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001100000000310.aliasesalias bye 'quit' alias cd 'opcf' alias cp 'opcp' alias h 'history' alias hython 'python' alias ls 'opls' alias matramp 'opramp' alias opcd 'opcf' alias oppwd 'oppwf' alias pwd 'oppwf' alias rm 'oprm' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001400000000021.takeconfigtakename -g take 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000000.hou.session0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000000.OPlibraries0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001700000000000.OPpreferences0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000004427.OPfallbacksDriver/arnold C:/Users/minort/htoa/htoa- Driver/arnold otls/arnold_rop.otl Driver/arnold_denoiser C:/Users/minort/htoa/htoa- Driver/arnold_denoiser otls/arnold_denoiser.hda Object/arnold_light C:/Users/minort/htoa/htoa- Object/arnold_light otls/arnold_light.otl Sop/attribdelete C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribdelete otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribexpression C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribexpression otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribwrangle C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribwrangle otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/bias C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/bias otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/degtorad C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/degtorad otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/eulertoquat::2.0 C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/eulertoquat::2.0 otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/floattovec C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/floattovec otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0 C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0 otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/geometryvopoutput C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/geometryvopoutput otls/OPlibVop.hda Top/localscheduler C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibTop.hda Top/localscheduler otls/OPlibTop.hda Vop/mulconst C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/mulconst otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/principledshader::2.0 C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/principledshader::2.0 otls/OPlibVop.hda Sop/testgeometry_crag C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibPlaceholder.hda Sop/testgeometry_crag otls/OPlibPlaceholder.hda Sop/visualize C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/visualize otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/xformpieces C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.688/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/xformpieces otls/OPlibSop.hda 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500001260764.OPdummydefsINDX INDEX_SECTION 8fLç&houdini.hdalibrary 8fLç& Driver/arnold 8¿(fLæbDriver/arnold_denoiserË`fafLæbObject/arnold_light1ÁË¥fLæbSop/attribdeleteýf ÇfLæbSop/attribexpression -'ÐfLæbSop/attribwrangle1ý»fLæbVop/biasQ¸.fLæb Vop/degtoradYæÛfLæbVop/eulertoquat::2.0aÁ±fLæbVop/floattovecdrÄfLæbVop/geometryvopglobal::2.0j6 fLæbVop/geometryvopoutputqV½fLæbTop/localschedulertK¡fLæb Vop/mulconst¿´ÄfLæbVop/principledshader::2.0Åxv)fLæbSop/testgeometry_crag;¡fLæb Sop/visualizeB¢ LfLæbSop/xformpiecesNî_fLæbarnoldArnold"oplib:/Driver/arnold?Driver/arnold ROP_arnoldDriver'fLç&arnold_denoiserArnold Denoiser4oplib:/Driver/arnold_denoiser?Driver/arnold_denoiserROP_arnolddenoiserDriver'fLç& arnold_light Arnold Light.oplib:/Object/arnold_light?Object/arnold_light OBJ_lightObjectsubtype=light fLç& attribdeleteAttribute Delete(oplib:/Sop/attribdelete?Sop/attribdeleteSOP_attribdeleteSopfLç&attribexpressionAttribute Expression0oplib:/Sop/attribexpression?Sop/attribexpressionSOP_attribexpressionSopfLç& attribwrangleAttribute Wrangle*oplib:/Sop/attribwrangle?Sop/attribwrangleSOP_attribwrangleSopfLç&biasBiasoplib:/Vop/bias?Vop/biasVOP_biasVopvopVOPallfLç&degtoradDegrees to Radians oplib:/Vop/degtorad?Vop/degtorad VOP_degtoradVopvopVOPall*fLç&eulertoquat::2.0Euler to Quaternion0oplib:/Vop/eulertoquat::2.0?Vop/eulertoquat::2.0VOP_eulertoquat-2.0VopvopVOPallfLç& floattovecFloat to Vector$oplib:/Vop/floattovec?Vop/floattovecVOP_floattovecVopvopVOPall*fLç&geometryvopglobal::2.0Geometry VOP Global Parameters { name "bias" script "bias" label "bias" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { R"code( #if !strcmp($signature, "v4") float $cr = vop_bias($val.x, $amount.x); float $cg = vop_bias($val.y, $amount.y); float $cb = vop_bias($val.z, $amount.z); float $ca = vop_bias($val.w, $amount.w); $bias = set($cr, $cg, $cb, $ca); #elif (!strcmp($signature, "v") || !strcmp($signature, "c")) float $cr = vop_bias($val.x, $amount.x); float $cg = vop_bias($val.y, $amount.y); float $cb = vop_bias($val.z, $amount.z); $bias = set($cr, $cg, $cb); #elif (!strcmp($signature, "u")) float $cr = vop_bias($val.x, $amount.x); float $cg = vop_bias($val.y, $amount.y); $bias = set($cr, $cg); #else $bias = vop_bias($val, $amount); #endif )code" } input float val "Input" input float amount "Bias" output float bias "Result" signature "Float" default { float float float } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color } VOP_FLT_PARM(val, "Value", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(amount, "Bias", 0.5) VOP_VEC2_PARM(val_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(amount_u, "Bias", 0.5, 0.5) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_c, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(amount_c, "Bias", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_v, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(amount_v, "Bias", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) VOP_VEC4_PARM(val_v4, "Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(amount_v4,"Bias", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) } INDX DialogScript¯eh /* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "degtorad" script "degtorad" label "degtorad" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$rad = vop_radians($deg);" } input float deg "Degrees" output float rad "Radians" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM_R(deg, "Degrees", 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR2_PARM(float, deg_u, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_v, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_p, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_n, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(color, deg_c, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR4_PARM(float, deg_v4,"Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 360) VOP_FLT_PARM_R(deg_uf, "Degrees", 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_uv, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_up, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_un, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(color, deg_uc, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScript…eh /* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "eulertoquat" script "eulertoquat" label "eulertoquat" code { "$quat = eulertoquaternion($rot, $xyz);" } VOP_ROTORDER_INPUT( xyz, "Rotation Order") VOP_VEC_INPUT( rot, "Rotate (Radians)", 0, 0, 0) output vector4 quat "Output Quaternion" } INDX DialogScript˜eh /* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "floattovec" script "floattovec" label "floattovec" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$vec = vop_floattovec($fval1, $fval2, $fval3);" } input float fval1 "Component 1" input float fval2 "Component 2" input float fval3 "Component 3" output vector vec "Output Vector" VOP_FLT_PARM(fval1, "Component 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval2, "Component 2", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval3, "Component 3", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval1_uv, "Component 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval2_uv, "Component 2", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval3_uv, "Component 3", 0) signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "3D Point" p { float float float point } signature "3D Normal" n { float float float normal } signature "RGB Color" c { float float float color } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { ufloat ufloat ufloat uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { ufloat ufloat ufloat upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { ufloat ufloat ufloat unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ufloat ufloat ufloat ucolor } } INDXContentsWfLæb DialogScriptW…TA\_0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316314200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for geometryvopglobal::2.0 automatically generated 10/17/14 14:13:51 { name geometryvopglobal::2.0 script geometryvopglobal::2.0 label "Geometry VOP Global Parameters" output vector P P output vector v Velocity output vector force Force output float age Age output float life Life output int id Id output vector Cd Cd output vector uv UV output vector N N output float Time Time output float TimeInc "Time Inc" output float Frame Frame output int ptnum "Point Number" output int primnum "Primitive Number" output int vtxnum "Vertex Number" output int numpt "Number of Points" output int numprim "Number of Prims" output int numvtx "Number of Vertices" output string OpInput1 "First Input" output string OpInput2 "Second Input" output string OpInput3 "Third Input" output string OpInput4 "Fourth Input" signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector float float int vector vector vector float float float int int int int int int string string string string } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") } help { "" } } INDXContentsWfLæb DialogScriptW"Q”å!0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316314200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for geometryvopoutput automatically generated 05/16/13 09:54:41 { name geometryvopoutput script geometryvopoutput label "Geometry VOP Output" input vector P P input vector v Velocity input vector force Force input vector Cd Color input vector N Normal inputflags P 0 inputflags v 0 inputflags force 0 inputflags Cd 0 inputflags N 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector vector vector } outputoverrides default { } help { "" } } INDX DialogScriptKue–# Dialog script for localscheduler automatically generated { name localscheduler script localscheduler label "Local Scheduler" help { "" } group { name "folder0" label "Scheduler" groupsimple { name "folder5" label "Scheduling" parm { name "maxprocsmenu" label "Total Slots" type ordinal joinnext default { "0" } menu usetokenvalue { "0" "Equal to 1/4 of Total CPU Count" "-1" "Equal to CPU Count Less One" "1" "Custom Slot Count" } } parm { name "maxprocs" label "maxprocs" type integer nolabel default { "1" } disablewhen "{ maxprocsmenu != 1 }" range { -4 128 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "pdg_usemaxtasks" label "Enable Limit Jobs" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_maxtasks" label "Limit Jobs" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ pdg_usemaxtasks == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "verbose" label "Verbose Logging" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_waitforfailures" label "Block on Failed Work Items" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } } groupsimple { name "folder4" label "Paths" parm { name "pdg_workingdir" label "Working Directory" type directory default { "$HIP" } } parm { name "hythonbin" label "Hython" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Default" "1" "Custom" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "hythonbincustomuniversal" label "Hython Executable" type file default { "" } hidewhen "{ hythonbin != 1 }" parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_workitemdatasource" label "Load Item Data From" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Temporary JSON File" "1" "RPC Message" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_compressworkitemdata" label "Compress Work Item Data" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ pdg_workitemdatasource == 1 }" parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_validateoutputs" label "Validate Outputs When Recooking" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_checkexpectedoutputs" label "Check Expected Outputs on Disk" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "sepparm2" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "pdg_mapmode" label "Path Mapping" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Global" "1" "None" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_usemapzone" label "Use Path Map Zone" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ pdg_mapmode == 1 }" parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_mapzone" label "Path Map Zone" type string default { "$PDG_PATHMAP_ZONE" } disablewhen "{ pdg_usemapzone == 0 }" menureplace { "POSIX" "POSIX" "WIN" "WIN" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } groupsimple { name "folder1" label "Temp Directory" parm { name "tempdirmenu" label "Location" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "0" "Working Directory" "1" "Houdini Temp" "2" "Custom" } } parm { name "tempdirappendpid" label "Append PID" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "tempdircustom" label "Custom" type directory default { "$HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR/$HIPNAME/pdgtemp" } disablewhen "{ tempdirmenu != 2 }" } parm { name "pdg_deletetempdir" label "Delete Temp Dir" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Never" "1" "When Scheduler is Deleted" "2" "When Cook Completes" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } } } parm { name "socketcallbacks" label "Use Socket callbacks instead of stdout tokens" type integer invisible default { "1" } range { 0 10 } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "RPC Server" parm { name "pdg_rpcignoreerrors" label "Ignore RPC Errors" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Never" "1" "When Cooking Batches" "2" "Always" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_rpcmaxerrors" label "Max RPC Errors" type integer default { "5" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_rpctimeout" label "Connection Timeout" type integer default { "4" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_rpcretries" label "Connection Retries" type integer default { "2" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_rpcbackoff" label "Retry Backoff" type integer default { "2" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_rpcbatch" label "Batch Poll Rate" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pdg_rpcrelease" label "Release Job Slot When Polling" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Job Parms" groupsimple { name "folder0_3" label "Scheduling" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder0_2" } parm { name "local_single" label "Single" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } parm { name "local_is_CPU_number_set" label "local_is_CPU_number_set" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } parm { name "local_CPUs_to_use" label "Slots Per Work Item" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ local_is_CPU_number_set == 0 }" range { 1! 64 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } groupsimple { name "folder6" label "Minimum Available Memory" parm { name "local_useminfreemem" label "Rule" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "No Minimum" "1" "MB Available" "2" "Percent Available" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_minfreemem" label "Minimum MB" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_useminfreemem != 1 }" range { 0 128000 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_minfreemempct" label "Minimum Percent" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_useminfreemem != 2 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } } } groupsimple { name "folder2" label "Tasks" parm { name "local_enabletimeout" label "Enable Maximum Run Time" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_maxtime" label "Maximum Run Time" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_enabletimeout == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_handletimeout" label "On Task Timeout" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_enabletimeout == 0 }" menu { "0" "Mark as Failed" "1" "Mark as Succeeded" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "sepparm4" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "local_enablemaxmemory" label "Enable Maximum Memory" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_maxmemory" label "Maximum Memory" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_enablemaxmemory == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_handlememory" label "On Memory Exceeded" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_enablemaxmemory == 0 }" menu { "0" "Mark as Failed" "1" "Mark as Succeeded" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "sepparm5" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "local_echandleby" label "On Task Failure" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Report Error" "1" "Report Warning" "2" "Retry Task" "3" "Ignore" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_echandleall" label "Handle All Non Zero" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_eccustomcode" label "Exit Code" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ local_echandleall != 0 }" range { 1 255 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "sepparm" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "local_maximumretries" label "Max Retries" type integer default { "3" } disablewhen "{ local_echandleby != 2 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_addfailcountattr" label "Retry Count Attribute" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_echandleby != 2 }" parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_failcountattr" label "Retry Count Attrib" type string default { "failurecount" } disablewhen "{ local_addfailcountattr == 0 } { local_echandleby != 2 }" parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } } groupsimple { name "folder3" label "Task Environment" parm { name "local_usehoudinimaxthreads" label "local_usehoudinimaxthreads" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } parm { name "local_houdinimaxthreads" label "Houdini Max Threads" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ local_usehoudinimaxthreads == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } parm { name "local_requireswindow" label "Requires GUI Window" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_skippackages" label "Skip Loading Packages" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "local_envunset" label "Unset Variables" type string default { "" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } multiparm { name "local_envmulti" label "Environment Variables" parmtag { "pdg::nocopy" "" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "hscript" } parm { name "local_envname#" label "Name" type string joinnext default { "" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } parm { name "local_envvalue#" label "Value" type string default { "" } parmtag { "pdg::scheduler" "" } } } } } } INDX DialogScript˜eh /* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "mulconst" script "mulconst" label "mulconst" code { "$scaled = $val * $mulconst;" } descriptiveparm mulconst input float val "Input Value" output float scaled "Input Value * Constant" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf bsdf } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix " m4 { matrix matrix } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } parm { name mulconst label "Multiplier" type float size 1 default { 1.0 } } } INDXContentsWfLæb DialogScriptWuŽeh0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316314200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for principledshader::2.0 automatically generated { name principledshader::2.0 script principledshader::2.0 label "Principled Shader" rendermask "VMantra OGL" shadertype vopmaterial input vector uv "UV Coordinates" input vector basecolor "Base Color" input float albedomult "Albedo Multiplier" input int basecolor_usePointColor "Use Point Color" input int basecolor_usePackedColor "Use Packed Color" input int frontface "Shade Both Sides As Front" input float ior IOR input float rough Roughness input float aniso Anisotropy input float anisodir "Anisotropy Direction" input float metallic Metallic input float reflect Reflectivity input float reflecttint "Reflect Tint" input float coat Coat input float coatrough "Coat Roughness" input float transparency Transparency input vector transcolor "Transmission Color" input float transdist "At Distance" input float dispersion Dispersion input int priority "Surface Priority" input float sss Subsurface input string sssmodel "SSS Mode" input float sssdist "Subsurface Distance" input vector ssscolor "Subsurface Color" input float sssphase "Scattering Phase" input float sheen Sheen input float sheentint "Sheen Tint" input vector emitcolor "Emission Color" input float emitint "Emission Intensity" input int emitillum "Emission Illuminates Objects" input float opac "Opacity Scale" input vector opaccolor "Opacity Color" input int fakecausticsenabled Enable input float fakecausticstransmit "Transmission Tint" input float fakecausticsshadow "Shadow Contour" input float fakecausticsopacity "Shadow Opacity" input int basecolor_useTexture "Use Texture" input string basecolor_texture Texture input float basecolor_textureIntensity "Tint Intensity" input string basecolor_textureWrap Wrap input string basecolor_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int metallic_useTexture "Use Texture" input string metallic_texture Texture input int metallic_monoChannel Channel input string metallic_textureWrap Wrap input string metallic_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int transparency_useTexture "Use Texture" input string transparency_texture Texture input int transparency_monoChannel Channel input string transparency_textureWrap Wrap input string transparency_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int ior_useTexture "Use Texture" input string ior_texture Texture input int ior_monoChannel Channel input string ior_textureWrap Wrap input string ior_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int transcolor_useTexture "Use Texture" input string transcolor_texture Texture input float transcolor_textureIntensity "Tint Intensity" input string transcolor_textureWrap Wrap input string transcolor_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int transdist_useTexture "Use Texture" input string transdist_texture Texture input int transdist_monoChannel Channel input string transdist_textureWrap Wrap input string transdist_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int dispersion_useTexture "Use Texture" input string dispersion_texture Texture input int dispersion_monoChannel Channel input string dispersion_textureWrap Wrap input string dispersion_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int reflect_useTexture "Use Texture" input string reflect_texture Texture input int reflect_monoChannel Channel input string reflect_textureWrap Wrap input string reflect_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int reflecttint_useTexture "Use Texture" input string reflecttint_texture Texture input int reflecttint_monoChannel Channel input string reflecttint_textureWrap Wrap input string reflecttint_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int rough_useTexture "Use Texture" input string rough_texture Texture input int rough_monoChannel Channel input string rough_textureWrap Wrap input string rough_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int aniso_useTexture "Use Texture" input string aniso_texture Texture input int aniso_monoChannel Channel input string aniso_textureWrap Wrap input string aniso_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int anisodir_useTexture "Use Texture" input string anisodir_texture Texture input int anisodir_monoChannel Channel input string anisodir_textureWrap Wrap input string anisodir_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input string anisodir_textureFilter "Filter Type" input int sss_useTexture "Use Texture" input string sss_texture Texture input int sss_monoChannel Channel input string sss_textureWrap Wrap input string sss_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int sssdist_useTexture "Use Texture" input string sssdist_texture Texture input int sssdist_monoChannel Channel input string sssdist_textureWrap Wrap input string sssdist_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int ssscolor_useTexture "Use Texture" input string ssscolor_texture Texture input string ssscolor_textureWrap Wrap input string ssscolor_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int sheen_useTexture "Use Texture" input string sheen_texture Texture input int sheen_monoChannel Channel input string sheen_textureWrap Wrap input string sheen_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int sheentint_useTexture "Use Texture" input string sheentint_texture Map input int sheentint_monoChannel Channel input string sheentint_textureWrap Wrap input string sheentint_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int coat_useTexture "Use Texture" input string coat_texture Texture input int coat_monoChannel Channel input string coat_textureWrap Wrap input string coat_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int coatrough_useTexture "Use Texture" input string coatrough_texture Texture input int coatrough_monoChannel Channel input string coatrough_textureWrap Wrap input string coatrough_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int emitcolor_useTexture "Use Texture" input string emitcolor_texture Texture input float emitcolor_textureIntensity "Tint Intensity" input string emitcolor_textureWrap Wrap input string emitcolor_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input int opaccolor_useTexture "Use Texture" input string opaccolor_texture Texture input string opaccolor_textureWrap Wrap input float opaccolor_textureIntensity "Tint Intensity" input string opaccolor_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input string surface_textureFilter Filter input float surface_textureFilterWidth "Filter Width" input int baseBumpAndNormal_enable Enable input string baseBumpAndNormal_type "Texture Type" input string baseBump_colorSpace "Texture Color Space" input float baseBump_bumpScale "Effect Scale" input string baseBump_bumpTexture "Texture Path" input string baseBump_wrap Wrap input string baseBump_filter Filter input float baseBump_filterWidth "Filter Width" input int baseBump_channel Channel input string baseBump_imagePlane "Image Plane" input string baseNormal_colorspace "Texture Color Space" input string baseNormal_vectorSpace "Vector Space" input float baseNormal_scale "Effect Scale" input string baseNormal_texture "Texture Path" input string baseNormal_wrap Wrap input string baseNormal_filter Filter input float baseNormal_filterWidth "Filter Width" input int baseNormal_channel Channel input string baseNormal_imagePlane "Image Plane" input int baseNormal_space "Normal Space" input int baseNormal_flipX "Flip X" input int baseNormal_flipY "Flip Y" input int separateCoatNormals "Separate Coat Normals" input int coatBumpAndNormal_enable Enable input string coatBumpAndNormal_type "Texture Type" input string coatBump_colorSpace "Texture Color Space" input float coatBump_bumpScale "Effect Scale" input string coatBump_bumpTexture "Texture Path" input string coatBump_wrap Wrap input string coatBump_filter Filter input float coatBump_filterWidth "Filter Width" input int coatBump_channel Channel input string coatBump_imagePlane "Image Plane" input string coatNormal_colorspace "Texture Color Space" input string coatNormal_vectorSpace "Vector Space" input float coatNormal_scale "Effect Scale" input string coatNormal_texture "Texture Path" input string coatNormal_wrap Wrap input string coatNormal_filter Filter input float coatNormal_filterWidth "Filter Width" input int coatNormal_channel Channel input string coatNormal_imagePlane "Image Plane" input int coatNormal_space "Normal Space" input int coatNormal_flipX "Flip X" input int coatNormal_flipY "Flip Y" input int dispInput_enable "Enable Input Displacement" input float dispInput_max "Maximum Displacement" input string dispInput_vectorspace "Vector Space" input int dispTex_enable "Enable Texture Displacement" input string dispTex_type "Texture Type" input string dispTex_colorSpace "Texture Color Space" input string dispTex_vectorSpace "Vector Space" input string dispTex_channelOrder "Channel Order" input float dispTex_offset Offset input float dispTex_scale "Effect Scale" input string dispTex_texture "Texture Path" input int dispTex_channel Channel input string dispTex_wrap Wrap input string dispTex_filter Filter input float dispTex_filterWidth "Filter Width" input int dispNoise_enable "Enable Noise Displacement" input string dispNoise_type "Noise Type" input vector dispNoise_freq Frequency input vector dispNoise_offset Offset input float dispNoise_amp Amplitude input float dispNoise_rough Roughness input float dispNoise_atten Attenuation input int dispNoise_turb Turbulence input string difflabel Diffuse input string refllabel Reflection input string refractlabel Refraction input string coatlabel "Coat Reflection" input string ssslabel Subsurface input vector2 uvtrans Translate input float uvrot Rotate input vector2 uvscale Scale input vector baseN "" input vector coatN "" input float disp "Normal Displacement" input vector vdisp "Vector Displacement" input int opacpointalpha "Use Point Alpha" input int roundedEdge_enable "" input float roundedEdge_radius "Round Edge Radius" input int roundedEdge_mode "Round Edge Mode" input int opacpackedalpha "Use Packed Alpha" input vector2 st "" input int basecolor_useTextureAlpha "Use Texture Alpha" input int occlusion_useTexture "Use Texture" input string occlusion_texture Texture input float occlusion_textureIntensity "Tint Intensity" input string occlusion_textureWrap Wrap input string occlusion_textureColorSpace "Source Color Space" input string alphablendmode "Alpha Mode" input float alphacutoff "Alpha Cutoff" input int emitcolor_usePointColor "Use Point Color" input int ssscolor_usePointColor "Use Point Color" input int transcolor_usePointColor "Use Point Color" output surface surface surface output displacement displacement displacement output struct_ShaderLayer layer "" inputflags uv 2 inputflags basecolor 2 inputflags albedomult 2 inputflags basecolor_usePointColor 2 inputflags basecolor_usePackedColor 2 inputflags frontface 2 inputflags ior 2 inputflags rough 2 inputflags aniso 2 inputflags anisodir 2 inputflags metallic 2 inputflags reflect 2 inputflags reflecttint 2 inputflags coat 2 inputflags coatrough 2 inputflags transparency 2 inputflags transcolor 2 inputflags transdist 2 inputflags dispersion 2 inputflags priority 2 inputflags sss 2 inputflags sssmodel 2 inputflags sssdist 2 inputflags ssscolor 2 inputflags sssphase 2 inputflags sheen 2 inputflags sheentint 2 inputflags emitcolor 2 inputflags emitint 2 inputflags emitillum 2 inputflags opac 2 inputflags opaccolor 2 inputflags fakecausticsenabled 2 inputflags fakecausticstransmit 2 inputflags fakecausticsshadow 2 inputflags fakecausticsopacity 2 inputflags basecolor_useTexture 2 inputflags basecolor_texture 2 inputflags basecolor_textureIntensity 2 inputflags basecolor_textureWrap 2 inputflags basecolor_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags metallic_useTexture 2 inputflags metallic_texture 2 inputflags metallic_monoChannel 2 inputflags metallic_textureWrap 2 inputflags metallic_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags transparency_useTexture 2 inputflags transparency_texture 2 inputflags transparency_monoChannel 2 inputflags transparency_textureWrap 2 inputflags transparency_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags ior_useTexture 2 inputflags ior_texture 2 inputflags ior_monoChannel 2 inputflags ior_textureWrap 2 inputflags ior_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags transcolor_useTexture 2 inputflags transcolor_texture 2 inputflags transcolor_textureIntensity 2 inputflags transcolor_textureWrap 2 inputflags transcolor_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags transdist_useTexture 2 inputflags transdist_texture 2 inputflags transdist_monoChannel 2 inputflags transdist_textureWrap 2 inputflags transdist_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags dispersion_useTexture 2 inputflags dispersion_texture 2 inputflags dispersion_monoChannel 2 inputflags dispersion_textureWrap 2 inputflags dispersion_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags reflect_useTexture 2 inputflags reflect_texture 2 inputflags reflect_monoChannel 2 inputflags reflect_textureWrap 2 inputflags reflect_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags reflecttint_useTexture 2 inputflags reflecttint_texture 2 inputflags reflecttint_monoChannel 2 inputflags reflecttint_textureWrap 2 inputflags reflecttint_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags rough_useTexture 2 inputflags rough_texture 2 inputflags rough_monoChannel 2 inputflags rough_textureWrap 2 inputflags rough_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags aniso_useTexture 2 inputflags aniso_texture 2 inputflags aniso_monoChannel 2 inputflags aniso_textureWrap 2 inputflags aniso_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags anisodir_useTexture 2 inputflags anisodir_texture 2 inputflags anisodir_monoChannel 2 inputflags anisodir_textureWrap 2 inputflags anisodir_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags anisodir_textureFilter 2 inputflags sss_useTexture 2 inputflags sss_texture 2 inputflags sss_monoChannel 2 inputflags sss_textureWrap 2 inputflags sss_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags sssdist_useTexture 2 inputflags sssdist_texture 2 inputflags sssdist_monoChannel 2 inputflags sssdist_textureWrap 2 inputflags sssdist_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags ssscolor_useTexture 2 inputflags ssscolor_texture 2 inputflags ssscolor_textureWrap 2 inputflags ssscolor_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags sheen_useTexture 2 inputflags sheen_texture 2 inputflags sheen_monoChannel 2 inputflags sheen_textureWrap 2 inputflags sheen_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags sheentint_useTexture 2 inputflags sheentint_texture 2 inputflags sheentint_monoChannel 2 inputflags sheentint_textureWrap 2 inputflags sheentint_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags coat_useTexture 2 inputflags coat_texture 2 inputflags coat_monoChannel 2 inputflags coat_textureWrap 2 inputflags coat_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags coatrough_useTexture 2 inputflags coatrough_texture 2 inputflags coatrough_monoChannel 2 inputflags coatrough_textureWrap 2 inputflags coatrough_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags emitcolor_useTexture 2 inputflags emitcolor_texture 2 inputflags emitcolor_textureIntensity 2 inputflags emitcolor_textureWrap 2 inputflags emitcolor_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags opaccolor_useTexture 2 inputflags opaccolor_texture 2 inputflags opaccolor_textureWrap 2 inputflags opaccolor_textureIntensity 2 inputflags opaccolor_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags surface_textureFilter 2 inputflags surface_textureFilterWidth 2 inputflags baseBumpAndNormal_enable 2 inputflags baseBumpAndNormal_type 2 inputflags baseBump_colorSpace 2 inputflags baseBump_bumpScale 2 inputflags baseBump_bumpTexture 2 inputflags baseBump_wrap 2 inputflags baseBump_filter 2 inputflags baseBump_filterWidth 2 inputflags baseBump_channel 2 inputflags baseBump_imagePlane 2 inputflags baseNormal_colorspace 2 inputflags baseNormal_vectorSpace 2 inputflags baseNormal_scale 2 inputflags baseNormal_texture 2 inputflags baseNormal_wrap 2 inputflags baseNormal_filter 2 inputflags baseNormal_filterWidth 2 inputflags baseNormal_channel 2 inputflags baseNormal_imagePlane 2 inputflags baseNormal_space 2 inputflags baseNormal_flipX 2 inputflags baseNormal_flipY 2 inputflags separateCoatNormals 2 inputflags coatBumpAndNormal_enable 2 inputflags coatBumpAndNormal_type 2 inputflags coatBump_colorSpace 2 inputflags coatBump_bumpScale 2 inputflags coatBump_bumpTexture 2 inputflags coatBump_wrap 2 inputflags coatBump_filter 2 inputflags coatBump_filterWidth 2 inputflags coatBump_channel 2 inputflags coatBump_imagePlane 2 inputflags coatNormal_colorspace 2 inputflags coatNormal_vectorSpace 2 inputflags coatNormal_scale 2 inputflags coatNormal_texture 2 inputflags coatNormal_wrap 2 inputflags coatNormal_filter 2 inputflags coatNormal_filterWidth 2 inputflags coatNormal_channel 2 inputflags coatNormal_imagePlane 2 inputflags coatNormal_space 2 inputflags coatNormal_flipX 2 inputflags coatNormal_flipY 2 inputflags dispInput_enable 2 inputflags dispInput_max 2 inputflags dispInput_vectorspace 2 inputflags dispTex_enable 2 inputflags dispTex_type 2 inputflags dispTex_colorSpace 2 inputflags dispTex_vectorSpace 2 inputflags dispTex_channelOrder 2 inputflags dispTex_offset 2 inputflags dispTex_scale 2 inputflags dispTex_texture 2 inputflags dispTex_channel 2 inputflags dispTex_wrap 2 inputflags dispTex_filter 2 inputflags dispTex_filterWidth 2 inputflags dispNoise_enable 2 inputflags dispNoise_type 2 inputflags dispNoise_freq 2 inputflags dispNoise_offset 2 inputflags dispNoise_amp 2 inputflags dispNoise_rough 2 inputflags dispNoise_atten 2 inputflags dispNoise_turb 2 inputflags difflabel 2 inputflags refllabel 2 inputflags refractlabel 2 inputflags coatlabel 2 inputflags ssslabel 2 inputflags uvtrans 2 inputflags uvrot 2 inputflags uvscale 2 inputflags baseN 2 inputflags coatN 2 inputflags disp 2 inputflags vdisp 2 inputflags opacpointalpha 2 inputflags roundedEdge_enable 2 inputflags roundedEdge_radius 2 inputflags roundedEdge_mode 2 inputflags opacpackedalpha 2 inputflags st 2 inputflags basecolor_useTextureAlpha 2 inputflags occlusion_useTexture 2 inputflags occlusion_texture 2 inputflags occlusion_textureIntensity 2 inputflags occlusion_textureWrap 2 inputflags occlusion_textureColorSpace 2 inputflags alphablendmode 2 inputflags alphacutoff 2 inputflags emitcolor_usePointColor 2 inputflags ssscolor_usePointColor 2 inputflags transcolor_usePointColor 2 outputflags layer 2 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector float int int int float float float float float float float float float float vector float float int float string float vector float float float vector float int float vector int float float float int string float string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string float string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string string int string int string string int string int string string int string string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string int string string int string float string string int string string float string string float int string string float string string string float int string string string float string string string float int string int int int int int string string float string string string float int string string string float string string string float int string int int int int float string int string string string string float float string int string string float int string vector vector float float float int string string string string string vector2 float vector2 vector vector float vector int int float int int vector2 int int string float string string string float int int int surface displacement struct_ShaderLayer } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "specmodel" label "OpenGL Specular Model" type string invisible default { "ggx" } parmtag { "ogl_coat_model" "1" } parmtag { "ogl_spec_model" "1" } } parm { name "coatspecmodel" label "OpenGL Coat Specular Model" type string invisible default { "ggx" } parmtag { "ogl_coat_model" "1" } } parm { name "specular_tint" label "OpenGL Specular Tint" type float invisible default { [ "(1-ch(\"metallic\"))*ch(\"reflecttint\")" hscript-expr ] } range { 0! 1! } parmtag { "units" "" } } group { name "diffuse_folder_15" label "Surface" groupcollapsible { name "folder7" label "Basic" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "basecolor" label "Base Color" type color size 3 default { "0.2" "0.2" "0.2" } disablewhen "{ basecolor_useBaseColor == 0 } { diff_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_amb" "1" } parmtag { "ogl_diff" "1" } parmtag { "ogl_spec" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "albedomult" label "Albedo Multiplier" type float default { "1" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_amb_intensity" "1" } parmtag { "ogl_diff_intensity" "1" } parmtag { "ogl_spec_intensity" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "basecolor_usePointColor" label "Use Point Color" type toggle default { "on" } disablewhen "{ diff_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "basecolor_usePackedColor" label "Use Packed Color" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ diff_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "frontface" label "Shade Both Sides As Front" type toggle default { "on" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupcollapsible { name "folder4" label "Specular" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "ior" label "IOR" type float default { "1.5" } range { 1 3 } parmtag { "ogl_ior" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "rough" label "Roughness" type float default { "0.3" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_diff_rough" "1" } parmtag { "ogl_rough" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "aniso" label "Anisotropy" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "anisodir" label "Anisotropy Direction" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } groupcollapsible { name "folder12" label "Reflection" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "metallic" label "Metallic" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_metallic" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "reflect" label "Reflectivity" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_reflect" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "reflecttint" label "Reflect Tint" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_spectint" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "coat" label "Coat" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_coat_intensity" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "coatrough" label "Coat Roughness" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_coat_rough" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupcollapsible { name "folder13" label "Transparency" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "transparency" label "Transparency" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "ogl_transparency" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "transcolor" label "Transmission Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ transcolor_useBaseColor == 0 } { diff_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "transdist" label "At Distance" type float default { "0.1" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "dispersion" label "Dispersion" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "priority" label "Surface Priority" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "transcolor_usePointColor" label "Use Point Color" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } } groupcollapsible { name "folder8" label "Subsurface Scattering" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "sss" label "Subsurface" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "ssscolor" label "Subsurface Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "sssmodel" label "SSS Mode" type string default { "pbrsss" } menu { "pbrsss" "Full Subsurface Scattering" "pbrsingles" "Single Scattering" "pbrrwalksss" "Random Walk (Karma)" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "sssdist" label "Subsurface Distance" type float default { "0.1" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "sssphase" label "Scattering Phase" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ sssmodel == pbrsss }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "ssscolor_usePointColor" label "Use Point Color" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupcollapsible { name "folder11" label "Sheen" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "sheen" label "Sheen" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "sheentint" label "Sheen Tint" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupcollapsible { name "folder9" label "Emission" parmtag { "group_default" "1" } parm { name "emitint" label 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}" hidewhen "{ metallic_useTexture == 0 }" menu { "0" "Luminance" "1" "Red" "2" "Green" "3" "Blue" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "ogl_metallicmap_comp" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "metallic_textureWrap" label "Wrap" type string joinnext default { "repeat" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" hidewhen "{ metallic_useTexture == 0 }" menu { "repeat" "Repeat" "streak" "Streak" "decal" "Decal" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "metallic_textureColorSpace" label "Source Color Space" type string default { "linear" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ metallic_useTexture == 0 }" menu { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').ocioColorSpaceMenu(include_roles=False,extra_choices=['auto','Automatic','linear','Linear','sRGB','sRGB','rec709','Rec 709','raw','Raw','_separator_','_separator'])\")`" ] } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupsimple { name "folder16" label "Reflectivity" parm { name "reflect_useTexture" label "Use Texture" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" parmtag { "ogl_use_reflect_map" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "reflect_texture" label "Texture" type image default { "" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" hidewhen "{ reflect_useTexture == 0 }" parmtag { "ogl_reflect_map" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "reflect_monoChannel" label "Channel" type integer joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" hidewhen "{ reflect_useTexture == 0 }" menu { "0" "Luminance" "1" "Red" "2" "Green" "3" "Blue" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "ogl_reflect_map_comp" "1" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { 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"script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } } parm { name "attribmode" label "Attribute Mode" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "0" "Index by Attribute" "1" "Match by Attribute" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "attrib" label "Attribute" type string default { "name" } menureplace { [ "kwargs['node'].generateInputAttribMenu(0, max_size=1, array_type=False)" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "invertxform" label "Invert Transformation" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "attribstotransform" label "Attributes to Transform" type string default { "*" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l -a transformbyattrib attribs" ] } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pointvels" label "Point Velocities" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "No Point Velocities" "1" "Instantaneous Point Velocities" "2" "Integrated Point Velocities" } range { 0 10 } } parm { name "integrateovertime" label "Integrate Over Time" type float default { "1/$FPS" } disablewhen "{ pointvels != 2 }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "docopyattribs" label "Copy Template Attributes" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "attribstocopy" label "Attributes to Copy" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ docopyattribs == 0 }" menutoggle { [ "kwargs['node'].generateInputAttribMenu(1)" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "docopygroups" label "Copy Template Groups" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "groupstocopy" label "Groups to Copy" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ docopygroups == 0 }" menutoggle { [ "kwargs['node'].generateInputGroupMenu(1, hou.geometryType.Points, include_name_attrib=False, parm=kwargs['parm'])" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002000000000012expression.func# 0 bytes 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001000000000652obj.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311080 modify 1716311680 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001100000000020obj.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000041obj.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000032obj/testgeometry_crag1.inittype = geo matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003300000001037obj/testgeometry_crag1.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -3.31777 1.76136 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311120 modify 1716311726 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004400000215350obj/testgeometry_crag1.spareparmdef group { name "stdswitcher4" label "Transform" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "xOrd" baseparm label "Transform Order" joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm label "Rotate Order" nolabel export none } parm { name "t" baseparm label "Translate" export all } parm { name "r" baseparm label "Rotate" export all } parm { name "s" baseparm label "Scale" export none } parm { name "p" baseparm label "Pivot Translate" export none } parm { name "pr" baseparm label "Pivot Rotate" export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm label "Uniform Scale" export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm label "Modify Pre-Transform" export none } parm { name "keeppos" baseparm label "Keep Position When Parenting" export none } parm { name "childcomp" baseparm label "Child Compensation" export none } parm { name "constraints_on" baseparm label "Enable Constraints" export none } parm { name "constraints_path" baseparm label "Constraints" export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm label "Look At" invisible export none } parm { name "lookupobjpath" baseparm label "Look Up Object" invisible export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm label "Look At Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm label "Path Object" invisible export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm label "Roll" invisible export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm label "Position" invisible export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm label "Parameterization" invisible export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm label "Orient Along Path" invisible export none } parm { name "up" baseparm label "Orient Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm label "Auto-Bank factor" invisible export none } } group { name "stdswitcher4_1" label "Render" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "shop_materialpath" baseparm label "Material" export none } parm { name "shop_materialopts" baseparm label "Options" invisible export none } parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm label "Display" joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm label "Display" export none } parm { name "viewportlod" label "Display As" type ordinal default { "full" } help "Choose how the object's geometry should be rendered in the viewport" menu { "full" "Full Geometry" "points" "Point Cloud" "box" "Bounding Box" "centroid" "Centroid" "hidden" "Hidden" "subd" "Subdivision Surface / Curves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendervisibility" label "Render Visibility" type string default { "*" } menureplace { "*" "Visible to all" "primary" "Visible only to primary rays" "primary|shadow" "Visible only to primary and shadow rays" "-primary" "Invisible to primary rays (Phantom)" "-diffuse" "Invisible to diffuse rays" "-diffuse&-reflect&-refract" "Invisible to secondary rays" "" "Invisible (Unrenderable)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendervisibility" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubd" label "Render Polygons As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubd" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdstyle" label "Subdivision Style" type string default { "mantra_catclark" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" menu { "mantra_catclark" "Mantra Catmull-Clark" "osd_catclark" "OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdstyle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdgroup" label "Subdivision Group" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdgroup" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_quality" label "Open Subdiv Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_quality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_vtxinterp" label "OSD Vtx Interp" type integer default { "2" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "No vertex interpolation" "1" "Edges only" "2" "Edges and Corners" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_vtxinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_fvarinterp" label "OSD FVar Interp" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "Smooth everywhere" "1" "Sharpen corners only" "2" "Sharpen edges and corners" "3" "Sharpen edges and propagated corners" "4" "Sharpen all boundaries" "5" "Bilinear interpolation" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_fvarinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } group { name "folder0" label "Shading" parm { name "categories" label "Categories" type string default { "" } help "A list of tags which can be used to select the object" parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "reflectmask" label "Reflection Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be reflected on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "refractmask" label "Refraction Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be refracted on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightmask" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights that illuminate this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightcategories" label "Light Selection" type string default { "*" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_lpetag" label "LPE Tag" type string default { "" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "lpetag" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilter" label "Volume Filter" type string default { "box" } menu { "box" "Box Filter" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "sinc" "Sinc (sharpening)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilterwidth" label "Volume Filter Width" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 5 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filterwidth" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_matte" label "Matte shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "matte" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_rayshade" label "Raytrace Shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rayshade" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" parm { name "geo_velocityblur" label "Geometry Velocity Blur" type ordinal default { "off" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" menu { "off" "No Velocity Blur" "on" "Velocity Blur" "accelblur" "Acceleration Blur" } } parm { name "geo_accelattribute" label "Acceleration Attribute" type string default { "accel" } hidewhen "{ geo_velocityblur != accelblur }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingquality" label "Shading Quality" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "shadingquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_flatness" label "Dicing Flatness" type float default { "0.05" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_raypredice" label "Ray Predicing" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Disable Predicing" "1" "Full Predicing" "2" "Precompute Bounds" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raypredice" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_curvesurface" label "Shade Curves As Surfaces" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "curvesurface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Geometry" parm { name "vm_rmbackface" label "Backface Removal" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rmbackface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "shop_geometrypath" label "Procedural Shader" type oppath default { "" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_forcegeometry" label "Force Procedural Geometry Output" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubdcurves" label "Render Polygon Curves As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubdcurves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpoints" label "Render As Points (Mantra)" type integer default { "2" } menu { "0" "No Point Rendering" "1" "Render Only Points" "2" "Render Unconnected Points" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpointsas" label "Render Points As (Mantra)" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" menu { "0" "Spheres" "1" "Circles" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpointsas" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_usenforpoints" label "Use N For Point Rendering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usenforpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pointscale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pointscale" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pscalediameter" label "Treat Point Scale as Diameter Instead of Radius" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pscalediameter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_metavolume" label "Metaballs as Volume" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "metavolume" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_coving" label "Coving" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Disable Coving" "1" "Coving for displacement/sub-d" "2" "Coving for all primitives" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "coving" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_materialoverride" label "Material Override" type string default { "compact" } menu { "none" "Disabled" "full" "Evaluate for Each Primitve/Point" "compact" "Evaluate Once" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_overridedetail" label "Ignore Geometry Attribute Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "overridedetail" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_procuseroottransform" label "Proc Use Root Transform" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "procuseroottransform" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_2" label "Arnold" parm { name "shop_propertiespath" label "Default Properties" type oppath default { "" } help "Specifies a Property SHOP that is used to resolve rendering parameter values. At render time, this SHOP (if given) is used to resolve rendering parameter values first, before looking for then on the objects being rendered." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/PROPERTIES!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shaders" } } parm { name "ar_user_options" label "User Options" type string joinnext default { "" } help "This string is passed to AiNodeSetAttributes() ont the Arnold node. It can contain any number of parameter/value pairs separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) as found in .ass files." disablewhen "{ ar_user_options_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_user_options_enable" label "Enable" type toggle default { "0" } help "Overrides the value of any parameter of the Arnold node." } group { name "folder_subdivision" label "Subdivision" parm { name "ar_subdiv_type" label "Type" type string default { "none" } help "Subdivision algorithm. None ignores any subdivision and renders the mesh as it is. Linear subdivision puts vertices in the middle of each face. The Catmull-Clark algorithm is used to create smooth surfaces by recursive subdivision surface modeling. The resulting surface will always consist of a mesh of quadrilateral faces." menu { "none" "None" "catclark" "Catmull-Clark" "linear" "Linear" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_iterations" label "Iterations" type integer default { "1" } help "The number of iterations / levels of subdivision. With Catmull-Clark subdivision, increasing the number of iterations produces a smoother mesh." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_adaptive_metric" label "Adaptive Metric" type string joinnext default { "auto" } help "The adaptive subdivision criterion. Auto subdiv will choose between the EDGELENGTH mode and the FLATNESS depending on the displacement property of the polymesh. This means that if there is a displacement it will use the EDGELENGTH algorithm. If there is not displacement (or it is ignored in the global options) it will use FLATNESS." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" menu { "auto" "Auto" "edge_length" "Edge Length" "flatness" "Flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_adaptive_error" label " Error" type float default { "0" } help "The \"adaptive error\" refers to the acceptable tessellation error as seen from the camera. If there's no displacement, then the error represents the distance from the subdivided mesh to the \"true\" or \"limit\" surface -- sort of a \"flatness\" heuristic. The smaller the error, the closer to the limit surface a mesh will be and the less inter-frame popping when the subdivision level jumps. If displacement is enabled, then the error represents the final size of the subdivided quads. A value of 0 disables adaptive subdivision." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_adaptive_space" label "Adaptive Space" type string default { "raster" } help "The space in which the adaptive metric is evaluated." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" menu { "raster" "Raster" "object" "Object" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_uv_smoothing" label "UV Smoothing" type string joinnext default { "pin_corners" } help "UV smoothing algorithm." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" menu { "pin_corners" "Pin Corners" "pin_borders" "Pin Borders" "linear" "Linear" "smooth" "Smooth" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_smooth_derivs" label "Smooth Derivatives" type toggle default { "0" } help "This option makes it possible to remove the faceted appearance from anisotropic speculars. The object must have a valid UV map for this option to work and only works if you apply at least one subdivision level to the geometry." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_merge_vertex_indices" label "Merge Vertex Indices" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable merging of the indices and data of coincident and identical vertex attribute values (UVs, normals, vertex user data). This allows the proper interpolation of vertex attributes when subdividing, and yields more compact render scenes in memory and on disk, at the cost of a slower export." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_ignore" label "Ignore Frustum Culling" type toggle default { "0" } help "Subdivision surfaces outside the view or dicing camera frustum will not be subdivided. This can be turned on globally by enabling subdiv_frustum_culling on the ROP and can be turned off for specific meshes by setting subdiv_frustum_ignore true." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_1" label "Displacement" parm { name "ar_disp_height" label "Height" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_disp_zero_value" label "Zero Value" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_disp_padding" label "Bounds Padding" type float default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_disp_autobump" label "Autobump" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } groupcollapsible { name "folder_autobump" label "Autobump Visibility" parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_camera" label "Camera" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle autobump for camera rays (i.e. primary or view rays)." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_shadow" label "Shadow" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for shadow rays fired in the direct lighting calculations." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_transmit" label "Diffuse Transmission" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect diffuse transmission rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_specular_transmit" label "Specular Transmission" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect specular transmission rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_reflect" label "Diffuse Reflection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect diffuse reflection rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_specular_reflect" label "Specular Reflection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect specular reflection rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_volume" label "Volume Scattering" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect volume scattering rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_subsurface" label "Subsurface" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for subsurface rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_2" label "Shapes" parm { name "ar_min_pixel_width" label "Minimum Pixel Width" type float default { "0" } help "If this value is non-zero, points or curves with a small on-screen width will be automatically enlarged so that they are at least the specified size in pixels. The enlargement fraction is then used in the hair shader to adjust the opacity so that the visible thickness of the hair remains the same. For a given number of AA samples, this makes it a lot easier to antialias fine hair, at the expense of render time (because of the additional transparency/depth complexity). Good values are in the range 0.2 to 0.7. Values closer to 0 are faster to render but need more AA samples. So if your scene already uses very high AA settings, you should use a low value like 0.1. For best results, you may need to increase the auto-transparency depth, and/or lower the auto-transparency threshold, but watch the effect on render times. Note that this parameter currently works with the ribbon mode only." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Curves" } } parm { name "ar_radius" label "Default Radius" type float default { "0.05" } help "Sets the default rendered radius of points or thickness of curves. This property can be overridden per point with the \"ar_radius\", \"pscale\" or \"width\" (curves only) attributes." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "units" "m1" } } group { name "folder_points" label "Points" parm { name "ar_mode" label "Mode" type ordinal default { "sphere" } help "Rendering mode for points or particles. Can be spheres, or camera-facing disks or quads." menu { "disk" "Disk" "sphere" "Sphere" "quad" "Quad" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_point_scale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } help "A global scale factor applied to points." range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "ar_aspect" label "Aspect" type log default { "1" } help "The aspect ratio for quads. This property can be overrriden per point by setting the \"ar_aspect\" or \"spritescale\" attributes on the geometry." disablewhen "{ ar_mode != quad }" range { 0.1 10 } } parm { name "ar_rotation" label "Rotation" type angle default { "0" } help "The rotation angle in degrees for quads. This property can be overrriden per point by setting the \"ar_rotation\" or the \"spriterot\" attributes on the geometry." disablewhen "{ ar_mode != quad }" range { -180 180 } } } group { name "folder_points_1" label "Curves" parm { name "ar_curves_basis" label "Basis" type string default { "auto" } help "The curves basis to interpret the knots of the input curves or open polygons. When set to \"Automatic\", the basis will attempt to match the closest equivalent in Arnold, ie. linear for open polygons, Bezier for Bezier curves and B-spline for NURBS." menu { "bezier" "Bezier" "b-spline" "B-Spline" "catmull-rom" "Catmull-Rom" "linear" "Linear" "auto" "Automatic" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Curves" } } parm { name "ar_curves_mode" label "Mode" type string default { "ribbon" } help "- Ribbon: This mode is recommended for fine geometry such as realistic hair, fur or fields of grass. These curves are rendered as camera-facing flat ribbons. For secondary and shadow rays, they face the incoming ray direction. This mode doesn't look so good for very wide hairs or dramatic zoom-ins because of the flat appearance. This mode works best with a proper hair shader (perhaps based on a Kay-Kajiya or Marschner specular model).\\n\\n- Thick: This mode resembles spaghetti. It has a circular cross section, and a normal vector that varies across the width of the hair. Thick hairs look great when zoomed in, and are specially useful for effects work, but their varying normals make them more difficult to antialias when they are small. You can use any shader with this rendering mode, including lambert, phong, etc.\\n\\n- Oriented: This mode is similar to the ribbons mode, but you can set the ribbon orientation for each knot with an \"ar_orientations\" vector attribute representing the direction of the normal of the ribbon. This mode can be useful to render grass strands for example." menu { "ribbon" "Ribbon" "thick" "Thick" "oriented" "Oriented " } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Curves" } } } group { name "folder_points_2" label "Volumes" parm { name "ar_step_size" label "Volume Step Size" type float default { "0" } help "When ar_step_size is set to a value other than zero, then points rendered as spheres, particles and polymeshes will be rendered as volumes." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_volume_padding" label "Volume Padding" type float default { "0" } help "When rendering particles or polymeshes as volumes (when ar_step_size is non-zero), ar_volume_padding will provide extra the volume padding specified for displacement requirements" disablewhen "{ ar_step_size == 0 }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "label_volume" label "Label" type label nolabel default { "" } } parm { name "label_volume2" label "Label" type label nolabel default { "Points and polymeshes are rendered as volumes if Step Size > 0" } } } group { name "folder_points_3" label " VDB " parm { name "ar_vdb_file_enable" label "Export VDB File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Export the VDB primitives as a VDB file and reference the file in the Arnold volume." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_vdb_file" label "Save to File" type file default { "$HIP/`pythonexprs(\"hou.pwd().path()[1:].replace('/', '_')\")`.$F4.vdb" } help "The OpenVDB file name that the VDB primitves will be written to, and that will be referenced by the Arnold volume instead of attaching the volume data." disablewhen "{ ar_vdb_file_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.vdb" } } parm { name "ar_grids" label "Export Grids" type string default { "*" } help "The VDB grids to export and make available in the volume shading context." menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.vdbGridMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa').properties.vdbAutoStepSizeCallback()" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "ar_velocity_grids" label "Velocity Grids" type string default { "*" } help "Select 1 vector or 3 float grids representing velocity for motion blur." menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.vdbGridMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_velocity_scale" label "Velocity Scale" type log default { "1" } help "Scale the velocities by this factor." disablewhen "{ ar_velocity_grids == \"\" }" range { 0.1 10 } } parm { name "ar_velocity_threshold" label "Velocity Threshold" type log default { "0.001" } help "Controls filtering of noisy velocities. The default value 0.001 should have little to no visual impact, setting it to zero disables filtering entirely." disablewhen "{ ar_velocity_grids == \"\" }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "ar_padding" label "Bounds Padding" type float default { "0" } help "Extra padding for the volume bounds" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_step_size_type" label "Volume Step" type ordinal joinnext default { "0" } help "When set to auto, the step size is automatically determined by the volume plugin, yielding the minimum voxel size." menu { "auto" "Automatic " "custom" "Custom" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa').properties.vdbAutoStepSizeCallback()" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "ar_vdb_step_size" label " Step Size" type float default { "0.02" } help "The ray marching step size. When the step type is auto, this indicates the computed step size, the minimum voxel size." disablewhen "{ ar_step_size_type == auto }" range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "ar_step_scale" label "Step Scale" type log default { "1" } help "Multiply the step size by this factor, including when it's automatically detected." range { 0.1! 10 } } parm { name "ar_compress" label "Compress" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Optimize voxel storage to reduce memory usage." range { 0 1 } } } group { name "folder_points_4" label "Tessellation" parm { name "ar_tessellation_enable" label "Tessellate Primitives" type toggle default { "1" } help "Tessellate Houdini primitives such as NURBS, Bezier meshes, circles, tubes or spheres prior to sending to Arnold." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_use_rop == 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_style" label "Tessellation Style" type string invisible default { "lod" } help "Specifies the conversion style for the geometry. The default is\"Level of Detail\". Can be one of the following:\\n- Level of Detail: Tessellate geometry using the level of detail settings.\\n- Divisions: Tessellate geometry based on the number of divisions settings." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" menu { "lod" "Level of Detail" "div" "Divisions" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_ulod" label "U Level of Detail" type float default { "1" } help "Specifies the level of detail for U subdivisions of the surface being converted. Applicable only when conversion method is set to Level of Detail. Defaults to 1.0." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_tessellation_style != lod }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_vlod" label "V Level of Detail" type float default { "1" } help "Specifies the level of detail for V subdivisions of the surface being converted. Applicable only when conversion method is set to Level of Detail. Defaults to 1.0." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_tessellation_style != lod }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_trimlod" label "Trim Level of Detail" type float default { "1" } help "Specifies the level of detail for trim curves of the surface being converted. Applicable only when conversion method is set to Level of Detail. Defaults to 1.0." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_tessellation_style != lod }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } } group { name "folder_points_5" label "Procedurals" parm { name "ar_operator_graph_enable" label "Enable Operator Graph" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } help "Enables the operator graph on procedurals in this OBJ node." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_operator_graph" label "Operator Graph" type oppath default { "" } help "Specify an operator ROP graph to connect to procedurals created by this OBJ node." disablewhen "{ ar_operator_graph_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!ROP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_3" label "Attributes" parm { name "ar_toon_id" label "Toon ID Group" type string default { "" } help "Objects in the same toon ID group will be rendered with the same silhouette, if the user_id attribute is set on the toon shader" } parm { name "ar_attributes_detail" label "Detail Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of details attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.detailAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } parm { name "ar_attributes_primitive" label "Primitive Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of primitive attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.primitiveAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } parm { name "ar_attributes_point" label "Point Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of point attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.pointAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } parm { name "ar_attributes_vertex" label "Vertex Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of vertex attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.vertexAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_4" label "Motion Blur" parm { name "ar_transform_type" label "Transform Type" type ordinal default { "2" } help "The type of motion for the transformation of the object, as a hint for the matrix interpolation for transformation motion blur." menu { "linear" "Linear" "rotate_about_origin" "Rotate About Origin" "rotate_about_center" "Rotate About Center" } range { 0 2 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys_override" label "Transform Keys Override" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Override the ROP settings for Transform Keys." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys" label "Transform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for matrix transformation. Transformation motion blur is calculated based on a linear interpolation of an object transform matrix, between successive motion keys. Increasing this value will add extra steps, which can improve the blurred result, especially for rotating objects. The default is 2, which results in straight lines of blur between shutter start and shutter end." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_keys_override == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys_override" label "Deform Keys Override" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Override the ROP settings for Transform Keys." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys" label "Deform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for object points. Just like with transformation motion keys, increasing this value allows curved motion paths to be rendered more accurately, at the expense of using more memory." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_dform_keys_override == 0 } { ar_mb_velocity_enable == 1 ar_mb_acceleration_enable != 1 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_velocity_enable" label "Velocity Blur Enable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Deformation blur will be computed from the \"v\" point attribute." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_velocity_attribute" label "Velocity Blur" type string default { "v" } help "The velocity point attribute to use for velocity blur. The Houdini convention is 'v'." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_velocity_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "geometry = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry()" ] [ "if not geometry:" ] [ " return []" ] [ "menu_items = []" ] [ "for attr in geometry.pointAttribs():" ] [ " if not attr.name() in ('P', 'Pw'):" ] [ " menu_items += [attr.name(), '%s\\t %s[%i]' % (attr.name(), attr.dataType().name().lower(), attr.size())]" ] [ "return menu_items" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_mb_acceleration_enable" label "Acceleration Blur Enable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_velocity_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_mb_acceleration_attribute" label "Acceleration Blur" type string default { "force" } help "The acceleration point attribute to use for acceleration blur. The Houdini convention is 'force' or 'accel'. If you use use 'force' ensure you divide by the mass." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_velocity_enable == 0 } { ar_mb_acceleration_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "geometry = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry()" ] [ "if not geometry:" ] [ " return []" ] [ "menu_items = []" ] [ "for attr in geometry.pointAttribs():" ] [ " if not attr.name() in ('P', 'Pw'):" ] [ " menu_items += [attr.name(), '%s\\t %s[%i]' % (attr.name(), attr.dataType().name().lower(), attr.size())]" ] [ "return menu_items" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_5" label "Visibility" parm { name "ar_visibility_camera" label "Visible to Camera Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for camera rays (i.e. primary or view rays)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_shadow" label "Visible to Shadow Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for shadow rays fired in the direct lighting calculations." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_diffuse_transmit" label "Visible to Diffuse Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect diffuse transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_specular_transmit" label "Visible to Specular Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect specular transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_diffuse_reflect" label "Visible to Diffuse Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect diffuse reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_specular_reflect" label "Visible to Specular Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect specular reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_volume" label "Visible to Volume Scattering Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect volume scattering rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_receive_shadows" label "Receive Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable/disable received shadows over the object." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_self_shadows" label "Self Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable/disable self-shadowing over the object." disablewhen "{ ar_receive_shadows == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_opaque" label "Opaque" type toggle default { "1" } help "By default, Arnold will assume that objects are opaque, which lets the renderer take certain shortcuts and optimizations for maximum ray tracing speed. When this option is unchecked, the object is assumed as \"possibly transparent\", and Arnold will perform extra computations to support transparency and transparent shadows, according to the shader's opacity settings." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_matte" label "Matte" type toggle default { "0" } help "Output black and zero alpha for camera rays to create a holdout." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_skip" label "Skip" type toggle default { "0" } help "Do not output this object regardless of it being forced or not." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_use_light_group" label "Use Light Group" type toggle invisible nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_light_group" label "Light Group" type oplist invisible default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_use_light_group == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/" } } parm { name "ar_use_shadow_group" label "Use Shadow Group" type toggle invisible nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_shadow_group" label "Shadow Group" type oplist invisible default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_use_shadow_group == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/" } } parm { name "ar_trace_sets" label "Trace Sets" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa.properties').properties.tracesetMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_sss_setname" label "SSS Set" type string default { "" } help "Use this parameter to tag multiple objects as belonging to the same SSS set so that illumination will blur across object boundaries. A common use case might be blurring between teeth and gum geometry. This feature is only available when using raytraced SSS." menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa.properties').properties.sssMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_6" label "Normals" parm { name "ar_smoothing" label "Smoothing" type toggle default { "1" } help "Smooth/Flat normals." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "ar_invert_normals" label "Invert Normals" type toggle default { "0" } help "Invert normals" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_camera" label "Double-sided for Camera Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for camera rays (i.e. primary or view rays)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_shadow" label "Double-sided for Shadow Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for shadow rays fired in the direct lighting calculations." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_diffuse_transmit" label "Double-sided for Diffuse Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect diffuse transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_specular_transmit" label "Double-sided for Specular Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect specular transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_diffuse_reflect" label "Double-sided for Diffuse Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect diffuse reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_specular_reflect" label "Double-sided for Specular Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect specular reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_volume" label "Double-sided for Volume Scattering Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect volume scattering rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_3" label "Misc" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm label "Set Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm label "Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm label "Viewport Selecting Enabled" export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm label "Select Script" export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm label "Cache Object Transform" export none } parm { name "vport_shadeopen" baseparm label "Shade Open Curves In Viewport" export none } parm { name "vport_displayassubdiv" baseparm label "Display as Subdivision in Viewport" invisible export none } parm { name "vport_onionskin" baseparm label "Onion Skinning" export none } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003300000001162obj/testgeometry_crag1.chn{ channel ar_matte { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { options = { untie iv ov is os ia oa } length = 0 expr = ch(\"vm_matte\") } } channel ar_mb_velocity_enable { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { options = { untie iv ov is os ia oa } length = 0 expr = ch(\"geo_velocityblur\") } } channel ar_point_scale { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { options = { untie iv ov is os ia oa } length = 0 expr = ch(\"vm_pointscale\") } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000015677obj/testgeometry_crag1.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) childcomp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_on [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookupobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) shop_materialpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /obj/matnet1/clay ) shop_materialopts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vport_shadeopen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_displayassubdiv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_onionskin [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) stdswitcher4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 ) viewportlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "full" ) vm_rendervisibility [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_rendersubd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_subdstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mantra_catclark ) vm_subdgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_osd_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_osd_vtxinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_osd_fvarinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) categories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) reflectmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) refractmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightcategories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_lpetag [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_volumefilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) vm_volumefilterwidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rayshade [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_velocityblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_accelattribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( accel ) vm_shadingquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_flatness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.05 ) vm_raypredice [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_curvesurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rmbackface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shop_geometrypath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_forcegeometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_rendersubdcurves [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_renderpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_renderpointsas [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_usenforpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_pointscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_pscalediameter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_metavolume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_coving [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_materialoverride [ 0 locks=0 ] ( compact ) vm_overridedetail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_procuseroottransform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) shop_propertiespath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) folder_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ) ar_subdiv_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( none ) ar_subdiv_iterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_subdiv_adaptive_metric [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_subdiv_adaptive_error [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_subdiv_adaptive_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( raster ) ar_subdiv_uv_smoothing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( pin_corners ) ar_subdiv_smooth_derivs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_merge_vertex_indices [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_ignore [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_disp_height [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_disp_zero_value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_disp_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_disp_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) folder_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_autobump_visibility_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_autobump_visibility_shadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_specular_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_specular_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_subsurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_min_pixel_width [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.05 ) folder_points [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ar_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "sphere" ) ar_point_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_point_scale 1 ] ) ar_aspect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_curves_basis [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_curves_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ribbon ) ar_step_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_volume_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) label_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) label_volume2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Points and polymeshes are rendered as volumes if Step Size > 0" ) ar_vdb_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_vdb_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "$HIP/`pythonexprs(\"hou.pwd().path()[1:].replace('/', '_')\")`.$F4.vdb" ) ar_grids [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_velocity_grids [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_velocity_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_velocity_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_step_size_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "auto" ) ar_vdb_step_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.02 ) ar_step_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_compress [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tessellation_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tessellation_style [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lod ) ar_tessellation_ulod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_tessellation_vlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_tessellation_trimlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_operator_graph_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_operator_graph [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_toon_id [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_attributes_detail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_attributes_primitive [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_attributes_point [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_attributes_vertex [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_transform_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "rotate_about_center" ) ar_mb_xform_keys_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_xform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_dform_keys_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_dform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_velocity_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_mb_velocity_enable 0 ] ) ar_mb_velocity_attribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( v ) ar_mb_acceleration_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_acceleration_attribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( force ) ar_visibility_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_shadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_diffuse_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_specular_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_diffuse_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_specular_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_receive_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_self_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_opaque [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_matte 0 ] ) ar_skip [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_use_light_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_light_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_use_shadow_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_shadow_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_trace_sets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_sss_setname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_smoothing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_invert_normals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_sidedness_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_shadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_diffuse_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_specular_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_diffuse_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_specular_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004000000000041obj/testgeometry_crag1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005700000000050obj/testgeometry_crag1/testgeometry_crag1.inittype = testgeometry_crag matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005600000000715obj/testgeometry_crag1/testgeometry_crag1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311120 modify 1716311719 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005600000000211obj/testgeometry_crag1/testgeometry_crag1.chn{ channel frame { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = $FF } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005700000000344obj/testgeometry_crag1/testgeometry_crag1.parm{ version 0.8 t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) hammer [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) restpose [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) frame [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ frame 0 ] ) addshader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006300000000132obj/testgeometry_crag1/testgeometry_crag1.userdata ___Version______toolcount___1 ___toolid___sop_testgeometry_crag0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002100000000035obj/matnet1.inittype = matnet matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002000000000672obj/matnet1.defcomment "" position -5.72018 1.46849 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311349 modify 1716311407 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.3 0.5 0.65 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002100000000020obj/matnet1.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000000041obj/matnet1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003000000000055obj/matnet1/chrome.inittype = arnold_materialbuilder matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000000760obj/matnet1/chrome.defcomment "" position -5.52494 1.52551 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311358 modify 1716312502 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003000000000020obj/matnet1/chrome.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000041obj/matnet1/chrome.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004500000000046obj/matnet1/chrome/OUT_material.inittype = arnold_material matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004400000001040obj/matnet1/chrome/OUT_material.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 standard_surface1 0 1 "surface" } inputs { 0 standard_surface1 0 1 } stat { create 1716311358 modify 1716311960 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004500000000020obj/matnet1/chrome/OUT_material.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005100000000041obj/matnet1/chrome/OUT_material.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005200000000057obj/matnet1/chrome/standard_surface1.inittype = arnold::standard_surface matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005100000000777obj/matnet1/chrome/standard_surface1.defcomment "" position -2.37941 -1.39588 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail on highdetail off material off outputsNamed3 { 0 "shader" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311618 modify 1716311999 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005200000006030obj/matnet1/chrome/standard_surface1.parm{ version 0.8 base_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) base [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) base_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 0.800000011920929 ) diffuse_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) metalness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) specular_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) specular_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) specular_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.20000000298023224 ) specular_IOR [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) specular_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) specular_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) transmission_sep1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) transmission_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_scatter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) transmission_scatter_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_sep2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) transmission_dispersion [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_extra_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmit_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) transmission_sep3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) dielectric_priority [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) subsurface_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) subsurface_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( randomwalk ) subsurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) subsurface_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) subsurface_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) subsurface_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) subsurface_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) coat_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000149011612 ) coat_IOR [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) coat_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_normal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) coat_affect_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_affect_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) thin_film_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) thin_film_thickness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) thin_film_IOR [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) sheen_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sheen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sheen_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) sheen_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.30000001192092896 ) emission_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) emission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) emission_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) geometry_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) opacity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) normal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) tangent [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) thin_walled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) aov_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) aov_id1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id8 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id8 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) advanced_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) indirect_diffuse [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) indirect_specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) caustics [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) internal_reflections [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) exit_to_background [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005600000000041obj/matnet1/chrome/standard_surface1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002600000000055obj/matnet1/clay.inittype = arnold_materialbuilder matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000000765obj/matnet1/clay.defcomment "" position -5.52494 -0.0201763 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311375 modify 1716311714 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002600000000020obj/matnet1/clay.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003200000000041obj/matnet1/clay.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000000046obj/matnet1/clay/OUT_material.inittype = arnold_material matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004200000001040obj/matnet1/clay/OUT_material.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 standard_surface1 0 1 "surface" } inputs { 0 standard_surface1 0 1 } stat { create 1716311375 modify 1716311552 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000000020obj/matnet1/clay/OUT_material.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004700000000041obj/matnet1/clay/OUT_material.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005000000000057obj/matnet1/clay/standard_surface1.inittype = arnold::standard_surface matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004700000000774obj/matnet1/clay/standard_surface1.defcomment "" position -2.81471 -0.15 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail on highdetail off material off outputsNamed3 { 0 "shader" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311376 modify 1716311552 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005000000006122obj/matnet1/clay/standard_surface1.parm{ version 0.8 base_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) base [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) base_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3094688951969147 0.04970654845237732 0.013702080585062504 ) diffuse_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) metalness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) specular_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) specular_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) specular_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.4000000059604645 ) specular_IOR [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5199999809265137 ) specular_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) specular_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) transmission_sep1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) transmission_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_scatter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) transmission_scatter_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_sep2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) transmission_dispersion [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmission_extra_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) transmit_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) transmission_sep3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) dielectric_priority [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) subsurface_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) subsurface_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( randomwalk ) subsurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) subsurface_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) subsurface_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000149011612 0.10000000149011612 0.10000000149011612 ) subsurface_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) subsurface_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) coat_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_IOR [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) coat_anisotropy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_normal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) coat_affect_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) coat_affect_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) thin_film_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) thin_film_thickness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) thin_film_IOR [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) sheen_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sheen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sheen_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) sheen_roughness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.30000001192092896 ) emission_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) emission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) emission_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) geometry_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) opacity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) normal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) tangent [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) thin_walled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) aov_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) aov_id1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) sep7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) aov_id8 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) id8 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) advanced_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) indirect_diffuse [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) indirect_specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) caustics [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) internal_reflections [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) exit_to_background [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005400000000041obj/matnet1/clay/standard_surface1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000000043obj/arnold_light2.inittype = arnold_light matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002600000001037obj/arnold_light2.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -0.3906 0.761148 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311568 modify 1716311999 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002600000011347obj/arnold_light2.chn{ channel sx { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel sy { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel sz { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel scale { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel ar_color_family { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" language = python } } channel normalizearea { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_normalize\") } } channel shadow_type { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_cast_shadows\") } } channel shadow_intensity { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_shadow_density\") } } channel projection { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(strcmp(chs('light_type'), 'distant') == 0, 1, 0)" } } channel areasize1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 0, if(ch(\"ar_point_radius\")==0, 0, ch(\"ar_point_radius\")), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 1, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 2, if(ch(\"ar_spot_radius\")==0, 0, ch(\"ar_spot_radius\")), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 3, ch(\"ar_quad_sizex\"), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 4, ch(\"ar_disk_radius\")*2, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 5, ch(\"ar_height\"), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 6, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 7, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 8, 1, 1)))))))))" } } channel areasize2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 0, if(ch(\"ar_point_radius\")==0, 0, ch(\"ar_point_radius\")), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 1, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 2, if(ch(\"ar_spot_radius\")==0, 0, ch(\"ar_spot_radius\")), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 3, ch(\"ar_quad_sizey\"), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 4, ch(\"ar_disk_radius\")*2, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 5, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 6, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 7, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 8, 1, 1)))))))))" } } channel conedelta { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_penumbra_angle\") } } channel coneangle { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_cone_angle\")-(2*ch(\"ar_penumbra_angle\")) } } channel light_contribdiff { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "ch(\"ar_diffuse\") != 0" } } channel light_contribspec { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "ch(\"ar_specular\") != 0" } } channel light_colorr { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_colorr\") } } channel light_colorg { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_colorg\") } } channel light_colorb { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_colorb\") } } channel light_intensity { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_intensity\")*(2^ch(\"ar_exposure\")) } } channel coneenable { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 2, 1, 0)" } } channel light_type { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 0, if(ch(\"ar_point_radius\")==0, 0, 4), if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 1, 6, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 2, 0, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 3, 2, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 4, 3, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 5, 1, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 6, 8, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 7, 8, if(ch(\"ar_light_type\") == 8, 5, 8)))))))))" } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000012435obj/arnold_light2.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ sx 1 ] [ sy 1 ] [ sz 1 ] ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ scale 1 ] ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) childcomp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_on [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookupobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) dimmer [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) folder2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ar_light_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "skydome" ) light_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_light_color_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "shader" ) ar_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1000 ) ar_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "angular" ) ar_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) ar_light_color_texture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" ] ) ar_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_autotx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_light_color_texture_refresh [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_light_color_shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( shopnet/arnold_vopnet/OUT_light ) ar_intensity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_exposure [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_volume_density [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_volume_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_point_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_photometric_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_quad_roundness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_spot_roundness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_soft_edge [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_spread [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_angle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_cone_angle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 65 ) ar_penumbra_angle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_spot_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_lens_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_aspect_ratio [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_quad_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 ) ar_disk_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) ar_cylinder_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_height [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mesh [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_filename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_portal_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "interior_only" ) ar_normalize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_portal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) categories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) shop_lightpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) shop_shadowpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) shadowmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_shadow_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) ar_shadow_density [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_cast_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_cast_volumetric_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_light_filters [ 0 locks=0 ] ( shopnet/arnold_vopnet/OUT_light ) ar_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_diffuse [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_transmission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_sss [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_indirect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_max_bounces [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 999 ) ar_aov [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_aov_indirect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_light_group_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_light_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) l_iconscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ogl_enablelight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) intothisobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) light_texture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) areageometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) singlesided [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) normalizearea [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ normalizearea 0 ] ) atten_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "physical" ) shadow_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ shadow_type 0 ] ) shadow_intensity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ shadow_intensity 0 ] ) projection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ projection 0 ] ) light_conefov [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) orthowidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) areasize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ areasize1 0 ] [ areasize2 0 ] ) coneroll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) conedelta [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ conedelta 0 ] ) coneangle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ coneangle 0 ] ) light_contribdiff [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ light_contribdiff 0 ] ) light_contribspec [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ light_contribspec 0 ] ) light_color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ light_colorr 0 ] [ light_colorg 0 ] [ light_colorb 0 ] ) light_intensity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ light_intensity 0 ] ) coneenable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ coneenable 0 ] ) light_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ light_type 0 ] ) folder0_2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) atten_folder_2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) light_fov [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 45 ) projmap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) near [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) far [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10000 ) areamap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) areamapspace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( space:object ) areamapnull [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) areamapblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) areamapscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) atten_dist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) atten_start [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) activeradiusenable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) activeradius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 100 ) attenrampenable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) atten_rampstart [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) atten_rampend [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 100 ) attenramp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) attenramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) attenramp1c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) attenramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) attenramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.899999976 ) attenramp2c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) attenramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) attenramp3pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) attenramp3c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) attenramp3interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003300000000031obj/arnold_light2.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005400000000722obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet.defcomment "" position 2.51755 1.51762 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "Material Shader" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1359510514 modify 1716311581 author fred@precision.solidangle.com access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005500000000020obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006100000000041obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006700000000043obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/OUT_light.inittype = arnold_light matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006600000001052obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/OUT_light.defcomment "" position 3.70855 3.07458 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault off exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 physical_sky1 0 1 "color" } inputs { 0 physical_sky1 0 1 } stat { create 1368456356 modify 1716311670 author fred@precision.solidangle.com access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006700000000020obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/OUT_light.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600007300000000041obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/OUT_light.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600007300000000053obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/physical_sky1.inittype = arnold::physical_sky matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600007200000000773obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/physical_sky1.defcomment "" position 1.08796 3.07458 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { 0 "rgba" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311581 modify 1716311999 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600007300000001251obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/physical_sky1.parm{ version 0.8 use_degrees [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) azimuth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 90 ) elevation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 19.01 ) sun_direction [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) enable_sun [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) sun_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5099999904632568 ) sun_tint [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) enable_sky [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) sky_tint [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) ground_albedo [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000149011612 0.10000000149011612 0.10000000149011612 ) intensity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 8 ) turbidity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) X [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 0 ) Y [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) Z [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 1 ) rgba [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) g [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) b [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) a [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600007700000000041obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet/physical_sky1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001000000000656out.defcomment "" position 0 1.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311080 modify 1716315905 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001100000000020out.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000041out.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000000532out/__netbox1.netboxinit2 2 { autofit := 0; color := "UT_Color RGB 0.29 0.565 0.886 "; comment := "Denoise IPR with an imager"; height := 4.880722955885597; minimized := 0; width := 9.180512550962073; x_position := -5.064099467525388; y_position := -1.5861307453831075; } { create 1716312613 modify 1716315878 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000000561out/__netbox2.netboxinit2 2 { autofit := 0; color := "UT_Color RGB 0.565 0.494 0.863 "; comment := "Denoise with noice as a post process on disk EXRs"; height := 4.880722955885597; minimized := 0; width := 7.405978148422494; x_position := 4.873318978548952; y_position := -1.5861307453831075; } { create 1716313963 modify 1716315905 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000000041out/__stickynote1.postitinittype = postitnote matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000756out/__stickynote1.postitdeftext "The imager method doesn't support temporal denoising (but is useful for single frame IPR). Note that the denoising happens *after* the noisy IPR render has completed and will update the render view when it's done - unlike the intel denoiser, which denoises each iteration instantly. " position -4.83859 -1.14923 size 4.79412 2.46095 flags = minimize off stat { create 1716312815 modify 1716314247 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.584 0.776 1 end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003700000000012out/__stickynote1.postitnetbox__netbox1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000000041out/__stickynote2.postitinittype = postitnote matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000453out/__stickynote2.postitdeftext "When rendering animations, make sure to set the temporal padding parameter on the denoiser ROP" position 9.28111 -1.14863 size 2.5 2.5 flags = minimize off stat { create 1716315270 modify 1716315318 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.565 0.494 0.863 end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003700000000012out/__stickynote2.postitnetbox__netbox2 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000000053out/arnold_imager_noice.inittype = arnold_imagerbuilder matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000761out/arnold_imager_noice.defcomment "" position -0.678 2.66705 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716312609 modify 1716313941 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000000020out/arnold_imager_noice.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003700000000012out/arnold_imager_noice.netbox__netbox1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004100000000041out/arnold_imager_noice.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005000000000044out/arnold_imager_noice/OUT_imager.inittype = arnold_imager matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004700000001050out/arnold_imager_noice/OUT_imager.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 imager_denoiser_noice1 0 1 "input" } inputs { 0 imager_denoiser_noice1 0 1 } stat { create 1716312609 modify 1716313932 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005000000000020out/arnold_imager_noice/OUT_imager.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005400000000041out/arnold_imager_noice/OUT_imager.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006400000000064out/arnold_imager_noice/imager_denoiser_noice1.inittype = arnold::imager_denoiser_noice matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006300000001002out/arnold_imager_noice/imager_denoiser_noice1.defcomment "" position -2.93235 2.77556e-17 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { 0 "output" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716312620 modify 1716313801 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006400000000334out/arnold_imager_noice/imager_denoiser_noice1.parm{ version 0.8 layer_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( RGBA ) output_suffix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) patch_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) search_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 9 ) tile_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 64 ) variance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.25 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600007000000000041out/arnold_imager_noice/imager_denoiser_noice1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001000000000655vex.defcomment "" position 0 6 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311081 modify 1716311344 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001100000000020vex.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000041vex.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001000000000657mat.defcomment "" position 0 3.75 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311081 modify 1716311406 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001100000000020mat.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000041mat.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003700000000054mat/arnold_default_imager.inittype = arnold_imager_builder matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003600000000746mat/arnold_default_imager.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed off lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311406 modify 1716311411 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003700000000020mat/arnold_default_imager.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000000041mat/arnold_default_imager.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005200000000044mat/arnold_default_imager/OUT_imager.inittype = arnold_imager matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005100000001040mat/arnold_default_imager/OUT_imager.defcomment "" position 0 5.55112e-17 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 oidn_denoiser 0 1 "input" } inputs { 0 oidn_denoiser 0 1 } stat { create 1716311406 modify 1716311413 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005200000000020mat/arnold_default_imager/OUT_imager.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005600000000041mat/arnold_default_imager/OUT_imager.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005500000000063mat/arnold_default_imager/oidn_denoiser.inittype = arnold::imager_denoiser_oidn matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005400000001001mat/arnold_default_imager/oidn_denoiser.defcomment "" position -2.6559 5.55112e-17 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material off outputsNamed3 { 0 "output" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311406 modify 1716311408 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005500000000255mat/arnold_default_imager/oidn_denoiser.parm{ version 0.8 render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) layer_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( RGBA ) output_suffix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) albedo [ 0 locks=0 ] ( denoise_albedo_noisy ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600006100000000041mat/arnold_default_imager/oidn_denoiser.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000000034obj/testgeometry_crag1/trail1.inittype = trail matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004200000000762obj/testgeometry_crag1/trail1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -1.53005e-17 -2 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 unpack1 1 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 unpack1 0 1 } stat { create 1716311713 modify 1716311999 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000001025obj/testgeometry_crag1/trail1.parm{ version 0.8 result [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "velocity" ) length [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) inc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) cache [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) clear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) evalframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) close [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) velscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) velapproximation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Backward Difference" ) computeaccel [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) accelattribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( accel ) computeangular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) matchbyattribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) attributetomatch [ 0 locks=0 ] ( id ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004700000000041obj/testgeometry_crag1/trail1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004400000000035obj/testgeometry_crag1/unpack1.inittype = unpack matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000001025obj/testgeometry_crag1/unpack1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 1.39698e-08 -1 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 testgeometry_crag1 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 testgeometry_crag1 0 1 } stat { create 1716311726 modify 1716311999 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004400000000657obj/testgeometry_crag1/unpack1.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) limit_iterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) iterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) detail_attributes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "detail" ) transfer_attributes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) transfer_groups [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) apply_style_sheets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) scene_style_sheet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) obj_style_sheet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) dotransform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) convertpolysoup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005000000000041obj/testgeometry_crag1/unpack1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000000044obj/testgeometry_crag1.order3 testgeometry_crag1 trail1 unpack1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003300000000002obj/testgeometry_crag1.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001700000000032obj/grid1.inittype = geo matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001600000001040obj/grid1.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -3.31777 0.761148 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311207 modify 1716311690 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000215350obj/grid1.spareparmdef group { name "stdswitcher4" label "Transform" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "xOrd" baseparm label "Transform Order" joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm label "Rotate Order" nolabel export none } parm { name "t" baseparm label "Translate" export all } parm { name "r" baseparm label "Rotate" export all } parm { name "s" baseparm label "Scale" export none } parm { name "p" baseparm label "Pivot Translate" export none } parm { name "pr" baseparm label "Pivot Rotate" export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm label "Uniform Scale" export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm label "Modify Pre-Transform" export none } parm { name "keeppos" baseparm label "Keep Position When Parenting" export none } parm { name "childcomp" baseparm label "Child Compensation" export none } parm { name "constraints_on" baseparm label "Enable Constraints" export none } parm { name "constraints_path" baseparm label "Constraints" export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm label "Look At" invisible export none } parm { name "lookupobjpath" baseparm label "Look Up Object" invisible export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm label "Look At Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm label "Path Object" invisible export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm label "Roll" invisible export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm label "Position" invisible export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm label "Parameterization" invisible export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm label "Orient Along Path" invisible export none } parm { name "up" baseparm label "Orient Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm label "Auto-Bank factor" invisible export none } } group { name "stdswitcher4_1" label "Render" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "shop_materialpath" baseparm label "Material" export none } parm { name "shop_materialopts" baseparm label "Options" invisible export none } parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm label "Display" joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm label "Display" export none } parm { name "viewportlod" label "Display As" type ordinal default { "full" } help "Choose how the object's geometry should be rendered in the viewport" menu { "full" "Full Geometry" "points" "Point Cloud" "box" "Bounding Box" "centroid" "Centroid" "hidden" "Hidden" "subd" "Subdivision Surface / Curves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendervisibility" label "Render Visibility" type string default { "*" } menureplace { "*" "Visible to all" "primary" "Visible only to primary rays" "primary|shadow" "Visible only to primary and shadow rays" "-primary" "Invisible to primary rays (Phantom)" "-diffuse" "Invisible to diffuse rays" "-diffuse&-reflect&-refract" "Invisible to secondary rays" "" "Invisible (Unrenderable)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendervisibility" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubd" label "Render Polygons As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubd" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdstyle" label "Subdivision Style" type string default { "mantra_catclark" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" menu { "mantra_catclark" "Mantra Catmull-Clark" "osd_catclark" "OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdstyle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdgroup" label "Subdivision Group" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdgroup" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_quality" label "Open Subdiv Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_quality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_vtxinterp" label "OSD Vtx Interp" type integer default { "2" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "No vertex interpolation" "1" "Edges only" "2" "Edges and Corners" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_vtxinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_fvarinterp" label "OSD FVar Interp" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "Smooth everywhere" "1" "Sharpen corners only" "2" "Sharpen edges and corners" "3" "Sharpen edges and propagated corners" "4" "Sharpen all boundaries" "5" "Bilinear interpolation" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_fvarinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } group { name "folder0" label "Shading" parm { name "categories" label "Categories" type string default { "" } help "A list of tags which can be used to select the object" parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "reflectmask" label "Reflection Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be reflected on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "refractmask" label "Refraction Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be refracted on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightmask" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights that illuminate this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightcategories" label "Light Selection" type string default { "*" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_lpetag" label "LPE Tag" type string default { "" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "lpetag" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilter" label "Volume Filter" type string default { "box" } menu { "box" "Box Filter" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "sinc" "Sinc (sharpening)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilterwidth" label "Volume Filter Width" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 5 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filterwidth" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_matte" label "Matte shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "matte" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_rayshade" label "Raytrace Shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rayshade" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" parm { name "geo_velocityblur" label "Geometry Velocity Blur" type ordinal default { "off" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" menu { "off" "No Velocity Blur" "on" "Velocity Blur" "accelblur" "Acceleration Blur" } } parm { name "geo_accelattribute" label "Acceleration Attribute" type string default { "accel" } hidewhen "{ geo_velocityblur != accelblur }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingquality" label "Shading Quality" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "shadingquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_flatness" label "Dicing Flatness" type float default { "0.05" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_raypredice" label "Ray Predicing" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Disable Predicing" "1" "Full Predicing" "2" "Precompute Bounds" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raypredice" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_curvesurface" label "Shade Curves As Surfaces" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "curvesurface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Geometry" parm { name "vm_rmbackface" label "Backface Removal" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rmbackface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "shop_geometrypath" label "Procedural Shader" type oppath default { "" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_forcegeometry" label "Force Procedural Geometry Output" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubdcurves" label "Render Polygon Curves As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubdcurves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpoints" label "Render As Points (Mantra)" type integer default { "2" } menu { "0" "No Point Rendering" "1" "Render Only Points" "2" "Render Unconnected Points" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpointsas" label "Render Points As (Mantra)" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" menu { "0" "Spheres" "1" "Circles" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpointsas" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_usenforpoints" label "Use N For Point Rendering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usenforpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pointscale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pointscale" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pscalediameter" label "Treat Point Scale as Diameter Instead of Radius" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pscalediameter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_metavolume" label "Metaballs as Volume" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "metavolume" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_coving" label "Coving" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Disable Coving" "1" "Coving for displacement/sub-d" "2" "Coving for all primitives" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "coving" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_materialoverride" label "Material Override" type string default { "compact" } menu { "none" "Disabled" "full" "Evaluate for Each Primitve/Point" "compact" "Evaluate Once" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_overridedetail" label "Ignore Geometry Attribute Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "overridedetail" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_procuseroottransform" label "Proc Use Root Transform" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "procuseroottransform" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_2" label "Arnold" parm { name "shop_propertiespath" label "Default Properties" type oppath default { "" } help "Specifies a Property SHOP that is used to resolve rendering parameter values. At render time, this SHOP (if given) is used to resolve rendering parameter values first, before looking for then on the objects being rendered." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/PROPERTIES!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shaders" } } parm { name "ar_user_options" label "User Options" type string joinnext default { "" } help "This string is passed to AiNodeSetAttributes() ont the Arnold node. It can contain any number of parameter/value pairs separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) as found in .ass files." disablewhen "{ ar_user_options_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_user_options_enable" label "Enable" type toggle default { "0" } help "Overrides the value of any parameter of the Arnold node." } group { name "folder_subdivision" label "Subdivision" parm { name "ar_subdiv_type" label "Type" type string default { "none" } help "Subdivision algorithm. None ignores any subdivision and renders the mesh as it is. Linear subdivision puts vertices in the middle of each face. The Catmull-Clark algorithm is used to create smooth surfaces by recursive subdivision surface modeling. The resulting surface will always consist of a mesh of quadrilateral faces." menu { "none" "None" "catclark" "Catmull-Clark" "linear" "Linear" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_iterations" label "Iterations" type integer default { "1" } help "The number of iterations / levels of subdivision. With Catmull-Clark subdivision, increasing the number of iterations produces a smoother mesh." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_adaptive_metric" label "Adaptive Metric" type string joinnext default { "auto" } help "The adaptive subdivision criterion. Auto subdiv will choose between the EDGELENGTH mode and the FLATNESS depending on the displacement property of the polymesh. This means that if there is a displacement it will use the EDGELENGTH algorithm. If there is not displacement (or it is ignored in the global options) it will use FLATNESS." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" menu { "auto" "Auto" "edge_length" "Edge Length" "flatness" "Flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_adaptive_error" label " Error" type float default { "0" } help "The \"adaptive error\" refers to the acceptable tessellation error as seen from the camera. If there's no displacement, then the error represents the distance from the subdivided mesh to the \"true\" or \"limit\" surface -- sort of a \"flatness\" heuristic. The smaller the error, the closer to the limit surface a mesh will be and the less inter-frame popping when the subdivision level jumps. If displacement is enabled, then the error represents the final size of the subdivided quads. A value of 0 disables adaptive subdivision." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_adaptive_space" label "Adaptive Space" type string default { "raster" } help "The space in which the adaptive metric is evaluated." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" menu { "raster" "Raster" "object" "Object" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_uv_smoothing" label "UV Smoothing" type string joinnext default { "pin_corners" } help "UV smoothing algorithm." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" menu { "pin_corners" "Pin Corners" "pin_borders" "Pin Borders" "linear" "Linear" "smooth" "Smooth" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_smooth_derivs" label "Smooth Derivatives" type toggle default { "0" } help "This option makes it possible to remove the faceted appearance from anisotropic speculars. The object must have a valid UV map for this option to work and only works if you apply at least one subdivision level to the geometry." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_merge_vertex_indices" label "Merge Vertex Indices" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable merging of the indices and data of coincident and identical vertex attribute values (UVs, normals, vertex user data). This allows the proper interpolation of vertex attributes when subdividing, and yields more compact render scenes in memory and on disk, at the cost of a slower export." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_ignore" label "Ignore Frustum Culling" type toggle default { "0" } help "Subdivision surfaces outside the view or dicing camera frustum will not be subdivided. This can be turned on globally by enabling subdiv_frustum_culling on the ROP and can be turned off for specific meshes by setting subdiv_frustum_ignore true." disablewhen "{ ar_subdiv_type == none }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Subdivision" } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_1" label "Displacement" parm { name "ar_disp_height" label "Height" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_disp_zero_value" label "Zero Value" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_disp_padding" label "Bounds Padding" type float default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_disp_autobump" label "Autobump" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } groupcollapsible { name "folder_autobump" label "Autobump Visibility" parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_camera" label "Camera" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle autobump for camera rays (i.e. primary or view rays)." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_shadow" label "Shadow" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for shadow rays fired in the direct lighting calculations." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_transmit" label "Diffuse Transmission" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect diffuse transmission rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_specular_transmit" label "Specular Transmission" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect specular transmission rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_reflect" label "Diffuse Reflection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect diffuse reflection rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_specular_reflect" label "Specular Reflection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect specular reflection rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_volume" label "Volume Scattering" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for indirect volume scattering rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Displacement" } } parm { name "ar_autobump_visibility_subsurface" label "Subsurface" type toggle default { "0" } help "Toggle autobump for subsurface rays." disablewhen "{ ar_disp_autobump == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_2" label "Shapes" parm { name "ar_min_pixel_width" label "Minimum Pixel Width" type float default { "0" } help "If this value is non-zero, points or curves with a small on-screen width will be automatically enlarged so that they are at least the specified size in pixels. The enlargement fraction is then used in the hair shader to adjust the opacity so that the visible thickness of the hair remains the same. For a given number of AA samples, this makes it a lot easier to antialias fine hair, at the expense of render time (because of the additional transparency/depth complexity). Good values are in the range 0.2 to 0.7. Values closer to 0 are faster to render but need more AA samples. So if your scene already uses very high AA settings, you should use a low value like 0.1. For best results, you may need to increase the auto-transparency depth, and/or lower the auto-transparency threshold, but watch the effect on render times. Note that this parameter currently works with the ribbon mode only." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Curves" } } parm { name "ar_radius" label "Default Radius" type float default { "0.05" } help "Sets the default rendered radius of points or thickness of curves. This property can be overridden per point with the \"ar_radius\", \"pscale\" or \"width\" (curves only) attributes." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "units" "m1" } } group { name "folder_points" label "Points" parm { name "ar_mode" label "Mode" type ordinal default { "sphere" } help "Rendering mode for points or particles. Can be spheres, or camera-facing disks or quads." menu { "disk" "Disk" "sphere" "Sphere" "quad" "Quad" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_point_scale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } help "A global scale factor applied to points." range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "ar_aspect" label "Aspect" type log default { "1" } help "The aspect ratio for quads. This property can be overrriden per point by setting the \"ar_aspect\" or \"spritescale\" attributes on the geometry." disablewhen "{ ar_mode != quad }" range { 0.1 10 } } parm { name "ar_rotation" label "Rotation" type angle default { "0" } help "The rotation angle in degrees for quads. This property can be overrriden per point by setting the \"ar_rotation\" or the \"spriterot\" attributes on the geometry." disablewhen "{ ar_mode != quad }" range { -180 180 } } } group { name "folder_points_1" label "Curves" parm { name "ar_curves_basis" label "Basis" type string default { "auto" } help "The curves basis to interpret the knots of the input curves or open polygons. When set to \"Automatic\", the basis will attempt to match the closest equivalent in Arnold, ie. linear for open polygons, Bezier for Bezier curves and B-spline for NURBS." menu { "bezier" "Bezier" "b-spline" "B-Spline" "catmull-rom" "Catmull-Rom" "linear" "Linear" "auto" "Automatic" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Curves" } } parm { name "ar_curves_mode" label "Mode" type string default { "ribbon" } help "- Ribbon: This mode is recommended for fine geometry such as realistic hair, fur or fields of grass. These curves are rendered as camera-facing flat ribbons. For secondary and shadow rays, they face the incoming ray direction. This mode doesn't look so good for very wide hairs or dramatic zoom-ins because of the flat appearance. This mode works best with a proper hair shader (perhaps based on a Kay-Kajiya or Marschner specular model).\\n\\n- Thick: This mode resembles spaghetti. It has a circular cross section, and a normal vector that varies across the width of the hair. Thick hairs look great when zoomed in, and are specially useful for effects work, but their varying normals make them more difficult to antialias when they are small. You can use any shader with this rendering mode, including lambert, phong, etc.\\n\\n- Oriented: This mode is similar to the ribbons mode, but you can set the ribbon orientation for each knot with an \"ar_orientations\" vector attribute representing the direction of the normal of the ribbon. This mode can be useful to render grass strands for example." menu { "ribbon" "Ribbon" "thick" "Thick" "oriented" "Oriented " } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Curves" } } } group { name "folder_points_2" label "Volumes" parm { name "ar_step_size" label "Volume Step Size" type float default { "0" } help "When ar_step_size is set to a value other than zero, then points rendered as spheres, particles and polymeshes will be rendered as volumes." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_volume_padding" label "Volume Padding" type float default { "0" } help "When rendering particles or polymeshes as volumes (when ar_step_size is non-zero), ar_volume_padding will provide extra the volume padding specified for displacement requirements" disablewhen "{ ar_step_size == 0 }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "label_volume" label "Label" type label nolabel default { "" } } parm { name "label_volume2" label "Label" type label nolabel default { "Points and polymeshes are rendered as volumes if Step Size > 0" } } } group { name "folder_points_3" label " VDB " parm { name "ar_vdb_file_enable" label "Export VDB File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Export the VDB primitives as a VDB file and reference the file in the Arnold volume." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_vdb_file" label "Save to File" type file default { "$HIP/`pythonexprs(\"hou.pwd().path()[1:].replace('/', '_')\")`.$F4.vdb" } help "The OpenVDB file name that the VDB primitves will be written to, and that will be referenced by the Arnold volume instead of attaching the volume data." disablewhen "{ ar_vdb_file_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.vdb" } } parm { name "ar_grids" label "Export Grids" type string default { "*" } help "The VDB grids to export and make available in the volume shading context." menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.vdbGridMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa').properties.vdbAutoStepSizeCallback()" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "ar_velocity_grids" label "Velocity Grids" type string default { "*" } help "Select 1 vector or 3 float grids representing velocity for motion blur." menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.vdbGridMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_velocity_scale" label "Velocity Scale" type log default { "1" } help "Scale the velocities by this factor." disablewhen "{ ar_velocity_grids == \"\" }" range { 0.1 10 } } parm { name "ar_velocity_threshold" label "Velocity Threshold" type log default { "0.001" } help "Controls filtering of noisy velocities. The default value 0.001 should have little to no visual impact, setting it to zero disables filtering entirely." disablewhen "{ ar_velocity_grids == \"\" }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "ar_padding" label "Bounds Padding" type float default { "0" } help "Extra padding for the volume bounds" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_step_size_type" label "Volume Step" type ordinal joinnext default { "0" } help "When set to auto, the step size is automatically determined by the volume plugin, yielding the minimum voxel size." menu { "auto" "Automatic " "custom" "Custom" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa').properties.vdbAutoStepSizeCallback()" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "ar_vdb_step_size" label " Step Size" type float default { "0.02" } help "The ray marching step size. When the step type is auto, this indicates the computed step size, the minimum voxel size." disablewhen "{ ar_step_size_type == auto }" range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "ar_step_scale" label "Step Scale" type log default { "1" } help "Multiply the step size by this factor, including when it's automatically detected." range { 0.1! 10 } } parm { name "ar_compress" label "Compress" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Optimize voxel storage to reduce memory usage." range { 0 1 } } } group { name "folder_points_4" label "Tessellation" parm { name "ar_tessellation_enable" label "Tessellate Primitives" type toggle default { "1" } help "Tessellate Houdini primitives such as NURBS, Bezier meshes, circles, tubes or spheres prior to sending to Arnold." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_use_rop == 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_style" label "Tessellation Style" type string invisible default { "lod" } help "Specifies the conversion style for the geometry. The default is\"Level of Detail\". Can be one of the following:\\n- Level of Detail: Tessellate geometry using the level of detail settings.\\n- Divisions: Tessellate geometry based on the number of divisions settings." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" menu { "lod" "Level of Detail" "div" "Divisions" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_ulod" label "U Level of Detail" type float default { "1" } help "Specifies the level of detail for U subdivisions of the surface being converted. Applicable only when conversion method is set to Level of Detail. Defaults to 1.0." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_tessellation_style != lod }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_vlod" label "V Level of Detail" type float default { "1" } help "Specifies the level of detail for V subdivisions of the surface being converted. Applicable only when conversion method is set to Level of Detail. Defaults to 1.0." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_tessellation_style != lod }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } parm { name "ar_tessellation_trimlod" label "Trim Level of Detail" type float default { "1" } help "Specifies the level of detail for trim curves of the surface being converted. Applicable only when conversion method is set to Level of Detail. Defaults to 1.0." disablewhen "{ ar_tessellation_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_tessellation_style != lod }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Tessellation" } } } group { name "folder_points_5" label "Procedurals" parm { name "ar_operator_graph_enable" label "Enable Operator Graph" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } help "Enables the operator graph on procedurals in this OBJ node." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_operator_graph" label "Operator Graph" type oppath default { "" } help "Specify an operator ROP graph to connect to procedurals created by this OBJ node." disablewhen "{ ar_operator_graph_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!ROP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_3" label "Attributes" parm { name "ar_toon_id" label "Toon ID Group" type string default { "" } help "Objects in the same toon ID group will be rendered with the same silhouette, if the user_id attribute is set on the toon shader" } parm { name "ar_attributes_detail" label "Detail Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of details attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.detailAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } parm { name "ar_attributes_primitive" label "Primitive Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of primitive attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.primitiveAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } parm { name "ar_attributes_point" label "Point Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of point attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.pointAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } parm { name "ar_attributes_vertex" label "Vertex Attributes" type string default { "*" } help "The list of vertex attributes to be exported as user data for Arnold. As user data is costly in memory, nothing is exported by default. If this field contains a wildcard character (*), all available attributes will be exported." menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.vertexAttributeMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Attributes" } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_4" label "Motion Blur" parm { name "ar_transform_type" label "Transform Type" type ordinal default { "2" } help "The type of motion for the transformation of the object, as a hint for the matrix interpolation for transformation motion blur." menu { "linear" "Linear" "rotate_about_origin" "Rotate About Origin" "rotate_about_center" "Rotate About Center" } range { 0 2 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys_override" label "Transform Keys Override" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Override the ROP settings for Transform Keys." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys" label "Transform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for matrix transformation. Transformation motion blur is calculated based on a linear interpolation of an object transform matrix, between successive motion keys. Increasing this value will add extra steps, which can improve the blurred result, especially for rotating objects. The default is 2, which results in straight lines of blur between shutter start and shutter end." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_keys_override == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys_override" label "Deform Keys Override" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Override the ROP settings for Transform Keys." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys" label "Deform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for object points. Just like with transformation motion keys, increasing this value allows curved motion paths to be rendered more accurately, at the expense of using more memory." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_dform_keys_override == 0 } { ar_mb_velocity_enable == 1 ar_mb_acceleration_enable != 1 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_velocity_enable" label "Velocity Blur Enable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Deformation blur will be computed from the \"v\" point attribute." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_velocity_attribute" label "Velocity Blur" type string default { "v" } help "The velocity point attribute to use for velocity blur. The Houdini convention is 'v'." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_velocity_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "geometry = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry()" ] [ "if not geometry:" ] [ " return []" ] [ "menu_items = []" ] [ "for attr in geometry.pointAttribs():" ] [ " if not attr.name() in ('P', 'Pw'):" ] [ " menu_items += [attr.name(), '%s\\t %s[%i]' % (attr.name(), attr.dataType().name().lower(), attr.size())]" ] [ "return menu_items" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_mb_acceleration_enable" label "Acceleration Blur Enable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_velocity_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_mb_acceleration_attribute" label "Acceleration Blur" type string default { "force" } help "The acceleration point attribute to use for acceleration blur. The Houdini convention is 'force' or 'accel'. If you use use 'force' ensure you divide by the mass." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_velocity_enable == 0 } { ar_mb_acceleration_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "geometry = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry()" ] [ "if not geometry:" ] [ " return []" ] [ "menu_items = []" ] [ "for attr in geometry.pointAttribs():" ] [ " if not attr.name() in ('P', 'Pw'):" ] [ " menu_items += [attr.name(), '%s\\t %s[%i]' % (attr.name(), attr.dataType().name().lower(), attr.size())]" ] [ "return menu_items" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_5" label "Visibility" parm { name "ar_visibility_camera" label "Visible to Camera Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for camera rays (i.e. primary or view rays)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_shadow" label "Visible to Shadow Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for shadow rays fired in the direct lighting calculations." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_diffuse_transmit" label "Visible to Diffuse Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect diffuse transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_specular_transmit" label "Visible to Specular Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect specular transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_diffuse_reflect" label "Visible to Diffuse Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect diffuse reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_specular_reflect" label "Visible to Specular Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect specular reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_visibility_volume" label "Visible to Volume Scattering Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object visibility for indirect volume scattering rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_receive_shadows" label "Receive Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable/disable received shadows over the object." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_self_shadows" label "Self Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable/disable self-shadowing over the object." disablewhen "{ ar_receive_shadows == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_opaque" label "Opaque" type toggle default { "1" } help "By default, Arnold will assume that objects are opaque, which lets the renderer take certain shortcuts and optimizations for maximum ray tracing speed. When this option is unchecked, the object is assumed as \"possibly transparent\", and Arnold will perform extra computations to support transparency and transparent shadows, according to the shader's opacity settings." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_matte" label "Matte" type toggle default { "0" } help "Output black and zero alpha for camera rays to create a holdout." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_skip" label "Skip" type toggle default { "0" } help "Do not output this object regardless of it being forced or not." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Visibility" } } parm { name "ar_use_light_group" label "Use Light Group" type toggle invisible nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_light_group" label "Light Group" type oplist invisible default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_use_light_group == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/" } } parm { name "ar_use_shadow_group" label "Use Shadow Group" type toggle invisible nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_shadow_group" label "Shadow Group" type oplist invisible default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_use_shadow_group == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/" } } parm { name "ar_trace_sets" label "Trace Sets" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "__import__('htoa.properties').properties.tracesetMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_sss_setname" label "SSS Set" type string default { "" } help "Use this parameter to tag multiple objects as belonging to the same SSS set so that illumination will blur across object boundaries. A common use case might be blurring between teeth and gum geometry. This feature is only available when using raytraced SSS." menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa.properties').properties.sssMenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } } } group { name "folder_subdivision_6" label "Normals" parm { name "ar_smoothing" label "Smoothing" type toggle default { "1" } help "Smooth/Flat normals." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "ar_invert_normals" label "Invert Normals" type toggle default { "0" } help "Invert normals" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_camera" label "Double-sided for Camera Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for camera rays (i.e. primary or view rays)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_shadow" label "Double-sided for Shadow Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for shadow rays fired in the direct lighting calculations." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_diffuse_transmit" label "Double-sided for Diffuse Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect diffuse transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_specular_transmit" label "Double-sided for Specular Transmission Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect specular transmission rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_diffuse_reflect" label "Double-sided for Diffuse Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect diffuse reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_specular_reflect" label "Double-sided for Specular Reflection Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect specular reflection rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } parm { name "ar_sidedness_volume" label "Double-sided for Volume Scattering Rays" type toggle default { "1" } help "Toggle object double-sidedness for indirect volume scattering rays." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sidedness" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_3" label "Misc" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm label "Set Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm label "Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm label "Viewport Selecting Enabled" export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm label "Select Script" export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm label "Cache Object Transform" export none } parm { name "vport_shadeopen" baseparm label "Shade Open Curves In Viewport" export none } parm { name "vport_displayassubdiv" baseparm label "Display as Subdivision in Viewport" invisible export none } parm { name "vport_onionskin" baseparm label "Onion Skinning" export none } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001600000001162obj/grid1.chn{ channel ar_matte { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { options = { untie iv ov is os ia oa } length = 0 expr = ch(\"vm_matte\") } } channel ar_mb_velocity_enable { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { options = { untie iv ov is os ia oa } length = 0 expr = ch(\"geo_velocityblur\") } } channel ar_point_scale { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { options = { untie iv ov is os ia oa } length = 0 expr = ch(\"vm_pointscale\") } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001700000015743obj/grid1.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -3.0006848681856724 0 1.952800917005109 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) childcomp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_on [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookupobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) shop_materialpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /obj/matnet1/chrome ) shop_materialopts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vport_shadeopen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_displayassubdiv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_onionskin [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) stdswitcher4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 ) viewportlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "full" ) vm_rendervisibility [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_rendersubd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_subdstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mantra_catclark ) vm_subdgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_osd_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_osd_vtxinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_osd_fvarinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) categories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) reflectmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) refractmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightcategories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_lpetag [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_volumefilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) vm_volumefilterwidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rayshade [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_velocityblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_accelattribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( accel ) vm_shadingquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_flatness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.05 ) vm_raypredice [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_curvesurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rmbackface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shop_geometrypath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_forcegeometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_rendersubdcurves [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_renderpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_renderpointsas [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_usenforpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_pointscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_pscalediameter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_metavolume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_coving [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_materialoverride [ 0 locks=0 ] ( compact ) vm_overridedetail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_procuseroottransform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) shop_propertiespath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) folder_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ar_subdiv_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( none ) ar_subdiv_iterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_subdiv_adaptive_metric [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_subdiv_adaptive_error [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_subdiv_adaptive_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( raster ) ar_subdiv_uv_smoothing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( pin_corners ) ar_subdiv_smooth_derivs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_merge_vertex_indices [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_ignore [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_disp_height [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_disp_zero_value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_disp_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_disp_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) folder_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_autobump_visibility_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_autobump_visibility_shadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_specular_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_diffuse_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_specular_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autobump_visibility_subsurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_min_pixel_width [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.05 ) folder_points [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ar_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "sphere" ) ar_point_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_point_scale 1 ] ) ar_aspect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_curves_basis [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_curves_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ribbon ) ar_step_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_volume_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) label_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) label_volume2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Points and polymeshes are rendered as volumes if Step Size > 0" ) ar_vdb_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_vdb_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "$HIP/`pythonexprs(\"hou.pwd().path()[1:].replace('/', '_')\")`.$F4.vdb" ) ar_grids [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_velocity_grids [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_velocity_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_velocity_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_step_size_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "auto" ) ar_vdb_step_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.02 ) ar_step_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_compress [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tessellation_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tessellation_style [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lod ) ar_tessellation_ulod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_tessellation_vlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_tessellation_trimlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_operator_graph_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_operator_graph [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_toon_id [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_attributes_detail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_attributes_primitive [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_attributes_point [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_attributes_vertex [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_transform_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "rotate_about_center" ) ar_mb_xform_keys_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_xform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_dform_keys_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_dform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_velocity_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_mb_velocity_enable 0 ] ) ar_mb_velocity_attribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( v ) ar_mb_acceleration_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_acceleration_attribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( force ) ar_visibility_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_shadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_diffuse_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_specular_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_diffuse_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_specular_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_visibility_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_receive_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_self_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_opaque [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_matte 0 ] ) ar_skip [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_use_light_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_light_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_use_shadow_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_shadow_group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_trace_sets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_sss_setname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_smoothing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_invert_normals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_sidedness_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_shadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_diffuse_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_specular_transmit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_diffuse_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_specular_reflect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_sidedness_volume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002300000000041obj/grid1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000000033obj/grid1/grid1.inittype = grid matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002400000000677obj/grid1/grid1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311207 modify 1716311985 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000000550obj/grid1/grid1.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) orient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "zx" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 20 20 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) rows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) cols [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) orderu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) orderv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) interpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) interpv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000000041obj/grid1/grid1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001600000000002obj/grid1.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001600000000032obj/cam1.inittype = cam matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000001043obj/cam1.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -3.31777 -0.848947 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311243 modify 1716311355 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.3 0.55 0.75 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002600000076455obj/cam1.spareparmdef group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Transform" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "xOrd" baseparm label "Transform Order" joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm label "Rotate Order" nolabel export none } parm { name "t" baseparm label "Translate" export all } parm { name "r" baseparm label "Rotate" export all } parm { name "s" baseparm label "Scale" invisible export none } parm { name "p" baseparm label "Pivot Translate" export none } parm { name "pr" baseparm label "Pivot Rotate" export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm label "Uniform Scale" invisible export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm label "Modify Pre-Transform" export none } parm { name "keeppos" baseparm label "Keep Position When Parenting" export none } parm { name "childcomp" baseparm label "Child Compensation" export none } parm { name "constraints_on" baseparm label "Enable Constraints" export none } parm { name "constraints_path" baseparm label "Constraints" export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm label "Look At" invisible export none } parm { name "lookupobjpath" baseparm label "Look Up Object" invisible export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm label "Look At Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm label "Path Object" invisible export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm label "Roll" invisible export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm label "Position" invisible export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm label "Parameterization" invisible export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm label "Orient Along Path" invisible export none } parm { name "up" baseparm label "Orient Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm label "Auto-Bank factor" invisible export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Render" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm label "Display" joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm label "Display" export none } parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm label "Set Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm label "Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm label "Viewport Selecting Enabled" export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm label "Select Script" export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm label "Cache Object Transform" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_2" label "View" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "iconscale" label "Icon Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "res" label "Resolution" type intvector2 joinnext size 2 default { "1280" "720" } range { -1 1 } parmtag { "cook_dependent" "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "resMenu" label "Choose Resolution" type ordinal nolabel default { "0" } menumini { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBres')\")`" ] } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . res ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 0)` `arg(\"$script_value\", 1)` aspect ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 2)` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "aspect" label "Pixel Aspect Ratio" type float default { "1" } range { 0.05 2 } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "projection" label "Projection" type ordinal default { "perspective" } menu { "perspective" "Perspective" "ortho" "Orthographic" "sphere" "Polar (panoramic)" "cylinder" "Cylindrical (panoramic)" "lens" "Lens Shader" } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "vm_lensshader" label "Lens Shader" type oppath default { "" } disablewhen "{ projection != lens }" parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "focal" label "Focal Length" type float joinnext default { "50" } range { 1 100 } } parm { name "focalunits" label "Focal Units" type string default { "mm" } menu { "mm" "millimeters" "m" "meters" "nm" "nanometers" "in" "inches" "ft" "feet" } } parm { name "aperture" label "Aperture" type float default { "41.4214" } range { 1 100 } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "orthowidth" label "Ortho Width" type float default { "2" } disablewhen "{ projection != ortho }" range { 0.001 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "near" label "Near Clipping" type float default { "0.001" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "far" label "Far Clipping" type float default { "10000" } range { 1 10000 } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "vm_bgenable" label "Enable Background Image" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "bgenable" } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "vm_background" label "Background Image" type image default { "" } disablewhen "{ vm_bgenable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "background" } parmtag { "sidefx::allow_video" "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } parm { name "win" label "Screen Window X/Y" type vector2 size 2 default { "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ winmask != \"\" }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "winsize" label "Screen Window Size" type vector2 size 2 default { "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ winmask != \"\" }" range { 0.01 10 } } parm { name "winmask" label "Screen Window Mask" type oplist default { "" } disablewhen "{ projection != ortho projection != perspective }" parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "cropl" label "Left Crop" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cropmask != \"\" }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cropr" label "Right Crop" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ cropmask != \"\" }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cropb" label "Bottom Crop" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cropmask != \"\" }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cropt" label "Top Crop" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ cropmask != \"\" }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cropmask" label "Crop Mask" type oplist default { "" } disablewhen "{ projection != ortho projection != perspective }" parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "fgimage" label "Viewer Foreground" type image default { "" } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "View" } } } group { name "stdswitcher3_3" label "Sampling" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "stdswitcher" } parm { name "shutter" label "Shutter Time" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "focus" label "Focus Distance" type float default { "5" } disablewhen "{ vm_dof == 0 }" range { 0.001 1000 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "camera" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "focus" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "fstop" label "F-Stop" type log default { "5.6" } disablewhen "{ vm_dof == 0 }" range { 1.4 22 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "camera" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "fstop" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_bokeh" label "Bokeh" type string default { "radial" } menureplace { "radial" "Radial Bokeh" "file" "Image File Bokeh" "box" "Box Filter Bokeh" "null" "Disable Bokeh" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_bokehfile" label "Bokeh Image File" type image default { "default.pic" } disablewhen "{ vm_bokeh != file }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "bokeh" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "-f" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_bokehrotation" label "Bokeh Rotation" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_bokeh != file }" range { 0 360 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "bokeh" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "-r" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "stdswitcher3_4" label "Arnold" parm { name "shop_propertiespath" label "Default Properties" type oppath default { "" } help "Specifies a Property SHOP that is used to resolve rendering parameter values. At render time, this SHOP (if given) is used to resolve rendering parameter values first, before looking for then on the objects being rendered." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/PROPERTIES!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shaders" } } parm { name "ar_user_options" label "User Options" type string joinnext default { "" } help "This string is passed to AiNodeSetAttributes() ont the Arnold node. It can contain any number of parameter/value pairs separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) as found in .ass files." disablewhen "{ ar_user_options_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_user_options_enable" label "Enable" type toggle default { "0" } help "Overrides the value of any parameter of the Arnold node." } group { name "folder0" label "Camera" parm { name "ar_camera_shader" label "Camera Shader" type oppath default { "" } help "Shader path to specify a custom camera or a UV remap texture to distort the ray direction of a perspective camera." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!VOP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } parm { name "ar_exposure" label "Exposure" type float default { "0" } help "Simulates the effect of camera exposure. Increasing this value by a value of one gives you one stop up (doubles the brightness)." range { -10 10 } } parm { name "ar_radial_distortion" label "Radial Distortion" type float default { "0" } help "Specify the camera's first degree radial distortion, with negative and positive values resulting in pincushion and barrel distortion respectively." disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" range { -0.2 2 } } parm { name "ar_radial_distortion_type" label "Radial Distortion Type" type ordinal default { "cubic" } help "Specify the camera's radial distortion type." disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" menu { "cubic" "Cubic" "cubic_inverse" "Cubic Inverse" } } parm { name "ar_lens_tilt_angle" label "Lens Tilt" type vector2 size 2 default { "0" "0" } help "Tilt the lens plane" disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "ar_lens_shift" label "Lens Shift" type vector2 size 2 default { "0" "0" } help "Shift the lens plane" disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "ar_horizontal_fov" label "Horizontal FOV" type angle default { "60" } help "Controls the field of view in the horizontal axis. This is activated when the camera projection is set to \"Cylindrical\" in the View tab." disablewhen "{ projection != cylinder }" range { 0 360 } } parm { name "ar_vertical_fov" label "Vertical FOV" type angle default { "90" } help "Controls the field of view in the vertical axis. This is activated when the camera projection is set to \"Cylindrical\" in the View tab." disablewhen "{ projection != cylinder }" range { 0 180 } } parm { name "ar_projective" label "Vertical Mapping" type ordinal default { "projective" } help "Is activated when the camera Projection (In the View tab) is set to cylindrical. The Arnold cylindrical camera can operate in two modes. With Vertical Mapping set to Linear, all rays have a common origin - they are cast from the center of the cylinder. In the vertical direction the camera acts as a pinhole camera and in the horizontal direction it acts as a spherical camera. When set to Projective, the camera is more of a 'true' cylindrical camera; in the vertical direction the camera acts as an orthographic view and in the horizontal direction it acts as a spherical camera." disablewhen "{ projection != cylinder }" menu { "linear" "Linear (Lat./Long.)" "projective" "Projective" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_camera_mantra_orientation" label "Mantra Orientation" type toggle default { "0" } help "Match Mantra's default orientation (+X) for polar projection instead of matching the viewport default (-Z)." disablewhen "{ projection != sphere projection != cylinder }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_fisheye" label "Fisheye Camera" type toggle default { "0" } help "Is activated when the camera Projection (In the View tab) is set to Perspective. Turns a Perspective camera into a fisheye camera. It is controlled by the Focal Length and Aperture in the View tab." disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_autocrop" label "Fisheye Autocrop" type toggle default { "0" } help "Is activated when the camera Projection (In the View tab) is set to Perspective and Fisheye Camera is turned on. Crops a full screen image from the centre of the fisheye image to remove any white border." disablewhen "{ projection != perspective } { ar_fisheye == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_uv_remap" label "UV Remap" type image invisible default { "" } help "Is activated when the camera Projection (In the View tab) is set to Perspective. Takes a 2D displacement image and uses it to distort the rendered output of the camera's lens. Can be useful for replicating barrel and pincushion distortion camera lens effects." disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } parm { name "ar_filtermap" label "Vignetting Map" type image invisible default { "" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Motion Blur" parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys_override" label "Override Transform Keys" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys" label "Transform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for matrix transformation. Transformation motion blur is calculated based on a linear interpolation of an object transform matrix, between successive motion keys. Increasing this value will add extra steps, which can improve the blurred result, especially for rotating objects. The default is 2, which results in straight lines of blur between shutter start and shutter end." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_keys_override == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_rolling_shutter" label "Rolling Shutter" type ordinal default { "off" } help "Simulate the type of rolling shutter effect seen in footage shot with digital cameras that use CMOS-based sensors such as Blackmagics, Alexas, REDs, and even iPhones. Top-to-bottom is the most common scanning direction." menu { "off" "Off" "top" "Top" "bottom" "Bottom" "left" "Left" "right" "Right" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_rolling_shutter_duration" label "Roll. Shutter Duration" type log default { "1 / 1080" } help "The exposure duration of each scanline for rolling shutter motion blur. A value of 0 means no motion blur, and a value of 1 means no rolling shutter. Ideally, this should be set to 1/scanlines." hidewhen "{ ar_rolling_shutter == off }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter" label "Camera Shutter" type ordinal default { "rop" } help "Specifies at which point in the frame the shutter should open which allows you to change the motion blur trails. The Shutter position offsets the motion blur within the image." menu { "rop" "Use ROP Shutter" "start" "Start On Frame" "center" "Center On Frame" "end" "End On Frame" "custom" "Custom Shutter" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_length" label "Shutter Length" type float default { "ch(\"shutter\")" } help "You can use this attribute to tweak the size and length of the motion blur trails. It simulates the effect of camera shutter speed." hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter == custom } { ar_mb_shutter == rop }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_range" label "Shutter Start/End" type vector2 size 2 default { "-0.25" "0.25" } help "Specifically sets the start and end times of the shutter. Can be used to create custom motion blur effects." hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter != custom }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "ar_shutter_type" label "Shutter Filter" type ordinal default { "box" } help "The type of filtering applied to time samples. By default, this is a box filter, with all time samples having the same weight." menu { "box" "Box" "triangle" "Triangle" "curve" "Curve" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_shutter_curve" label "Shutter Curve" type ramp_flt default { "4" } help "Define an arbitrary shape for the shutter filter. Only linear interpolation is implemented." hidewhen "{ ar_shutter_type != curve }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 0.10000000149011612 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear ) 3pos ( 0.89999997615814209 ) 3value ( 1 ) 3interp ( linear ) 4pos ( 1 ) 4value ( 0 ) 4interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "0" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Depth of Field" parm { name "ar_dof_enable" label "Enable Depth of Field" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enables depth of field effects." disablewhen "{ projection != perspective }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } parm { name "ar_focus_distance" label "Focus Distance" type float default { "ch(\"focus\")" } help "This is the distance at which objects appear in perfect focus, for a non-zero aperture value." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { 0.001 1000 } } parm { name "ar_aperture_size" label "Aperture Size" type float default { "0" } help "Controls the size of the Aperture. The smaller the aperture, the sharper the images (wider depth of field). In the limit, a size of zero produces no depth of field blurring." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "units" "m1" } } parm { name "ar_aperture_aspect_ratio" label "Aspect Ratio" type log default { "1" } help "This is used to stretch the aperture vertically. A value of 2 produces an elongated defocusing effect reminiscent of an anamorphic lens, while a value less than one will squash it." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { 0.05 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } parm { name "ar_aperture_polygonal" label "Polygonal Aperture" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } help "Whether the aperture will behave as a regular polygon of N-sides or as a perfect disk." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } parm { name "ar_aperture_blades" label "Aperture Blades" type integer default { "5" } help "Number of blades (or polygon sides) of the polygonal aperture." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { ar_aperture_polygonal == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { 3! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } parm { name "ar_aperture_blade_curvature" label "Blade Curvature" type float default { "0" } help "Curvature of the polygonal aperture sides. A value of 0 means hard straight sides. Increasing this value results in progressively more curved edges, all the way to 1.0 which produces a perfect disk. Negative values produce a \"pinched\" or star-shaped aperture." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { ar_aperture_polygonal == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { -5 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } parm { name "ar_aperture_rotation" label "Aperture Rotation" type float default { "0" } help "Rotates the aperture by any number of degrees." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { ar_aperture_polygonal == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { -180 180 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } parm { name "ar_flat_field_focus" label "Flat Field" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable a perfectly flat focus plane on the standard thin lens camera model. This prevents overblurring away from the optical axis. Some renders might change, specially with wide FOV angles or very shallow DOF. Set this parameter to false to revert to the previous behavior." disablewhen "{ ar_dof_enable == 0 } { projection != perspective }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Depth of Field" } } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000002150obj/cam1.chn{ channel sx { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel sy { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel sz { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel scale { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = lock(1) } } channel ar_rolling_shutter_duration { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "1 / 1080" } } channel ar_mb_shutter_length { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"shutter\") } } channel ar_focus_distance { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"focus\") } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001600000010157obj/cam1.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 6.699579692029351 4.377659867667407 2.100488990606451 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -25.60759902923757 90.2081868132496 0.00017320702886623488 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ sx 1 ] [ sy 1 ] [ sz 1 ] ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ scale 1 ] ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) childcomp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_on [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookupobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) stdswitcher3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) iconscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) res [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1280 720 ) resMenu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "640 480 1" ) aspect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) projection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "perspective" ) vm_lensshader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) focal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 50 ) focalunits [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mm ) aperture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 41.4213562373095 ) orthowidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3.1543279030243463 ) near [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01740106854821658 ) far [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 17401.06854821658 ) vm_bgenable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_background [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) win [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) winsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 ) winmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) cropl [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) cropr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) cropb [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) cropt [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) cropmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) fgimage [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) focus [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 5 ) fstop [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 5.6 ) vm_bokeh [ 0 locks=0 ] ( radial ) vm_bokehfile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( default.pic ) vm_bokehrotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) shop_propertiespath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) ar_camera_shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_exposure [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_radial_distortion [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_radial_distortion_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "cubic" ) ar_lens_tilt_angle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) ar_lens_shift [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) ar_horizontal_fov [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 60 ) ar_vertical_fov [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 90 ) ar_projective [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "projective" ) ar_camera_mantra_orientation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_fisheye [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_autocrop [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_uv_remap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_filtermap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_mb_xform_keys_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_xform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_rolling_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_rolling_shutter_duration [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_rolling_shutter_duration 0 ] ) ar_mb_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "rop" ) ar_mb_shutter_length [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_mb_shutter_length 0 ] ) ar_mb_shutter_range [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -0.25 0.25 ) ar_shutter_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "box" ) ar_shutter_curve [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) ar_shutter_curve1pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_shutter_curve1value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_shutter_curve1interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) ar_dof_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_focus_distance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_focus_distance 0 ] ) ar_aperture_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_aperture_aspect_ratio [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_aperture_polygonal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_aperture_blades [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 5 ) ar_aperture_blade_curvature [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_aperture_rotation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_flat_field_focus [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_shutter_curve2pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000149011612 ) ar_shutter_curve2value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_shutter_curve2interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) ar_shutter_curve3pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.8999999761581421 ) ar_shutter_curve3value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_shutter_curve3interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) ar_shutter_curve4pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_shutter_curve4value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_shutter_curve4interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002200000000041obj/cam1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003000000000032obj/cam1/camOrigin.inittype = add matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000000701obj/cam1/camOrigin.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 2 3 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311243 modify 1716311344 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003000000001146obj/cam1/camOrigin.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) keep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) points [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) remove [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) switcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) prims [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) add [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "all" ) inc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) attrname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) closedall [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) addparticlesystem [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) particlegroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) appendunusedtoparticlesystem [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) prim0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) closed0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) usept0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pt0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) weight0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000041obj/cam1/camOrigin.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002400000000033obj/cam1/file1.inittype = file matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002300000000721obj/cam1/file1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.18 3 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311243 modify 1716311344 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.9 0.8 0.55 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002300000000224obj/cam1/file1.chn{ channel index { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = $FF-ch(\"f1\") } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002400000001144obj/cam1/file1.parm{ version 0.8 filemode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "read" ) file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( defcam.bgeo ) reload [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) objpattern [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) geodatapath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) missingframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "error" ) loadtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "full" ) packedviewedit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "unchanged" ) viewportlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "box" ) packexpanded [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) delayload [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) mkpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) cachesize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) prefetch [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) f [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 24 ) index [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ index 0 ] ) wrap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "cycle" ) retry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003000000000041obj/cam1/file1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000000034obj/cam1/xform1.inittype = xform matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002400000000747obj/cam1/xform1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.18 1.5 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 file1 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 file1 0 1 } stat { create 1716311243 modify 1716311344 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002400000000245obj/cam1/xform1.chn{ channel scale { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "property(\"../iconscale\", 1)" } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000001722obj/cam1/xform1.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) shear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ scale 1 ] ) parmgroup_pivotxform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) parmgroup_prexform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) prexform_xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) prexform_rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) prexform_t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) prexform_r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) prexform_s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) prexform_shear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) movecentroid [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) movepivot [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) attribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) updateaffectednmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vlength [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) invertxform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) addattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) outputattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( xform ) outputmerge [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "post" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000000041obj/cam1/xform1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001700000000031obj/cam1.order3 camOrigin file1 xform1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001500000000002obj/cam1.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000000041obj/matnet1/chrome.order2 OUT_material standard_surface1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000000002obj/matnet1/chrome.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002700000000041obj/matnet1/clay.order2 OUT_material standard_surface1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002500000000002obj/matnet1/clay.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002200000000016obj/matnet1.order2 chrome clay 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002000000000002obj/matnet1.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005600000000032obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet.order2 OUT_light physical_sky1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005400000000002obj/arnold_light2/shopnet/arnold_vopnet.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001200000000066obj.order5 testgeometry_crag1 grid1 cam1 matnet1 arnold_light2 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001000000000002obj.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004100000000035out/arnold_noice_imager_old.inittype = arnold matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004000000000672out/arnold_noice_imager_old.defcomment "" position -4.73582 2.66705 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311406 modify 1716315772 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005100000461264out/arnold_noice_imager_old.spareparmdef parm { name "execute" baseparm label "Render to Disk" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderdialog" baseparm label "Controls..." nolabel export none } parm { name "trange" baseparm label "Valid Frame Range" export none } parm { name "f" baseparm label "Start/End/Inc" export none } parm { name "take" baseparm label "Render with Take" export none } group { name "main6" label " Main " grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "main" } groupsimple { name "folder_camera2" label "Camera" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_camera" } parm { name "camera" baseparm label "Camera" export none } groupsimple { name "folder_subdivision2" label "Subdivision" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_subdivision" } parm { name "ar_subdiv_dicing_camera_enable" baseparm label "Use Alternate Dicing Camera" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_dicing_camera" baseparm label "Dicing Camera" export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_culling" baseparm label "Enable" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_padding" baseparm label "Frustum Culling" export none } } } parm { name "target" baseparm label "Render Target" invisible export none } parm { name "sepparm" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } groupsimple { name "folder_objects2" label "Objects" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_objects" } parm { name "vobject" baseparm label "Candidate Objects" export none } parm { name "forceobject" baseparm label "Force Objects" export none } parm { name "excludeobject" baseparm label "Exclude Objects" export none } parm { name "phantom_objects" baseparm label "Forced Phantom" export none } parm { name "matte_objects" baseparm label "Forced Matte" export none } } groupsimple { name "folder_shaders2" label "Shaders" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_shaders" } parm { name "ar_environment" baseparm label "Environment" export none } parm { name "ar_forced_materials" baseparm label "Forced Materials" export none } parm { name "ar_shader_override" baseparm label "Shader Override" export none } parm { name "ar_export_referenced_materials" baseparm label "Export Referenced Materials" export none } } parm { name "obj_light_sep" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } groupsimple { name "folder_lights2" label "Lights" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_lights" } parm { name "sololight" baseparm label "Solo Light" export none } parm { name "alights" baseparm label "Candidate Lights" export none } parm { name "forcelights" baseparm label "Force Lights" export none } parm { name "excludelights" baseparm label "Exclude Lights" export none } parm { name "soho_autoheadlight" baseparm label "Headlight Creation" invisible export none } parm { name "light_fog_sep" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } } parm { name "vfog" baseparm label "Visible Fog" invisible export none } parm { name "soho_viewport_menu" baseparm label "Show in Viewport Menu" export none } parm { name "soho_initsim" baseparm label "Initialize Simulation OPs" export none } parm { name "ar_render_selection_only" baseparm label "Render Selection Only" export none } parm { name "ar_render_selection_others" baseparm label "Render Others As" export none } } group { name "main6_1" label "Properties" parm { name "shop_propertiespath" baseparm label "Default Properties" export none } parm { name "ar_user_options" baseparm label "User Options" joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_user_options_enable" baseparm label "Enable" export none } group { name "folder0" label "Output" parm { name "ar_picture" label "Output Picture" type file default { "ip" } menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_picture" label "Compat. Output Picture" type string invisible default { [ "chs(\"ar_picture\")" hscript-expr ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "override_camerares" label "Override Camera Resolution" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_fraction" label "Resolution Scale" type string default { "specific" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" menu { "0.1" "1/10 (One Tenth Resolution)" "0.2" "1/5 (One Fifth Resolution)" "0.25" "1/4 (Quarter Resolution)" "0.3333333" "1/3 (One Third Resolution)" "0.5" "1/2 (Half Resolution)" "0.6666666" "2/3 (Two Thirds Resolution)" "0.75" "3/4 (Three Quarter Resolution)" "specific" "User Specified Resolution" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_override" label "Resolution" type intvector2 joinnext size 2 default { "640" "480" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 } { res_fraction != specific }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_overrideMenu" label "Choose Resolution" type button nolabel default { "0" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 } { res_fraction != specific }" menumini { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBres')\")`" ] } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . res_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 0)` `arg(\"$script_value\", 1)` aspect_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 2)` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "aspect_override" label "Pixel Aspect Ratio" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" range { 0.05 2 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "my_sep" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_overscan_enable" label "Overscan" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable rendered image overscan." } parm { name "ar_denoise" label "Denoise with Optix" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable optix denoising on beauty AOV. Not available when an imager graph is attached, instead add the optix imager in the graph." disablewhen "{ ar_imagers != \"\" }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" } parm { name "ar_output_variance" label "Output Variance AOV" type toggle default { "0" } help "Add an extra variance AOV to the beauty for arnold denoising. If the AOVs N, Z, diffuse_albedo then they will be used to enhance the denoising." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" } parm { name "ar_overscan" label "Overscan Margins" type intvector4 size 4 default { "0" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" } help "Extend the render region by those amounts in pixels. EXR output will fully respect the overscan region with differing data and display windows, but the other image formats will simply enlarge the final image resolution to incorporate overscan since they cannot accommodate data outside the display area of the image." hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" range { 0 100 } } parm { name "ar_overscan_label" label " " type label size 4 default { "Top" "Bottom" "Left" "Right" } hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_overscan_separator" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_picture_format" label "Image Format" type string joinnext default { "exr" } help "Output image file format." menu { "exr" "OpenEXR" "deepexr" "Deep OpenEXR" "tiff" "TIFF" "png" "PNG" "jpeg" "JPEG" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_tiling" label " Tiling" type integer default { "0" } help "Allows to save the image in scanline or tiled mode. It seems Scanline works better with composition packages like Nuke or Fusion." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "0" "Scanline " "1" "Tiled" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_format" label "Pixel Format" type string joinnext default { "0" } help "TIFF bit depth." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" "int32" "Integer 32 bit" "float32" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_compression" label " Compression" type string default { "lzw" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the TIFF file." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "none" "None" "lzw" "LZW" "ccittrle" "CCITT RLE" "zip" "Zip" "packbits" "PackBits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_format" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "0" } help "PNG bit depth." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_skip_alpha" label "Skip Alpha" type toggle default { "1" } help "Skip the alpha channel of RGBA outputs." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_compression" label "Compression" type string default { "zip" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the EXR file:\n\n- None: Disables all compression.\n\n- Run Length Encoding (RLE): This is a basic form of compression that is comparable to that used by standard Targa files.\n\n- Zip (per scanline): Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.\n\n- Zip (16 scanline blocks): Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. This tends to be the most effective style of compression to use with rendered images that do not have film grain applied.\n\n- PIZ: This uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.\n\n- PXR24: This form of compression from Pixar converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.\n\n- B44: This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.\n\n- B44A: An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.\n\n- DWAA: JPEG-like lossy compression format contributed by DreamWorks Animation. Compresses 32 scanlines together.\n\n- DWAB: Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { "none" "None " "rle" "Run Length Encoding (RLE)" "zips" "Zip (per scanline)" "zip" "Zip (16 scanline blocks)" "piz" "PIZ" "pxr24" "PXR24" "b44" "B44" "b44a" "B44A" "dwaa" "DWAA" "dwab" "DWAB" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(filter_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_family').eval(), filter_linear=True)" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family, filter_linear=True)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_quality" label "JPEG Quality" type integer default { "100" } help "JPEG compression quality." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" range { 1! 100! } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_beauty_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Beauty" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store beauty layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_half_precision" label "Half Precision" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store all pixels as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_multipart" label "Multipart" type toggle default { "0" } help "The ability to encode separate, but related, images in one file. This allows for access to individual parts without the need to read other parts in the file." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_preserve_layer_name" label "Preserve Layer Name" type toggle default { "0" } help "If checked, will store the AOV in a layer different with the name of the AOV, and not the RGB." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_autocrop" label "Autocrop" type toggle default { "0" } help "Automatically crop uniform borders." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_tiling != 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_output_padded" label "Pad Crop Region" type toggle default { "0" } help "Defines a padding around the crop region." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format == exr } { ar_picture_format == deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_dither" label "Dithering" type toggle default { "1" } help "Applies a small amount of noise to the final pixel values. This helps minimize banding artifacts apparent on 8-bit output image file formats such as TIFF8." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format == exr } { ar_picture_format == deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_unpremult_alpha" label "Unpremultiply Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specifies whether the main RGB channel is premultiplied with the alpha channel (the default) or not. It only works with 8-bit output images." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_skip_alpha" label "Skip Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Skip the alpha channel of RGBA outputs." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge" label "Merge Subpixel Samples" type toggle default { "1" } help "Nearby subpixel samples will be merged." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_beauty_tolerance" label "Beauty Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Beauty tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_alpha_tolerance" label "Alpha Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Alpha tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_depth_tolerance" label "Depth Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Depth tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_beauty_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Beauty" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store beauty layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_alpha_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store alpha layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_depth_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Depth" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store depth layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_use_RGB_opacity" label "RGB Opacity" type toggle default { "0" } help "Write out RGB opacity, rather than just alpha. Nuke can read these images but cannot display them." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_enable_filtering" label "Filter Beauty" type toggle default { "1" } help "If set to false disable any filtering operation on this layer's raw data -- useful for normals or ID layers." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_append" label "Append" type toggle default { "0" } help "Append to existing tiles when re-rendering the same image." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_tiling != 1 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } multiparm { name "ar_exr_metadata" label "Metadata" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_key#" label "Key" type string joinnext default { "metadata#" } help "Metadata key name." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_type#" label " Type" type ordinal default { "4" } help "Metadata type." menu { "int" "Integer" "float" "Float" "point2" "Point2" "matrix" "Matrix" "string" "String" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_int_value#" label "Value" type integer default { "0" } help "Metadata integer value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != int }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_float_value#" label "Value" type float default { "0" } help "Metadata float value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != float }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_point2_value#" label "Value" type vector2 size 2 default { "0" "0" } help "Metadata Point2 value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != point2 }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_matrix_value#" label "Value" type float size 16 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" } help "Metadata matrix value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != matrix }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_string_value#" label "Value" type string default { "" } help "Metadata string value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != string }" range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "ar_enable_aov_composition" label "Enable AOV Composition" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Globally control whether any capable AOVs will automatically compose through semi-opaque surfaces rendered using auto-transparency. AOVs which are composable (i.e., which have opacity-blending capability) are provided in the standard, lambert, and hair shaders." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_multicam" label "Enable Multicam" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Helper flag for HtoA to determine if muticam is supported in the render context. IPR contexts disable multicam." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_imagers" label "Imagers" type oppath joinnext default { "/mat/arnold_default_imager" } help "Select a driver output defining an imager graph to apply post process effects to the beauty pass." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!CUSTOM/VOP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_imager_presets" label "Imager Presets" type ordinal nolabel default { "0" } help "Builds a new imager network with the selected imager node" menu { [ "__import__('htoa.imager').imager.ropImagerPresetMenu(kwargs)" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa.imager').imager.ropImagerPresetBuildGraph(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "sidefx::look" "icon" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_shaders" label "AOV Shaders" type oppath default { "" } help "AOV shader will be evaluated after the regular surface shader. With this it is possible to add shaders to set specific AOVs without modifying the original shader tree, such as the popular Cryptomatte automatic ID matte shader." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!CUSTOM/MATERIAL!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } multiparm { name "ar_aovs" label "AOVs" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } parm { name "ar_enable_aov#" label "Enable AOV #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_label#" label "AOV #" type string default { "" } help "The AOV name" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 }" menureplace { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.aovMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . vm_vextype_plane$script_multiparm_index ( `ifs(index(\",Pz,Af,Render_Time,Op_Id,Prim_Id,level,specularlevel,diffuselevel,direct_samples,indirect_samples,\", \",$script_value,\")>=0, \"float\", \"vector\")` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_enable_layer_name#" label "Enable Layer Name #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_layer_name#" label "Layer Name" type string default { "" } help "The EXR layer name. If this is the empty string then the ar_aov_label is used as the exr layer name as usual." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_exr_enable_layer_name# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_lpe_enable#" label "Enable Light Path Expression" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable a custom light path expression for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_lpe#" label "Light Path Expr." type string default { "" } help "Custom light path expression for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_lpe_enable# == 0 } { ar_aov_camera# == camera }" menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.lpeMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['parm'].set(kwargs['script_value'].replace(' ', ''))" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_camera_enable#" label "Enable AOV Camera" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable using a separable camera for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_camera#" label "Camera" type oppath default { "" } help "The camera to use for this AOV. When the camera is different from the main camera, you need to specify a separate file to render the AOV to. Also, the AOV will be ignored in interactive rendering contexts." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_camera_enable# == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/CAMERA!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_separate#" label "Output to Separate File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Save this deep raster plane to a different disk file than the main image." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_separate_file#" label "Separate File" type file default { "" } help "Save this deep raster plane to a different disk file than the main image.\nThis does *not* work when rendering to mplay." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 } { ar_aov_camera# == camera }" menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_denoise_enable#" label "Denoise with Optix" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable optix denoiser for this AOV. Not available when an imager graph is attached, instead add the optix imager in the graph." disablewhen "{ ar_imagers != \"\" } { ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_picture_format#" label "Image Format" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "AOV image file format." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "exr" "OpenEXR" "deepexr" "Deep OpenEXR" "tiff" "TIFF" "png" "PNG" "jpeg" "JPEG" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_type#" label " Type" type string default { "RGB" } help "The type associated with the AOV" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" menu { "RGB" "RGB" "RGBA" "RGBA" "BOOL" "Boolean" "INT" "Integer" "UINT" "Unsigned Integer" "FLOAT" "Float" "VECTOR" "Vector" "VECTOR2" "Vector 2D" "NODE" "Node Pointer" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_compression#" label "Compression" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the EXR file:\n\n- None: Disables all compression.\n\n- Run Length Encoding (RLE): This is a basic form of compression that is comparable to that used by standard Targa files.\n\n- Zip (per scanline): Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.\n\n- Zip (16 scanline blocks): Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. This tends to be the most effective style of compression to use with rendered images that do not have film grain applied.\n\n- PIZ: This uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.\n\n- PXR24: This form of compression from Pixar converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.\n\n- B44: This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.\n\n- B44A: An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.\n\n- DWAA: JPEG-like lossy compression format contributed by DreamWorks Animation. Compresses 32 scanlines together.\n\n- DWAB: Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "none" "None " "rle" "Run Length Encoding (RLE)" "zips" "Zip (per scanline)" "zip" "Zip (16 scanline blocks)" "piz" "PIZ" "pxr24" "PXR24" "b44" "B44" "b44a" "B44A" "dwaa" "DWAA" "dwab" "DWAB" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_precision#" label "Precision" type string default { "beauty" } help "EXR precision." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "half" "Float 16 bit" "float" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_tiff_format#" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "beauty" } help "TIFF bit depth." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_picture_format# != tiff }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" "int32" "Integer 32 bit" "float32" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_png_format#" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "beauty" } help "PNG bit depth." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_picture_format# != png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter#" label "Pixel Filter" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "The filter type used for averaging individual subpixel samples into a final pixel color. The default gaussian-2.0 is an excellent filter, you will rarely need anything other than gaussian." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "blackman_harris_filter" "Blackman-Harris" "box_filter" "Box" "catrom_filter" "Catmull-Rom" "closest_filter" "Closest" "farthest_filter" "Farthest" "gaussian_filter" "Gaussian" "heatmap_filter" "Heatmap" "mitnet_filter" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc_filter" "Sinc" "triangle_filter" "Triangle" "variance_filter" "Variance" "contour_filter" "Contour" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering#" label "Filter Deep AOV" type toggle default { "1" } help "If set to false disable any filtering operation on this layer's raw data -- useful for normals or ID layers." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights#" label "Variance Filter Weights" type string default { "box" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != variance_filter }" menu { "blackman_harris" "Blackman-Harris" "box" "Box" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "mitnet" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc" "Sinc" "triangle" "Triangle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width#" label "Width" type float default { "2" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == beauty } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == blackman_harris_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == sinc_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == farthest_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == closest_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == box_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == catrom_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == heatmap_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == mitnet_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris#" label "Width" type float default { "3" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != blackman_harris_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width_sinc#" label "Width" type float default { "6" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != sinc_filter }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_farthest_domain#" label "Farthest Domain" type string default { "first_hit" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != farthest_filter }" menu { "first_hit" "First Hit " "all_hits" "All Hits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode#" label "Variance Scalar Mode" type toggle default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != variance_filter }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum#" label "Heatmap Minimum" type float default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum#" label "Heatmap Maximum" type float default { "1" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_merge_tolerance#" label "Deep AOV Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Tolerance over which the AOV samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_half_precision#" label "Half Precision for Deep AOV" type toggle default { "0" } help "Use 16-bit floats for this AOV filtering." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } parm { name "ar_overridden" label "Overridden Parameters" type toggle invisible default { "0" } help "Parameters have been overridden by one of the configuration files in $HH/soho/overrides." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" groupsimple { name "group_samples" label "Samples" parm { name "ar_AA_samples" label "Camera (AA)" type integer default { "3" } help "Controls the amount of rays per pixel that will be traced from the camera. The higher the number of samples, the better the anti-aliasing quality, and the longer the render times. The exact number of rays per pixel is the square of this value. For example, an AA Samples value of 3 means 3x3 = 9 pixel samples." range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_enable_adaptive_sampling" label "Adaptive Sampling" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable adaptive AA samples based on the variance level, according to the minimum and maximum AA samples." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_samples_max" label "Max. Camera (AA)" type integer default { "20" } help "When adaptive sampling is enabled, this control the maximum amount of rays per pixel that will be traced from the camera. The exact number of rays per pixel is the square of this value. Note that setting this parameter to a value lower or equal to AA samples will disable adaptive sampling." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_adaptive_sampling == 0 }" range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_samples_extra" label "Extra AA" type integer invisible default { [ "ch(\"ar_AA_samples_max\") - ch(\"ar_AA_samples\")" hscript-expr ] } help "Maximum extra AA levels. For UI logic purposes only." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_adaptive_threshold" label "Adaptive Threshold" type log default { "0.015" } help "The variance-based threshold. Adapative sampling will stop if the variance is below this level." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_adaptive_sampling == 0 } { ar_AA_samples_extra <= 0 }" range { 0.0001 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_diffuse_samples" label "Diffuse" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of hemispherical rays fired for indirect diffuse GI shader evaluations. Increase this number to reduce the diffuse GI noise. The exact number of hemispherical rays is the square of this value. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_specular_samples" label "Specular" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of BRDF rays fired for indirect glossy specular shader evaluations. Increase this number to reduce the noise in soft/blurry reflections. The exact number of rays is the square of this value. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_transmission_samples" label "Transmission" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of samples used to simulate the microfacet-based glossy transmission evaluations. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_sss_samples" label "SSS" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of SSS lighting samples (direct and indirect) that will be taken to estimate lighting within a radius of the point being shaded. Higher values produce a cleaner solution, but will take longer to render. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_volume_samples" label "Volume Indirect" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of indirect diffuse samples for volumes. Higher values reduce the noise, but will take longer to render. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_enable_progressive_render" label "Progressive Render" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable progressive sampling." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } groupsimple { name "group_pixelfilter" label "Pixel Filter" parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_type" label "Pixel Filter" type string default { "gaussian_filter" } help "The filter type used for averaging individual subpixel samples into a final pixel color. The default gaussian-2.0 is an excellent filter, you will rarely need anything other than gaussian." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" menu { "blackman_harris_filter" "Blackman-Harris" "box_filter" "Box" "catrom_filter" "Catmull-Rom" "closest_filter" "Closest" "farthest_filter" "Farthest" "gaussian_filter" "Gaussian" "heatmap_filter" "Heatmap" "mitnet_filter" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc_filter" "Sinc" "triangle_filter" "Triangle" "variance_filter" "Variance" "contour_filter" "Contour" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width" label "Filter Width" type float default { "2" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type == blackman_harris_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == sinc_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == farthest_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == closest_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == box_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == catrom_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == heatmap_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == mitnet_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris" label "Filter Width" type float default { "3" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != blackman_harris_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width_sinc" label "Filter Width" type float default { "6" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != sinc_filter }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_farthest_domain" label "Farthest Domain" type string default { "first_hit" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != farthest_filter }" menu { "first_hit" "First Hit " "all_hits" "All Hits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode" label "Variance Scalar Mode" type toggle default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != variance_filter }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights" label "Variance Filter Weights" type string default { "box" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != variance_filter }" menu { "blackman_harris" "Blackman-Harris" "box" "Box" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "mitnet" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc" "Sinc" "triangle" "Triangle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum" label "Heatmap Minimum" type float default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum" label "Heatmap Maximum" type float default { "1" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } groupsimple { name "group_clamping" label "Clamping" parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable" label "Clamp Camera Samples" type toggle default { "0" } help "When enabled, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp_affects_aovs" label "Clamp Camera Samples in AOVs" type toggle default { "0" } help "When enabled, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." disablewhen "{ ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable != 1 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp" label "Camera Sample Clamp" type float default { "10" } help "Enabling this control, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." disablewhen "{ ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable == 0 }" range { 1e-05! 100 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_indirect_sample_clamp" label "Indirect Sample Clamp" type float default { "10" } help "Works similarly to AA_sample_clamp, but only affects indirect light, so that specular highlights from direct lighting are preserved. This makes it possible to clamp fireflies more aggressively without affecting the final render significantly. It is set to 10.0 by default. Lower values result in more aggressive noise reduction, possibly at the expense of dynamic range." range { 0! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } groupsimple { name "group_advanced" label "Advanced" parm { name "ar_lock_sampling_pattern" label "Lock Sampling Pattern" type toggle default { "0" } help "The noise pattern seed is set to the current frame number by default. If lock_sampling_patter parameter is enabled, this behaviour is disabled and the AA_seed parameter on the options node is set to 0 instead." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_dielectric_priorities" label "Nested Dielectrics" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable the priority system for nested dielectrics. Disable this checkbox for legacy dielectric calculations." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_indirect_specular_blur" label "Indirect Specular Blur" type float default { "1" } help "Sets indirect specular blurring to reduce caustic noise. Setting to zero gives the most accurate but also noisy renders, while higher values blur caustics to reduce noise." range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_light_samples" label "Light Samples" type integer default { "0" } help "Global amount of light samples. When set to a non-null value, Arnold will run this given amount of light samples accross the whole scene instead of relying on per-light sampling." range { 0! 32 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } groupcollapsible { name "group_deprecated" label "Deprecated" parm { name "ar_sss_use_autobump" label "Autobump for SSS" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } help "Take autobump into account for SSS calculations. This will result in more details in the SSS, at the cost of a slower render." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated" label "ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated" type label default { "Deprecated: Use 'Subsurface Ray Visibility' in the 'Render Geometry Settings' LOP instead" } hidewhen "{ ar_sss_use_autobump == 0 }" parmtag { "sidefx::look" "heading" } } } } groupsimple { name "group_info" label "Estimated Rays / Pixel" parm { name "ar_info_samples_camera" label "Camera (AA) Rays" type string default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_diffuse" label "Diffuse Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_specular" label "Specular Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_transmission" label "Transmission Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_total" label "Total Rays (no lights)" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Ray Depth" parm { name "ar_GI_total_depth" label "Total" type integer default { "10" } help "Specifies the total maximum recursion depth of any ray in the scene." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_diffuse_depth" label "Diffuse" type integer default { "1" } help "The maximum number of times a diffuse ray can bounce." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_specular_depth" label "Specular" type integer default { "1" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can be glossily reflected." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_transmission_depth" label "Transmission" type integer default { "8" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can be refracted." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_volume_depth" label "Volume" type integer default { "0" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can bounce for multiple scattering in a volume." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_auto_transparency_depth" label "Transparency" type integer default { "10" } help "The number of allowed transparency hits. With 0 objects will be treated as opaque." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_low_light_threshold" label "Low Light Threshold" type float default { "0.001" } help "Specify an illumination value below which Arnold will skip firing shadow rays to each light source, reducing rendering time." range { 0! 0.1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Motion Blur" parm { name "ar_mb_xform_enable" label "Enable Transformation Blur" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable motion blur." parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys" label "Transform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for matrix transformation. Transformation motion blur is calculated based on a linear interpolation of an object transform matrix, between successive motion keys. Increasing this value will add extra steps, which can improve the blurred result specially for rotating objects. The default is 2, which results in straight lines of blur between shutter start and shutter end." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_enable" label "Enable Deformation Blur" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Motion blur will take into account geometry deformation. It should only be enabled when objects in the scene change shape quickly enough, since this option uses more memory and renders slower." parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys" label "Deform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for object points. Just like with transformation motion keys, increasing this value allows curved motion paths to be rendered more accurately, at the expense of using more memory." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } groupsimple { name "group_shutter" label "Camera Shutter" parm { name "ar_mb_shutter" label "Shutter Position" type string default { "center" } help "Decide where on the frame time the blur will be evaluated. The default is centered." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" menu { "start" "Start On Frame" "center" "Center On Frame" "end" "End On Frame" "custom" "Custom Shutter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_length" label "Shutter Length" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter == custom }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_range" label "Shutter Start/End" type vector2 size 2 default { "-0.25" "0.25" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter != custom }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_motion_blur" label "Instantaneous Shutter for Motion Vectors" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore motion blur effects in camera for generating motion vectors." range { 0 1 } } } } group { name "folder0_4" label "Textures" parm { name "ar_texture_max_sharpen" label "Sharpness" type float invisible default { "1.5" } help "Sharpens textures at the expense of increased file I/O. The theoretical optimum setting for sharpest results is to set this to AA_samples, but under most practical situations where texture I/O must be controlled, setting this to around 1.5 already gives sharp results at a moderate cost." range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_max_memory_MB" label "Cache Size (MB)" type float default { "4096" } help "Texture cache size in MB." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_caching_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 8192 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_max_open_files" label "Max. Open Textures" type integer default { "0" } help "The maximum number of files that the texture system keeps open at any given time to avoid excessive closing and re-opening of files when caching individual texture tiles. A value of 0 means the number is automatically computed by Arnold. Increasing this number may result in slightly better texture caching performance. On the other hand, if this value is higher than the maximum number of concurrently open files supported by the operating system (e.g. Linux vs Windows), some texture lookups may fail and return red." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_max_memory_MB == 0 }" range { 0! 4096 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_accept_untiled" label "Accept Untiled" type toggle default { "1" } help "High-resolution untiled texture maps are very inefficient to render, because they must be loaded entirely into memory as soon as the renderer needs to access a single texel. For that reason, you may want to use this flag to enforce that all your texture maps are already tiled in advance (perhaps by using a preprocessing tool like maketx). When this flag is enabled, any attempt at loading an untiled file will produce an error and abort the renderer." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_autotile" label "Auto-tile" type integer default { "64" } help "This is the size of the tiles when using auto-tiling. Bigger values mean less frequent texture loads, but use more memory. Use existing Tiled files: If .tx file with the same name of the texture is found, the renderer will use it." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_accept_untiled == 0 }" range { 2! 512 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_accept_unmipped" label "Accept Unmipped" type toggle default { "1" } help "Unmipped texture maps are inefficient to render, because filtering to reduce aliasing has to be done on the fly. For that reason, you may want to use this flag to enforce that all your texture maps are already mipmapped in advance (perhaps by using a preprocessing tool like maketx). When this flag is enabled, any attempt at loading an unmipped file will produce an error and abort the renderer. By default this flag is enabled, because most of the popular image formats such as JPEG don't support tiling." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_automip" label "Auto-mipmap" type toggle default { "1" } help "If a texture map file is not natively mipmapped (e.g. a JPEG file), enabling this option will trigger the automatic generation of a mipmap that will be stored in memory for the duration of the render. This mipmap generation increases render time, specially for scenes with many high resolution textures. This is in contrast to file formats that natively support mipmapping, such as TIFF and EXR, where the mipmap is generated only once (with a preprocessing tool like maketx). Use with care." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_accept_unmipped == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_auto_maketx" label "Auto-generate TX Textures" type toggle default { "1" } help "Automatically generate or update the .tx texture corresponding to the texture files. If an up to date version already exists, the generation will be skipped. The .tx textures will be linearized according to the colorspace selected on the image shader." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_use_existing_tx" label "Use Existing TX Textures" type toggle default { "1" } help "If an untiled texture is requested (e.g. concrete.jpg) but a .tx file with the same filename is found (e.g. concrete.tx), the renderer will load the .tx file instead." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_auto_tx_path" label "Auto-Tx Path" type string default { "" } help "Set an optional path where all TX files will be generated, instead of generating each TX next to the original texture." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_auto_maketx == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } } group { name "folder0_5" label "Device" parm { name "ar_platform" label "Platform" type string invisible default { [ "__import__('sys').platform" python ] } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } groupsimple { name "group_render_device" label "Device" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_render_device" label "Render Device" type string default { "CPU" } help "Specify the render devices." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" menu { "CPU" "CPU" "GPU" "GPU" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_render_device_fallback" label "Device Fallback" type string default { "error" } help "Specify the render fallback device when no GPU is available." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" menu { "error" "Error" "CPU" "CPU" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } groupsimple { name "group_auto_gpu" label "Automatic Device Selection" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_gpu_default_names" label "Device Expression" type string default { "*" } help "Select GPU names with this filter. Note you cannot mix RTX and non-RTX graphics cards in the same render." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_gpu_default_min_memory_MB" label "Min. Memory (MB)" type integer default { "512" } help "Select GPU names with at least this amount of memory (MB)" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" range { 0! 2048 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } groupsimple { name "group_manual_gpu" label "Manual Device Selection" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_manual_device_selection" label "Enable Manual Device Selection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Choose whether to select devices manually" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_device_selection" label "Device Selection" type string default { "" } help "GPU device selection. Note you cannot mix RTX and non-RTX graphics cards in the same render." disablewhen "{ ar_manual_device_selection == 0 } { ar_platform == darwin }" menutoggle { [ "import htoa.device" ] [ "return htoa.device.gpuDeviceMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } groupsimple { name "group_gpu_settings" label "GPU Settings" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_gpu_max_texture_resolution" label "Max. Texture Res." type integer default { "0" } help "This will limit the number of mipmap levels generated to be up to the specified resolution, unless the value is 0 in which case there is no maximum." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == CPU }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" range { 0! 2048 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } } groupsimple { name "group_cm" label "Color Management" parm { name "ar_color_space_singleton" label "Color Space ROP" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specify that this ROP should be used to define the color spaces for TX conversion." parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa.colorspace').colorspace.setColorSpaceRop(kwargs['node'], kwargs['parm'].eval())" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_ocio_enabled" label "OCIO Enabled" type toggle invisible default { [ "bool(__import__('htoa.ocio').ocio.has_config)" python ] } help "If OCIO was enabled and successfully loaded this will be true." parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_family_narrow" label "LDR Color Space" type string joinnext default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" python ] } help "If it exists in the OCIO config, this should be set to the name of the `sRGB` color space. This is used internally for input and output color spaces in `auto` mode for low dynamic range images. If set by the user, this color space is also used as a reference to detect the rendering color space gamut and white point." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(view_display=False, filter_non_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.narrowColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_narrow').eval())" ] [ "if color_space_menu and kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_narrow').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_narrow').set(color_space_menu[0])" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_space_narrow" label "ar_color_space_narrow" type string nolabel default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" python ] } help "If it exists in the OCIO config, this should be set to the name of the `sRGB` color space. This is used internally for input and output color spaces in `auto` mode for low dynamic range images. If set by the user, this color space is also used as a reference to detect the rendering color space gamut and white point." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_narrow').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.narrowColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_family_linear" label "Rendering Color Space" type string joinnext default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" python ] } help "This is the default linear color space that Arnold will use as its rendering color space. Arnold's default color space is `sRGB Linear` but this can correspond to any linear color space if needed. If chromaticities for this linear color space can be guessed or are user specified certain spectral effects will take them into account, but not other adaptations for albedos, transparencies, etc are applied." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(view_display=False, filter_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.renderColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_linear').eval())" ] [ "if color_space_menu and kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_linear').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_linear').set(color_space_menu[0])" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_space_linear" label "ar_color_space_linear" type string nolabel default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_linear" python ] } help "This is the default linear color space that Arnold will use as its rendering color space. Arnold's default color space is `sRGB Linear` but this can correspond to any linear color space if needed. If chromaticities for this linear color space can be guessed or are user specified certain spectral effects will take them into account, but not other adaptations for albedos, transparencies, etc are applied." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_linear').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.renderColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_linear_chromaticities" label "Custom Chromaticities" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specify render color space chromaticities. If they are not specified they will be gathered from the OCIO configuration." hidewhen "{ ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_red" label "Red Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.64" "0.33" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the red primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_green" label "Green Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.3" "0.6" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the green primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_blue" label "Blue Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.15" "0.06" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the blue primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_white" label "White Point" type float size 2 default { "0.3127" "0.329" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the white point." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } } group { name "folder0_6" label "Baking" parm { name "ar_baking_enable" label "Enable Texture Baking" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable texture baking. Not supported on GPU." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU } { ar_geometry_baking_enable == 1 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } groupsimple { name "group_texture_baking" label "Texture Baking" disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU } { ar_geometry_baking_enable == 1 }" parmtag { "sidefx::header_toggle" "ar_baking_enable" } parm { name "ar_baking_resolution" label "Resolution" type intlog default { "256" } help "Texture baking resolution, we are using square textures." disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 1 1024 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_extend_edges" label "Extend Edges" type toggle default { "1" } help "Extend the edges" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_udims" label "Udims" type string joinnext default { "" } help "List of udim's UV pairs or udims. Example: 0:1 3:3 4:2 or 1011 1034 1025" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_baking_udims_all == 1 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_udims_all" label "All" type toggle default { "0" } help "Bake all the udims" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_normal_offset" label "Surface Offset" type float default { "0.001" } help "Ray cast from the mesh with the given offset along the normal" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uv_offset" label "UV Offset" type float size 2 default { "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uv_scale" label "UV Scale" type float size 2 default { "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } multiparm { name "ar_baking_meshes" label "Meshes" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } parm { name "ar_enable_mesh#" label "Enable Mesh #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_mesh#" label "Mesh #" type oppath default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_enable_mesh# == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uvset#" label "UV Set #" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_enable_mesh# == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" menureplace { [ "['', 'Default (uv)', 'uv2', 'UV Set 2', 'uv3', 'UV Set 3', 'uv4', 'UV Set 4', 'uv5', 'UV Set 5', 'uv6', 'UV Set 6', 'uv7', 'UV Set 7', 'uv8', 'UV Set 8' ]" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } } } parm { name "ar_geometry_baking_enable" label "Enable Geometry Baking" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable baking displaced geometry to a file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } groupsimple { name "group_bake_geometry" label "Bake Displaced Geometry" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 1 }" parmtag { "sidefx::header_toggle" "ar_geometry_baking_enable" } parm { name "ar_geometry_bake_file" label "Export Geometry" type file default { "$HIP/geo/$HIPNAME:r_bake.$F4.usd" } help "Bake displaced geometry to a .ass/.usd file." disablewhen "{ ar_geometry_baking_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } } } group { name "folder0_7" label "MaterialX" parm { name "ar_materialx_enable" label "Enable MaterialX Export" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_file" label "MaterialX File" type file default { "" } help "Specifies the output path for MaterialX ass files." disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.mtlx" } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_look" label "Look" type string default { "" } help "Output look name that will be created/appended" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa.operator').operator.lookMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_materialx_file').eval())" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_relative" label "Relative Assignment" type toggle default { "1" } help "If true, the assignments for nodes will be relative to their top-most parent node" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } multiparm { name "ar_materialx_properties" label "Properties" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } parm { name "ar_materialx_property#" label "Property #" type string default { "" } help "A parameter to be added to the property assignments" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } } } group { name "folder0_8" label "System" parm { name "ar_force_threads" label "Force Threads" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Allow manual setting the number of render threads instead of using an optimal number based on the number of hardware processing cores." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_threads" label "Render Threads" type integer default { "0" } help "If ar_force_threads is enabled, this will let you manually set the number of rendering threads. The default of 0 will use all processing cores and negative values mean use all but that many cores. For example, threads=-2 means use all but 2 cores, while threads=2 means only use 2 cores. This is useful when you want to leave one or two cores for other tasks. This parameter is never written in an .ass file by design, and will only affect interactive or batch renders." disablewhen "{ ar_force_threads == 0 }" range { -255! 256! } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_thread_priority" label "Thread Priority" type string default { "lowest" } help "Specifies the thread priority for rendering (Windows only)." menu { "lowest" "Lowest" "low" "Low" "medium" "Medium" "high" "High" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_bucket_scanning" label "Bucket Scanning" type string default { "spiral" } help "Specifies the spatial order in which the image buckets (i.e. threads) will be processed. By default, buckets start in the center of the image and proceed outwards in a spiral pattern." menu { "top" "Top" "left" "Left" "random" "Random" "spiral" "Spiral" "hilbert" "Hilbert" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_bucket_size" label "Bucket Size" type integer default { "64" } help "The size of the image buckets. The default size is 64x64 pixels, which is a good compromise; bigger buckets use more memory, while smaller buckets may perform redundant computations and filtering and thus render slower but give initial faster feedback." range { 16! 256 } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive" label " Progressive AA " type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "Apply an iterative progressive render to the region tool, starting from the lowest selected AA until the current AA samples value." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_AA_initial" label "Progressive Min Samples" type integer default { "0" } help "If progressive passes are enabled with the Preview button, this is the initial AA samples setting used in the first progressive render pass." menu { "0" "8x8" "1" "4x4" "2" "2x2" "3" "1x1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_3" label "8x8" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "One sample per 8x8 pixels (-3)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_2" label "4x4" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } help "One sample per 4x4 pixels (-2)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_1" label "2x2" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "One sample per 2x2 pixels (-1)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_0" label "1x1" type toggle default { "0" } help "One sample per pixel (0)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_plugin_searchpath" label "Plugin Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for Arnold plugins such as shaders, procedurals, volumes, etc." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_procedural_searchpath" label "Procedural Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for procedural files." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_texture_searchpath" label "Texture Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for Arnold texture maps and IES files. This works in conjunction with the \"Save Texture Paths\" option in the ASS tab." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_osl_includepath" label "OSL Include Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies additional include search paths to OSL when compiling shaders. This string can contain multiple search paths separated by a colon or semi-colon." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_mplay_label" label "MPlay Session" type string default { "" } help "When an MPlay render is triggered, it will only output to MPlay sessions with that label. If none exist, it will create an MPlay session with that label. This is incredibly useful for users with multiple workspaces, to avoid constantly hunt for an open MPlay window and move it to their active workspace." menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.mplayLabelMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_flush_sop_cache" label "Flush SOP Cache" type toggle default { "1" } help "Flush SOP cache after each frame to reclaim memory." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_pick_material" label "Pick Material in Render View" type toggle default { "1" } help "Generate the Op_Id AOV to enable material picking in the Render View with Ctrl+LMB. The ID built-in AOV will be repurposed for this and will not be available in the Render View context." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_inherit_properties" label "Inherit Properties" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable properties inheritance for geometry at the expense of translation time." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_create_intermediate_directories" label "Create Intermediate Directories" type toggle default { "1" } help "Create intermediate parent directories when rendering to image or ASS files." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_parallel_node_init" label "Parallel Node Initialization" type toggle default { "1" } help "Initialization and update of scene nodes can be multi-threaded. This can significantly lower the scene preparation time in complex scenes with many objects, shaders or lights." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_enable_procedural_cache" label "Procedural Cache" type toggle default { "1" } help "Cache procedural nodes pointing to the same .ass file on disk by automatically instancing them." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_abort_on_error" label "Abort On Error" type toggle default { "1" } help "Aborts rendering as soon as an error is detected. This is the recommended setting. In general, you should not ignore important error messages, or you'll risk crashes, rendering artifacts and undefined behaviour." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_abort_on_license_fail" label "Abort On License Fail" type toggle default { "0" } help "Aborts rendering if when the render starts the license is not detected. If not set and no license is found, images will be watermarked." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_skip_license_check" label "Render with Watermarks (Skip License Check)" type toggle default { "0" } help "Do not try to check out a license and thus render with watermarks." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } groupsimple { name "group_callbacks" label "Callbacks" parm { name "ar_enable_post_translation" label "Enable Post Translation" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "When enabled, execute the post translation callback." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_post_translation" label "Post Translation" type string default { "" } help "Post Translation (python only) callback is executed after translation ends. In this call back you can directly edit the Arnold universe before the render begins." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_post_translation == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } } } group { name "folder0_9" label "Diagnostics" parm { name "ar_log_file_enable" label "Log File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_file" label "Log to File" type file default { "" } help "Specifies the output path for Arnold log files." disablewhen "{ ar_log_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_verbosity" label "Log Verbosity" type string joinnext default { "warnings" } help "Specifies the verbosity level and whether log messages are sent to the console or written to a file." menu { "errors" "Errors" "warnings" "Warnings" "info" "Info" "debug" "Debug" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_max_warnings" label " Max. Warnings" type integer default { "5" } help "Limits the number of warning messages that are sent to the console." range { 0! 1000 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_console_enable" label "Log to Console" type toggle default { "1" } help "Log to console." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_file_enable" label "Stats File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log stats to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_file" label "Stats File Path" type file default { "$HIP/arnold_stats.json" } help "Specifies the output path for the Arnold stats file." disablewhen "{ ar_stats_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_mode" label "Stats Mode" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Overwrite" "1" "Append" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_profile_file_enable" label "Profile" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log profile to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_profile_file" label "Profile File Path" type file default { "$HIP/arnold_profile.json" } help "Specifies the output path for the Arnold profile file." disablewhen "{ ar_profile_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_texture_per_file_stats" label "Detailed Texture Statistics" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable per file texture statistics." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_plugins" label "Detailed Plugins Information" type toggle default { "0" } help "Show details about plugins loaded." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "my_sep_diagnostics1" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_operators" label "Ignore Operators" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore operator graph." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_textures" label "Ignore Textures" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all textures when rendering." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_shaders" label "Ignore Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all shaders when rendering. By default Arnold will render with a simple \"N dot eye\" shader." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_atmosphere" label "Ignore Atmosphere" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all atmospheric shaders." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_lights" label "Ignore Lights" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all light sources." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_shadows" label "Ignore Shadows" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore shadows from all light sources." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_subdivision" label "Ignore Subdivision" type toggle default { "0" } help "No objects will be subdivided." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_displacement" label "Ignore Displacement" type toggle default { "0" } help "Displacements will be ignored." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_bump" label "Ignore Bump" type toggle default { "0" } help "Bump mapping will be ignored." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_smoothing" label "Ignore Normal Smoothing" type toggle default { "0" } help "Polygon normals will not be smoothed, resulting in a faceted appearance." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_dof" label "Ignore Depth of Field" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore depth of field effects." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_sss" label "Ignore Sub-Surface Scattering" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore Subsurface Scattering calculations." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_motion" label "Ignore Motion" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all motion effects." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_imagers" label "Ignore Imagers" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore imager graph." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "my_sep_diagnostics2" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_texture" label "Bad Texture Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "0" "0" } help "Color to use for bad textures." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_pixel" label "NaN Pixel Color" type color size 3 default { "0" "0" "1" } help "Color to use for bad pixels (NaNs)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_shader" label "Bad Shader Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "0" "1" } help "Color to use for bad shaders." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } } } group { name "main6_2" label "Archive" disablewhentab "{ ar_bake_enable == 1 }" hidewhentab "{ ar_ass_export_authorized == 0 }" parm { name "ar_ass_export_enable" baseparm label "Export ASS File" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_ass_file" baseparm label "Export ASS File" export none } parm { name "ar_node_prefix_enable" baseparm label "Enable Node Prefix" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_node_prefix" baseparm label "Node Prefix" export none } parm { name "ar_node_suffix_enable" baseparm label "Enable Node Suffix" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_node_suffix" baseparm label "Node Suffix" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_authorized" baseparm label "Authorize Exporting ASS Files" invisible export none } parm { name "ar_binary_ass" baseparm label "Binary Encoding" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_options" baseparm label "Export Options" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_color_managers" baseparm label "Export Color Managers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_cameras" baseparm label "Export Cameras" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_lights" baseparm label "Export Lights" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shapes" baseparm label "Export Shapes" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shaders" baseparm label "Export Shaders" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shader_assignments" baseparm label "Export Shader Assignments" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_operators" baseparm label "Export Operators" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_overrides" baseparm label "Export Overrides" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_drivers" baseparm label "Export Output Drivers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_imagers" baseparm label "Export Imagers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_filters" baseparm label "Export Pixel Filters" export none } parm { name "ar_export_asstoc" baseparm label "Export .asstoc File" export none } parm { name "ar_prepend_htoa_paths" baseparm label "Prepend Plugin Paths" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_expand_procedurals" baseparm label "Expand Procedurals" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_absolute_texture_paths" baseparm label "Absolute Texture Paths" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_absolute_procedural_paths" baseparm label "Absolute Procedural Paths" export none } } group { name "main6_3" label "Scripts" parm { name "tprerender" baseparm label "tprerender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "prerender" baseparm label "Pre-Render" joinnext export none } parm { name "lprerender" baseparm label "lprerender" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpreframe" baseparm label "tpreframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "preframe" baseparm label "Pre-Frame" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpreframe" baseparm label "lpreframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostframe" baseparm label "tpostframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postframe" baseparm label "Post-Frame" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostframe" baseparm label "lpostframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostrender" baseparm label "tpostrender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postrender" baseparm label "Post-Render" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostrender" baseparm label "lpostrender" nolabel export none } } group { name "main6_4" label "SOHO" invisibletab parm { name "soho_program" baseparm label "SOHO Program" export none } parm { name "soho_outputmode" baseparm label "SOHO Output Mode" export none } parm { name "soho_pipecmd" baseparm label "Command" export none } parm { name "soho_diskfile" baseparm label "Script Disk File" export none } parm { name "soho_errormode" baseparm label "Error Mode" export none } parm { name "soho_shopstyle" baseparm label "SOHO SHOP Style" export none } parm { name "soho_precision" baseparm label "Float Precision" export none } parm { name "soho_indentstep" baseparm label "Indent Step" export none } parm { name "soho_almostzero" baseparm label "Almost Zero" export none } parm { name "soho_multiframe" baseparm label "Multi-frame mode" export none } parm { name "soho_safename" baseparm label "Safe Object names" export none } parm { name "soho_ipr_support" baseparm label "SOHO IPR Support" export none } parm { name "soho_foreground" baseparm label "Block Until Render Completes" export none } } parm { name "renderpreview" baseparm label "Render to MPlay" invisible joinnext export none } parm { name "executebackground" baseparm label "Render to Disk in Background" invisible export none } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004000000012373out/arnold_noice_imager_old.chn{ channel f1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = $FSTART } } channel f2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 240 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 240 240 expr = $FEND } } channel ar_ass_export_authorized { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa.utils').utils.allowSceneExport() language = python } } channel soho_outputmode { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_ass_export_enable\"), 2, 0)" } } channel soho_pipecmd { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.searchpath return htoa.searchpath.hick" language = python } } channel vm_picture { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = chs(\"ar_picture\") } } channel ar_overscany { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_overscanz { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_overscanw { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_AA_samples_extra { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "ch(\"ar_AA_samples_max\") - ch(\"ar_AA_samples\")" } } channel ar_info_samples_camera { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_diffuse1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_diffuse2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_specular1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_specular2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_transmission1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_transmission2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_total1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_total2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth() language = python } } channel ar_platform { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('sys').platform language = python } } channel ar_ocio_enabled { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = bool(__import__('htoa.ocio').ocio.has_config) language = python } } channel ar_color_family_narrow { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" language = python } } channel ar_color_space_narrow { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" language = python } } channel ar_color_family_linear { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" language = python } } channel ar_color_space_linear { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear" language = python } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004100000035635out/arnold_noice_imager_old.parm{ version 0.8 execute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderpreview [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) executebackground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderdialog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) trange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) f [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ f1 1 ] [ f2 240 ] 1 ) take [ 0 locks=0 ] ( _current_ ) main [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) folder_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /obj/cam1 ) folder_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_subdiv_dicing_camera_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_subdiv_dicing_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_culling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) target [ 0 locks=0 ] ( current ) sepparm [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) folder_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forceobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludeobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) phantom_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) matte_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) folder_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_environment [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_forced_materials [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_shader_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_export_referenced_materials [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) obj_light_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) folder_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sololight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) alights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forcelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_autoheadlight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) light_fog_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) vfog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) soho_viewport_menu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_initsim [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_render_selection_only [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_render_selection_others [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "invisible" ) shop_propertiespath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_export_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/$HIPNAME:r.$F4.ass ) ar_node_prefix_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_node_prefix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_node_suffix_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_node_suffix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [$F] ) ar_ass_export_authorized [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_ass_export_authorized 0 ] ) ar_binary_ass [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_export_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_color_managers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_cameras [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shapes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shader_assignments [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_operators [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_overrides [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_drivers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_filters [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_export_asstoc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_prepend_htoa_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_expand_procedurals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_absolute_texture_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_absolute_procedural_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) tprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) prerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) preframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpostframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) postframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpostframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpostrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) postrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpostrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) soho_program [ 0 locks=0 ] ( arnold.py ) soho_outputmode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ soho_outputmode 0 ] ) soho_pipecmd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ soho_pipecmd "import htoa.searchpath return htoa.searchpath.hick" ] ) soho_diskfile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_errormode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) soho_shopstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( Arnold ) soho_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 12 ) soho_indentstep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) soho_almostzero [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) soho_multiframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_safename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_ipr_support [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_foreground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) main6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 1 ) folder_camera2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_subdivision2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_objects2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_shaders2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_lights2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ar_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/render/crag_imager_$F4.exr ) vm_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ vm_picture chs(\"ar_picture\") ] ) override_camerares [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) res_fraction [ 0 locks=0 ] ( specific ) res_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 640 480 ) res_overrideMenu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) aspect_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) my_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_overscan_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_denoise [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_output_variance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_overscan [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 [ ar_overscany 0 ] [ ar_overscanz 0 ] [ ar_overscanw 0 ] ) ar_overscan_label [ 0 locks=0 ] ( Top Bottom Left Right ) ar_overscan_separator [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_picture_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( exr ) ar_picture_tiling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_tiff_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_tiff_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lzw ) ar_tiff_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_tiff_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_png_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_png_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_png_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_png_skip_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_exr_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( zip ) ar_exr_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_exr_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_jpeg_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_jpeg_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_jpeg_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 100 ) ar_exr_beauty_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_multipart [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_preserve_layer_name [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_autocrop [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_picture_output_padded [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_picture_dither [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tiff_unpremult_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_tiff_skip_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_deepexr_beauty_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_alpha_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_depth_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_beauty_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_alpha_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_depth_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_use_RGB_opacity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_enable_filtering [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_picture_append [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_metadata [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_enable_aov_composition [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_multicam [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ../arnold_imager_noice ) ar_imager_presets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "none" ) ar_aov_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_overridden [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_AA_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) ar_enable_adaptive_sampling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_samples_max [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 20 ) ar_AA_samples_extra [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_AA_samples_extra 0 ] ) ar_AA_adaptive_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.015 ) ar_GI_diffuse_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_specular_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_transmission_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_sss_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_volume_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_enable_progressive_render [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_pixelfilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_pixel_filter_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( gaussian_filter ) ar_pixel_filter_width [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) ar_pixel_filter_width_sinc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 6 ) ar_pixel_filter_farthest_domain [ 0 locks=0 ] ( first_hit ) ar_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) group_clamping [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_sample_clamp_affects_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_sample_clamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_indirect_sample_clamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) group_advanced [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_lock_sampling_pattern [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_dielectric_priorities [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_indirect_specular_blur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_light_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) group_deprecated [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_sss_use_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Deprecated: Use 'Subsurface Ray Visibility' in the 'Render Geometry Settings' LOP instead" ) group_info [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_info_samples_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_camera __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera() ] ) ar_info_samples_diffuse [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_diffuse1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse() ] [ ar_info_samples_diffuse2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_specular1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular() ] [ ar_info_samples_specular2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_transmission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_transmission1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission() ] [ ar_info_samples_transmission2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_total [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_total1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal() ] [ ar_info_samples_total2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth() ] ) ar_GI_total_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_GI_diffuse_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_GI_specular_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_GI_transmission_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 8 ) ar_GI_volume_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_auto_transparency_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_low_light_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_mb_xform_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_xform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_dform_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_mb_dform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) group_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_mb_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( center ) ar_mb_shutter_length [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) ar_mb_shutter_range [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -0.25 0.25 ) ar_ignore_motion_blur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_texture_max_sharpen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) ar_texture_max_memory_MB [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4096 ) ar_texture_max_open_files [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_texture_accept_untiled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_autotile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 64 ) ar_texture_accept_unmipped [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_automip [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_auto_maketx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_use_existing_tx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_auto_tx_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_platform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_platform __import__('sys').platform ] ) group_render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( CPU ) ar_render_device_fallback [ 0 locks=0 ] ( error ) group_auto_gpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_gpu_default_names [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_gpu_default_min_memory_MB [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 512 ) group_manual_gpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_manual_device_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_device_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) group_gpu_settings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_gpu_max_texture_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) group_cm [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_color_space_singleton [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ocio_enabled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_ocio_enabled 0 ] ) ar_color_family_narrow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family_narrow "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" ] ) ar_color_space_narrow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_space_narrow "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" ] ) ar_color_family_linear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family_linear "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" ] ) ar_color_space_linear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_space_linear "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear" ] ) ar_linear_chromaticities [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_chromaticity_red [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.64 0.33 ) ar_chromaticity_green [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3 0.6 ) ar_chromaticity_blue [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.15 0.06 ) ar_chromaticity_white [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3127 0.329 ) ar_baking_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_texture_baking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_baking_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 256 ) ar_baking_extend_edges [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_baking_udims [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_baking_udims_all [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_baking_normal_offset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_baking_uv_offset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) ar_baking_uv_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 ) ar_baking_meshes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_geometry_baking_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_bake_geometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_geometry_bake_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/geo/$HIPNAME:r_bake.$F4.usd ) ar_materialx_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_materialx_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_materialx_look [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_materialx_relative [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_materialx_properties [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_force_threads [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_threads [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_thread_priority [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lowest ) ar_bucket_scanning [ 0 locks=0 ] ( spiral ) ar_bucket_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 64 ) ar_progressive [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_AA_initial [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_progressive_AA_3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_progressive_AA_2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_progressive_AA_1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_progressive_AA_0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_plugin_searchpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_procedural_searchpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_texture_searchpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_osl_includepath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_mplay_label [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_flush_sop_cache [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_pick_material [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_inherit_properties [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_create_intermediate_directories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_parallel_node_init [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_enable_procedural_cache [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_abort_on_error [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_abort_on_license_fail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_skip_license_check [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_callbacks [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_enable_post_translation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_post_translation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_log_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_log_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_log_verbosity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( warnings ) ar_log_max_warnings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 5 ) ar_log_console_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_stats_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_stats_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/arnold_stats.json ) ar_stats_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_profile_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_profile_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/arnold_profile.json ) ar_texture_per_file_stats [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_log_plugins [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) my_sep_diagnostics1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_ignore_operators [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_textures [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_atmosphere [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_displacement [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_bump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_smoothing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_dof [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_sss [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_motion [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) my_sep_diagnostics2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_error_color_bad_texture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 0 ) ar_error_color_bad_pixel [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 1 ) ar_error_color_bad_shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 1 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000000012out/arnold_noice_imager_old.netbox__netbox1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004500000000031out/arnold_noice_imager_old.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003600000000044out/arnold_imager_noice.order2 OUT_imager imager_denoiser_noice1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000002out/arnold_imager_noice.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003200000000046out/arnold_denoiser1.inittype = arnold_denoiser matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000001003out/arnold_denoiser1.defcomment "" position 5.74374 1.14201 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 arnold_noice_post_process 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 arnold_noice_post_process 0 1 } stat { create 1716314282 modify 1716315907 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003100000001306out/arnold_denoiser1.chn{ channel f1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = $FSTART } } channel f2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = $FEND } } channel ar_platform { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('sys').platform language = python } } channel noice_cmd { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa.denoiser').denoiser.noiceCommand(hou.pwd()) language = python } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003200000001260out/arnold_denoiser1.parm{ version 0.8 execute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderdialog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) trange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "normal" ) f [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ f1 0 ] [ f2 0 ] 1 ) ar_platform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_platform __import__('sys').platform ] ) noice_cmd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ noice_cmd __import__('htoa.denoiser').denoiser.noiceCommand(hou.pwd()) ] ) input [ 0 locks=0 ] ( `chs(\"../arnold_noice_post_process/ar_picture\")` ) output [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/render/crag_denoised_$F4.exr ) variance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.25 ) pixel_search_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 9 ) pixel_patch_radius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) temporal_stability_frames [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) light_group_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) threads [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000012out/arnold_denoiser1.netbox__netbox2 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003600000000031out/arnold_denoiser1.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000000035out/arnold_noice_imager.inittype = arnold matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000000671out/arnold_noice_imager.defcomment "" position -4.66916 2.66705 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716315758 modify 1716315878 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004500000455607out/arnold_noice_imager.spareparmdef parm { name "execute" baseparm label "Render to Disk" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderdialog" baseparm label "Controls..." nolabel export none } parm { name "trange" baseparm label "Valid Frame Range" export none } parm { name "f" baseparm label "Start/End/Inc" export none } parm { name "take" baseparm label "Render with Take" export none } group { name "main6" label " Main " grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "main" } groupsimple { name "folder_camera2" label "Camera" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_camera" } parm { name "camera" baseparm label "Camera" export none } groupsimple { name "folder_subdivision2" label "Subdivision" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_subdivision" } parm { name "ar_subdiv_dicing_camera_enable" baseparm label "Use Alternate Dicing Camera" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_dicing_camera" baseparm label "Dicing Camera" export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_culling" baseparm label "Enable" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_padding" baseparm label "Frustum Culling" export none } } } parm { name "target" baseparm label "Render Target" invisible export none } parm { name "sepparm" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } groupsimple { name "folder_objects2" label "Objects" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_objects" } parm { name "vobject" baseparm label "Candidate Objects" export none } parm { name "forceobject" baseparm label "Force Objects" export none } parm { name "excludeobject" baseparm label "Exclude Objects" export none } parm { name "phantom_objects" baseparm label "Forced Phantom" export none } parm { name "matte_objects" baseparm label "Forced Matte" export none } } groupsimple { name "folder_shaders2" label "Shaders" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_shaders" } parm { name "ar_environment" baseparm label "Environment" export none } parm { name "ar_forced_materials" baseparm label "Forced Materials" export none } parm { name "ar_shader_override" baseparm label "Shader Override" export none } parm { name "ar_export_referenced_materials" baseparm label "Export Referenced Materials" export none } } parm { name "obj_light_sep" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } groupsimple { name "folder_lights2" label "Lights" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_lights" } parm { name "sololight" baseparm label "Solo Light" export none } parm { name "alights" baseparm label "Candidate Lights" export none } parm { name "forcelights" baseparm label "Force Lights" export none } parm { name "excludelights" baseparm label "Exclude Lights" export none } parm { name "soho_autoheadlight" baseparm label "Headlight Creation" invisible export none } parm { name "light_fog_sep" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } } parm { name "vfog" baseparm label "Visible Fog" invisible export none } parm { name "soho_viewport_menu" baseparm label "Show in Viewport Menu" export none } parm { name "soho_initsim" baseparm label "Initialize Simulation OPs" export none } parm { name "ar_render_selection_only" baseparm label "Render Selection Only" export none } parm { name "ar_render_selection_others" baseparm label "Render Others As" export none } } group { name "main6_1" label "Properties" parm { name "shop_propertiespath" baseparm label "Default Properties" export none } parm { name "ar_user_options" baseparm label "User Options" joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_user_options_enable" baseparm label "Enable" export none } group { name "folder0" label "Output" parm { name "ar_picture" label "Output Picture" type file default { "ip" } menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_picture" label "Compat. Output Picture" type string invisible default { [ "chs(\"ar_picture\")" hscript-expr ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "override_camerares" label "Override Camera Resolution" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_fraction" label "Resolution Scale" type string default { "specific" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" menu { "0.1" "1/10 (One Tenth Resolution)" "0.2" "1/5 (One Fifth Resolution)" "0.25" "1/4 (Quarter Resolution)" "0.3333333" "1/3 (One Third Resolution)" "0.5" "1/2 (Half Resolution)" "0.6666666" "2/3 (Two Thirds Resolution)" "0.75" "3/4 (Three Quarter Resolution)" "specific" "User Specified Resolution" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_override" label "Resolution" type intvector2 joinnext size 2 default { "640" "480" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 } { res_fraction != specific }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_overrideMenu" label "Choose Resolution" type button nolabel default { "0" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 } { res_fraction != specific }" menumini { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBres')\")`" ] } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . res_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 0)` `arg(\"$script_value\", 1)` aspect_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 2)` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "aspect_override" label "Pixel Aspect Ratio" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" range { 0.05 2 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "my_sep" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_overscan_enable" label "Overscan" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable rendered image overscan." } parm { name "ar_denoise" label "Denoise with Optix" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable optix denoising on beauty AOV. Not available when an imager graph is attached, instead add the optix imager in the graph." disablewhen "{ ar_imagers != \"\" }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" } parm { name "ar_output_variance" label "Output Variance AOV" type toggle default { "0" } help "Add an extra variance AOV to the beauty for arnold denoising. If the AOVs N, Z, diffuse_albedo then they will be used to enhance the denoising." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" } parm { name "ar_overscan" label "Overscan Margins" type intvector4 size 4 default { "0" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" } help "Extend the render region by those amounts in pixels. EXR output will fully respect the overscan region with differing data and display windows, but the other image formats will simply enlarge the final image resolution to incorporate overscan since they cannot accommodate data outside the display area of the image." hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" range { 0 100 } } parm { name "ar_overscan_label" label " " type label size 4 default { "Top" "Bottom" "Left" "Right" } hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_overscan_separator" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_picture_format" label "Image Format" type string joinnext default { "exr" } help "Output image file format." menu { "exr" "OpenEXR" "deepexr" "Deep OpenEXR" "tiff" "TIFF" "png" "PNG" "jpeg" "JPEG" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_tiling" label " Tiling" type integer default { "0" } help "Allows to save the image in scanline or tiled mode. It seems Scanline works better with composition packages like Nuke or Fusion." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "0" "Scanline " "1" "Tiled" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_format" label "Pixel Format" type string joinnext default { "0" } help "TIFF bit depth." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" "int32" "Integer 32 bit" "float32" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_compression" label " Compression" type string default { "lzw" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the TIFF file." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "none" "None" "lzw" "LZW" "ccittrle" "CCITT RLE" "zip" "Zip" "packbits" "PackBits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_format" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "0" } help "PNG bit depth." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_skip_alpha" label "Skip Alpha" type toggle default { "1" } help "Skip the alpha channel of RGBA outputs." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_compression" label "Compression" type string default { "zip" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the EXR file:\n\n- None: Disables all compression.\n\n- Run Length Encoding (RLE): This is a basic form of compression that is comparable to that used by standard Targa files.\n\n- Zip (per scanline): Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.\n\n- Zip (16 scanline blocks): Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. This tends to be the most effective style of compression to use with rendered images that do not have film grain applied.\n\n- PIZ: This uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.\n\n- PXR24: This form of compression from Pixar converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.\n\n- B44: This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.\n\n- B44A: An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.\n\n- DWAA: JPEG-like lossy compression format contributed by DreamWorks Animation. Compresses 32 scanlines together.\n\n- DWAB: Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { "none" "None " "rle" "Run Length Encoding (RLE)" "zips" "Zip (per scanline)" "zip" "Zip (16 scanline blocks)" "piz" "PIZ" "pxr24" "PXR24" "b44" "B44" "b44a" "B44A" "dwaa" "DWAA" "dwab" "DWAB" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(filter_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_family').eval(), filter_linear=True)" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family, filter_linear=True)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_quality" label "JPEG Quality" type integer default { "100" } help "JPEG compression quality." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" range { 1! 100! } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_beauty_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Beauty" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store beauty layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_half_precision" label "Half Precision" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store all pixels as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_multipart" label "Multipart" type toggle default { "0" } help "The ability to encode separate, but related, images in one file. This allows for access to individual parts without the need to read other parts in the file." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_preserve_layer_name" label "Preserve Layer Name" type toggle default { "0" } help "If checked, will store the AOV in a layer different with the name of the AOV, and not the RGB." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_autocrop" label "Autocrop" type toggle default { "0" } help "Automatically crop uniform borders." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_tiling != 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_output_padded" label "Pad Crop Region" type toggle default { "0" } help "Defines a padding around the crop region." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format == exr } { ar_picture_format == deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_dither" label "Dithering" type toggle default { "1" } help "Applies a small amount of noise to the final pixel values. This helps minimize banding artifacts apparent on 8-bit output image file formats such as TIFF8." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format == exr } { ar_picture_format == deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_unpremult_alpha" label "Unpremultiply Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specifies whether the main RGB channel is premultiplied with the alpha channel (the default) or not. It only works with 8-bit output images." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_skip_alpha" label "Skip Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Skip the alpha channel of RGBA outputs." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge" label "Merge Subpixel Samples" type toggle default { "1" } help "Nearby subpixel samples will be merged." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_beauty_tolerance" label "Beauty Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Beauty tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_alpha_tolerance" label "Alpha Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Alpha tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_depth_tolerance" label "Depth Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Depth tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_beauty_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Beauty" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store beauty layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_alpha_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store alpha layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_depth_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Depth" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store depth layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_use_RGB_opacity" label "RGB Opacity" type toggle default { "0" } help "Write out RGB opacity, rather than just alpha. Nuke can read these images but cannot display them." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_enable_filtering" label "Filter Beauty" type toggle default { "1" } help "If set to false disable any filtering operation on this layer's raw data -- useful for normals or ID layers." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_append" label "Append" type toggle default { "0" } help "Append to existing tiles when re-rendering the same image." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_tiling != 1 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } multiparm { name "ar_exr_metadata" label "Metadata" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_key#" label "Key" type string joinnext default { "metadata#" } help "Metadata key name." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_type#" label " Type" type ordinal default { "4" } help "Metadata type." menu { "int" "Integer" "float" "Float" "point2" "Point2" "matrix" "Matrix" "string" "String" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_int_value#" label "Value" type integer default { "0" } help "Metadata integer value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != int }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_float_value#" label "Value" type float default { "0" } help "Metadata float value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != float }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_point2_value#" label "Value" type vector2 size 2 default { "0" "0" } help "Metadata Point2 value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != point2 }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_matrix_value#" label "Value" type float size 16 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" } help "Metadata matrix value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != matrix }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_string_value#" label "Value" type string default { "" } help "Metadata string value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != string }" range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "ar_enable_aov_composition" label "Enable AOV Composition" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Globally control whether any capable AOVs will automatically compose through semi-opaque surfaces rendered using auto-transparency. AOVs which are composable (i.e., which have opacity-blending capability) are provided in the standard, lambert, and hair shaders." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_multicam" label "Enable Multicam" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Helper flag for HtoA to determine if muticam is supported in the render context. IPR contexts disable multicam." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_imagers" label "Imagers" type oppath joinnext default { "/mat/arnold_default_imager" } help "Select a driver output defining an imager graph to apply post process effects to the beauty pass." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!CUSTOM/VOP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_imager_presets" label "Imager Presets" type ordinal nolabel default { "0" } help "Builds a new imager network with the selected imager node" menu { [ "__import__('htoa.imager').imager.ropImagerPresetMenu(kwargs)" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa.imager').imager.ropImagerPresetBuildGraph(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "sidefx::look" "icon" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_shaders" label "AOV Shaders" type oppath default { "" } help "AOV shader will be evaluated after the regular surface shader. With this it is possible to add shaders to set specific AOVs without modifying the original shader tree, such as the popular Cryptomatte automatic ID matte shader." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!CUSTOM/MATERIAL!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } multiparm { name "ar_aovs" label "AOVs" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } parm { name "ar_enable_aov#" label "Enable AOV #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_label#" label "AOV #" type string default { "" } help "The AOV name" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 }" menureplace { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.aovMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . vm_vextype_plane$script_multiparm_index ( `ifs(index(\",Pz,Af,Render_Time,Op_Id,Prim_Id,level,specularlevel,diffuselevel,direct_samples,indirect_samples,\", \",$script_value,\")>=0, \"float\", \"vector\")` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_enable_layer_name#" label "Enable Layer Name #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_layer_name#" label "Layer Name" type string default { "" } help "The EXR layer name. If this is the empty string then the ar_aov_label is used as the exr layer name as usual." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_exr_enable_layer_name# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_lpe_enable#" label "Enable Light Path Expression" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable a custom light path expression for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_lpe#" label "Light Path Expr." type string default { "" } help "Custom light path expression for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_lpe_enable# == 0 } { ar_aov_camera# == camera }" menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.lpeMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['parm'].set(kwargs['script_value'].replace(' ', ''))" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_camera_enable#" label "Enable AOV Camera" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable using a separable camera for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_camera#" label "Camera" type oppath default { "" } help "The camera to use for this AOV. When the camera is different from the main camera, you need to specify a separate file to render the AOV to. Also, the AOV will be ignored in interactive rendering contexts." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_camera_enable# == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/CAMERA!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_separate#" label "Output to Separate File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Save this deep raster plane to a different disk file than the main image." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_separate_file#" label "Separate File" type file default { "" } help "Save this deep raster plane to a different disk file than the main image.\nThis does *not* work when rendering to mplay." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 } { ar_aov_camera# == camera }" menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_denoise_enable#" label "Denoise with Optix" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable optix denoiser for this AOV. Not available when an imager graph is attached, instead add the optix imager in the graph." disablewhen "{ ar_imagers != \"\" } { ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_picture_format#" label "Image Format" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "AOV image file format." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "exr" "OpenEXR" "deepexr" "Deep OpenEXR" "tiff" "TIFF" "png" "PNG" "jpeg" "JPEG" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_type#" label " Type" type string default { "RGB" } help "The type associated with the AOV" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" menu { "RGB" "RGB" "RGBA" "RGBA" "BOOL" "Boolean" "INT" "Integer" "UINT" "Unsigned Integer" "FLOAT" "Float" "VECTOR" "Vector" "VECTOR2" "Vector 2D" "NODE" "Node Pointer" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_compression#" label "Compression" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the EXR file:\n\n- None: Disables all compression.\n\n- Run Length Encoding (RLE): This is a basic form of compression that is comparable to that used by standard Targa files.\n\n- Zip (per scanline): Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.\n\n- Zip (16 scanline blocks): Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. This tends to be the most effective style of compression to use with rendered images that do not have film grain applied.\n\n- PIZ: This uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.\n\n- PXR24: This form of compression from Pixar converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.\n\n- B44: This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.\n\n- B44A: An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.\n\n- DWAA: JPEG-like lossy compression format contributed by DreamWorks Animation. Compresses 32 scanlines together.\n\n- DWAB: Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "none" "None " "rle" "Run Length Encoding (RLE)" "zips" "Zip (per scanline)" "zip" "Zip (16 scanline blocks)" "piz" "PIZ" "pxr24" "PXR24" "b44" "B44" "b44a" "B44A" "dwaa" "DWAA" "dwab" "DWAB" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_precision#" label "Precision" type string default { "beauty" } help "EXR precision." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "half" "Float 16 bit" "float" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_tiff_format#" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "beauty" } help "TIFF bit depth." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_picture_format# != tiff }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" "int32" "Integer 32 bit" "float32" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_png_format#" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "beauty" } help "PNG bit depth." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_picture_format# != png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter#" label "Pixel Filter" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "The filter type used for averaging individual subpixel samples into a final pixel color. The default gaussian-2.0 is an excellent filter, you will rarely need anything other than gaussian." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "blackman_harris_filter" "Blackman-Harris" "box_filter" "Box" "catrom_filter" "Catmull-Rom" "closest_filter" "Closest" "farthest_filter" "Farthest" "gaussian_filter" "Gaussian" "heatmap_filter" "Heatmap" "mitnet_filter" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc_filter" "Sinc" "triangle_filter" "Triangle" "variance_filter" "Variance" "contour_filter" "Contour" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering#" label "Filter Deep AOV" type toggle default { "1" } help "If set to false disable any filtering operation on this layer's raw data -- useful for normals or ID layers." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights#" label "Variance Filter Weights" type string default { "box" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != variance_filter }" menu { "blackman_harris" "Blackman-Harris" "box" "Box" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "mitnet" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc" "Sinc" "triangle" "Triangle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width#" label "Width" type float default { "2" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == beauty } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == blackman_harris_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == sinc_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == farthest_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == closest_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == box_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == catrom_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == heatmap_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == mitnet_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris#" label "Width" type float default { "3" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != blackman_harris_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width_sinc#" label "Width" type float default { "6" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != sinc_filter }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_farthest_domain#" label "Farthest Domain" type string default { "first_hit" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != farthest_filter }" menu { "first_hit" "First Hit " "all_hits" "All Hits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode#" label "Variance Scalar Mode" type toggle default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != variance_filter }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum#" label "Heatmap Minimum" type float default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum#" label "Heatmap Maximum" type float default { "1" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_merge_tolerance#" label "Deep AOV Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Tolerance over which the AOV samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_half_precision#" label "Half Precision for Deep AOV" type toggle default { "0" } help "Use 16-bit floats for this AOV filtering." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } parm { name "ar_overridden" label "Overridden Parameters" type toggle invisible default { "0" } help "Parameters have been overridden by one of the configuration files in $HH/soho/overrides." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" groupsimple { name "group_samples" label "Samples" parm { name "ar_AA_samples" label "Camera (AA)" type integer default { "3" } help "Controls the amount of rays per pixel that will be traced from the camera. The higher the number of samples, the better the anti-aliasing quality, and the longer the render times. The exact number of rays per pixel is the square of this value. For example, an AA Samples value of 3 means 3x3 = 9 pixel samples." range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_enable_adaptive_sampling" label "Adaptive Sampling" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable adaptive AA samples based on the variance level, according to the minimum and maximum AA samples." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_samples_max" label "Max. Camera (AA)" type integer default { "20" } help "When adaptive sampling is enabled, this control the maximum amount of rays per pixel that will be traced from the camera. The exact number of rays per pixel is the square of this value. Note that setting this parameter to a value lower or equal to AA samples will disable adaptive sampling." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_adaptive_sampling == 0 }" range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_samples_extra" label "Extra AA" type integer invisible default { [ "ch(\"ar_AA_samples_max\") - ch(\"ar_AA_samples\")" hscript-expr ] } help "Maximum extra AA levels. For UI logic purposes only." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_adaptive_threshold" label "Adaptive Threshold" type log default { "0.015" } help "The variance-based threshold. Adapative sampling will stop if the variance is below this level." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_adaptive_sampling == 0 } { ar_AA_samples_extra <= 0 }" range { 0.0001 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_diffuse_samples" label "Diffuse" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of hemispherical rays fired for indirect diffuse GI shader evaluations. Increase this number to reduce the diffuse GI noise. The exact number of hemispherical rays is the square of this value. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_specular_samples" label "Specular" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of BRDF rays fired for indirect glossy specular shader evaluations. Increase this number to reduce the noise in soft/blurry reflections. The exact number of rays is the square of this value. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_transmission_samples" label "Transmission" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of samples used to simulate the microfacet-based glossy transmission evaluations. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_sss_samples" label "SSS" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of SSS lighting samples (direct and indirect) that will be taken to estimate lighting within a radius of the point being shaded. Higher values produce a cleaner solution, but will take longer to render. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_volume_samples" label "Volume Indirect" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of indirect diffuse samples for volumes. Higher values reduce the noise, but will take longer to render. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_enable_progressive_render" label "Progressive Render" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable progressive sampling." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } groupsimple { name "group_pixelfilter" label "Pixel Filter" parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_type" label "Pixel Filter" type string default { "gaussian_filter" } help "The filter type used for averaging individual subpixel samples into a final pixel color. The default gaussian-2.0 is an excellent filter, you will rarely need anything other than gaussian." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" menu { "blackman_harris_filter" "Blackman-Harris" "box_filter" "Box" "catrom_filter" "Catmull-Rom" "closest_filter" "Closest" "farthest_filter" "Farthest" "gaussian_filter" "Gaussian" "heatmap_filter" "Heatmap" "mitnet_filter" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc_filter" "Sinc" "triangle_filter" "Triangle" "variance_filter" "Variance" "contour_filter" "Contour" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width" label "Filter Width" type float default { "2" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type == blackman_harris_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == sinc_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == farthest_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == closest_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == box_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == catrom_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == heatmap_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == mitnet_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris" label "Filter Width" type float default { "3" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != blackman_harris_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width_sinc" label "Filter Width" type float default { "6" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != sinc_filter }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_farthest_domain" label "Farthest Domain" type string default { "first_hit" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != farthest_filter }" menu { "first_hit" "First Hit " "all_hits" "All Hits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode" label "Variance Scalar Mode" type toggle default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != variance_filter }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights" label "Variance Filter Weights" type string default { "box" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != variance_filter }" menu { "blackman_harris" "Blackman-Harris" "box" "Box" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "mitnet" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc" "Sinc" "triangle" "Triangle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum" label "Heatmap Minimum" type float default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum" label "Heatmap Maximum" type float default { "1" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } groupsimple { name "group_clamping" label "Clamping" parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable" label "Clamp Camera Samples" type toggle default { "0" } help "When enabled, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp_affects_aovs" label "Clamp Camera Samples in AOVs" type toggle default { "0" } help "When enabled, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." disablewhen "{ ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable != 1 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp" label "Camera Sample Clamp" type float default { "10" } help "Enabling this control, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." disablewhen "{ ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable == 0 }" range { 1e-05! 100 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_indirect_sample_clamp" label "Indirect Sample Clamp" type float default { "10" } help "Works similarly to AA_sample_clamp, but only affects indirect light, so that specular highlights from direct lighting are preserved. This makes it possible to clamp fireflies more aggressively without affecting the final render significantly. It is set to 10.0 by default. Lower values result in more aggressive noise reduction, possibly at the expense of dynamic range." range { 0! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } groupsimple { name "group_advanced" label "Advanced" parm { name "ar_lock_sampling_pattern" label "Lock Sampling Pattern" type toggle default { "0" } help "The noise pattern seed is set to the current frame number by default. If lock_sampling_patter parameter is enabled, this behaviour is disabled and the AA_seed parameter on the options node is set to 0 instead." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_dielectric_priorities" label "Nested Dielectrics" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable the priority system for nested dielectrics. Disable this checkbox for legacy dielectric calculations." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_indirect_specular_blur" label "Indirect Specular Blur" type float default { "1" } help "Sets indirect specular blurring to reduce caustic noise. Setting to zero gives the most accurate but also noisy renders, while higher values blur caustics to reduce noise." range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_light_samples" label "Light Samples" type integer default { "0" } help "Global amount of light samples. When set to a non-null value, Arnold will run this given amount of light samples accross the whole scene instead of relying on per-light sampling." range { 0! 32 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } groupcollapsible { name "group_deprecated" label "Deprecated" parm { name "ar_sss_use_autobump" label "Autobump for SSS" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } help "Take autobump into account for SSS calculations. This will result in more details in the SSS, at the cost of a slower render." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated" label "ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated" type label default { "Deprecated: Use 'Subsurface Ray Visibility' in the 'Render Geometry Settings' LOP instead" } hidewhen "{ ar_sss_use_autobump == 0 }" parmtag { "sidefx::look" "heading" } } } } groupsimple { name "group_info" label "Estimated Rays / Pixel" parm { name "ar_info_samples_camera" label "Camera (AA) Rays" type string default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_diffuse" label "Diffuse Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_specular" label "Specular Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_transmission" label "Transmission Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_total" label "Total Rays (no lights)" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Ray Depth" parm { name "ar_GI_total_depth" label "Total" type integer default { "10" } help "Specifies the total maximum recursion depth of any ray in the scene." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_diffuse_depth" label "Diffuse" type integer default { "1" } help "The maximum number of times a diffuse ray can bounce." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_specular_depth" label "Specular" type integer default { "1" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can be glossily reflected." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_transmission_depth" label "Transmission" type integer default { "8" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can be refracted." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_volume_depth" label "Volume" type integer default { "0" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can bounce for multiple scattering in a volume." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_auto_transparency_depth" label "Transparency" type integer default { "10" } help "The number of allowed transparency hits. With 0 objects will be treated as opaque." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_low_light_threshold" label "Low Light Threshold" type float default { "0.001" } help "Specify an illumination value below which Arnold will skip firing shadow rays to each light source, reducing rendering time." range { 0! 0.1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Motion Blur" parm { name "ar_mb_xform_enable" label "Enable Transformation Blur" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable motion blur." parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys" label "Transform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for matrix transformation. Transformation motion blur is calculated based on a linear interpolation of an object transform matrix, between successive motion keys. Increasing this value will add extra steps, which can improve the blurred result specially for rotating objects. The default is 2, which results in straight lines of blur between shutter start and shutter end." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_enable" label "Enable Deformation Blur" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Motion blur will take into account geometry deformation. It should only be enabled when objects in the scene change shape quickly enough, since this option uses more memory and renders slower." parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys" label "Deform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for object points. Just like with transformation motion keys, increasing this value allows curved motion paths to be rendered more accurately, at the expense of using more memory." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } groupsimple { name "group_shutter" label "Camera Shutter" parm { name "ar_mb_shutter" label "Shutter Position" type string default { "center" } help "Decide where on the frame time the blur will be evaluated. The default is centered." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" menu { "start" "Start On Frame" "center" "Center On Frame" "end" "End On Frame" "custom" "Custom Shutter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_length" label "Shutter Length" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter == custom }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_range" label "Shutter Start/End" type vector2 size 2 default { "-0.25" "0.25" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter != custom }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_motion_blur" label "Instantaneous Shutter for Motion Vectors" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore motion blur effects in camera for generating motion vectors." range { 0 1 } } } } group { name "folder0_4" label "Textures" parm { name "ar_texture_max_sharpen" label "Sharpness" type float invisible default { "1.5" } help "Sharpens textures at the expense of increased file I/O. The theoretical optimum setting for sharpest results is to set this to AA_samples, but under most practical situations where texture I/O must be controlled, setting this to around 1.5 already gives sharp results at a moderate cost." range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_max_memory_MB" label "Cache Size (MB)" type float default { "4096" } help "Texture cache size in MB." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_caching_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 8192 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_max_open_files" label "Max. Open Textures" type integer default { "0" } help "The maximum number of files that the texture system keeps open at any given time to avoid excessive closing and re-opening of files when caching individual texture tiles. A value of 0 means the number is automatically computed by Arnold. Increasing this number may result in slightly better texture caching performance. On the other hand, if this value is higher than the maximum number of concurrently open files supported by the operating system (e.g. Linux vs Windows), some texture lookups may fail and return red." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_max_memory_MB == 0 }" range { 0! 4096 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_accept_untiled" label "Accept Untiled" type toggle default { "1" } help "High-resolution untiled texture maps are very inefficient to render, because they must be loaded entirely into memory as soon as the renderer needs to access a single texel. For that reason, you may want to use this flag to enforce that all your texture maps are already tiled in advance (perhaps by using a preprocessing tool like maketx). When this flag is enabled, any attempt at loading an untiled file will produce an error and abort the renderer." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_autotile" label "Auto-tile" type integer default { "64" } help "This is the size of the tiles when using auto-tiling. Bigger values mean less frequent texture loads, but use more memory. Use existing Tiled files: If .tx file with the same name of the texture is found, the renderer will use it." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_accept_untiled == 0 }" range { 2! 512 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_accept_unmipped" label "Accept Unmipped" type toggle default { "1" } help "Unmipped texture maps are inefficient to render, because filtering to reduce aliasing has to be done on the fly. For that reason, you may want to use this flag to enforce that all your texture maps are already mipmapped in advance (perhaps by using a preprocessing tool like maketx). When this flag is enabled, any attempt at loading an unmipped file will produce an error and abort the renderer. By default this flag is enabled, because most of the popular image formats such as JPEG don't support tiling." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_automip" label "Auto-mipmap" type toggle default { "1" } help "If a texture map file is not natively mipmapped (e.g. a JPEG file), enabling this option will trigger the automatic generation of a mipmap that will be stored in memory for the duration of the render. This mipmap generation increases render time, specially for scenes with many high resolution textures. This is in contrast to file formats that natively support mipmapping, such as TIFF and EXR, where the mipmap is generated only once (with a preprocessing tool like maketx). Use with care." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_accept_unmipped == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_auto_maketx" label "Auto-generate TX Textures" type toggle default { "1" } help "Automatically generate or update the .tx texture corresponding to the texture files. If an up to date version already exists, the generation will be skipped. The .tx textures will be linearized according to the colorspace selected on the image shader." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_use_existing_tx" label "Use Existing TX Textures" type toggle default { "1" } help "If an untiled texture is requested (e.g. concrete.jpg) but a .tx file with the same filename is found (e.g. concrete.tx), the renderer will load the .tx file instead." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_auto_tx_path" label "Auto-Tx Path" type string default { "" } help "Set an optional path where all TX files will be generated, instead of generating each TX next to the original texture." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_auto_maketx == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } } group { name "folder0_5" label "Device" parm { name "ar_platform" label "Platform" type string invisible default { [ "__import__('sys').platform" python ] } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } groupsimple { name "group_render_device" label "Device" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_render_device" label "Render Device" type string default { "CPU" } help "Specify the render devices." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" menu { "CPU" "CPU" "GPU" "GPU" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_render_device_fallback" label "Device Fallback" type string default { "error" } help "Specify the render fallback device when no GPU is available." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" menu { "error" "Error" "CPU" "CPU" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } groupsimple { name "group_auto_gpu" label "Automatic Device Selection" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_gpu_default_names" label "Device Expression" type string default { "*" } help "Select GPU names with this filter. Note you cannot mix RTX and non-RTX graphics cards in the same render." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_gpu_default_min_memory_MB" label "Min. Memory (MB)" type integer default { "512" } help "Select GPU names with at least this amount of memory (MB)" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" range { 0! 2048 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } groupsimple { name "group_manual_gpu" label "Manual Device Selection" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_manual_device_selection" label "Enable Manual Device Selection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Choose whether to select devices manually" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_device_selection" label "Device Selection" type string default { "" } help "GPU device selection. Note you cannot mix RTX and non-RTX graphics cards in the same render." disablewhen "{ ar_manual_device_selection == 0 } { ar_platform == darwin }" menutoggle { [ "import htoa.device" ] [ "return htoa.device.gpuDeviceMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } groupsimple { name "group_gpu_settings" label "GPU Settings" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_gpu_max_texture_resolution" label "Max. Texture Res." type integer default { "0" } help "This will limit the number of mipmap levels generated to be up to the specified resolution, unless the value is 0 in which case there is no maximum." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == CPU }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" range { 0! 2048 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } } groupsimple { name "group_cm" label "Color Management" parm { name "ar_color_space_singleton" label "Color Space ROP" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specify that this ROP should be used to define the color spaces for TX conversion." parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa.colorspace').colorspace.setColorSpaceRop(kwargs['node'], kwargs['parm'].eval())" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_ocio_enabled" label "OCIO Enabled" type toggle invisible default { [ "bool(__import__('htoa.ocio').ocio.has_config)" python ] } help "If OCIO was enabled and successfully loaded this will be true." parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_family_narrow" label "LDR Color Space" type string joinnext default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" python ] } help "If it exists in the OCIO config, this should be set to the name of the `sRGB` color space. This is used internally for input and output color spaces in `auto` mode for low dynamic range images. If set by the user, this color space is also used as a reference to detect the rendering color space gamut and white point." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(view_display=False, filter_non_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.narrowColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_narrow').eval())" ] [ "if color_space_menu and kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_narrow').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_narrow').set(color_space_menu[0])" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_space_narrow" label "ar_color_space_narrow" type string nolabel default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" python ] } help "If it exists in the OCIO config, this should be set to the name of the `sRGB` color space. This is used internally for input and output color spaces in `auto` mode for low dynamic range images. If set by the user, this color space is also used as a reference to detect the rendering color space gamut and white point." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_narrow').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.narrowColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_family_linear" label "Rendering Color Space" type string joinnext default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" python ] } help "This is the default linear color space that Arnold will use as its rendering color space. Arnold's default color space is `sRGB Linear` but this can correspond to any linear color space if needed. If chromaticities for this linear color space can be guessed or are user specified certain spectral effects will take them into account, but not other adaptations for albedos, transparencies, etc are applied." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(view_display=False, filter_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.renderColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_linear').eval())" ] [ "if color_space_menu and kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_linear').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_linear').set(color_space_menu[0])" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_space_linear" label "ar_color_space_linear" type string nolabel default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_linear" python ] } help "This is the default linear color space that Arnold will use as its rendering color space. Arnold's default color space is `sRGB Linear` but this can correspond to any linear color space if needed. If chromaticities for this linear color space can be guessed or are user specified certain spectral effects will take them into account, but not other adaptations for albedos, transparencies, etc are applied." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_linear').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.renderColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_linear_chromaticities" label "Custom Chromaticities" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specify render color space chromaticities. If they are not specified they will be gathered from the OCIO configuration." hidewhen "{ ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_red" label "Red Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.64" "0.33" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the red primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_green" label "Green Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.3" "0.6" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the green primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_blue" label "Blue Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.15" "0.06" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the blue primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_white" label "White Point" type float size 2 default { "0.3127" "0.329" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the white point." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } } group { name "folder0_6" label "Baking" parm { name "ar_baking_enable" label "Enable Texture Baking" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable texture baking. Not supported on GPU." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_resolution" label "Resolution" type intlog default { "256" } help "Texture baking resolution, we are using square textures." disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 1 1024 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_extend_edges" label "Extend Edges" type toggle default { "1" } help "Extend the edges" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_udims" label "Udims" type string joinnext default { "" } help "List of udim's UV pairs or udims. Example: 0:1 3:3 4:2 or 1011 1034 1025" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_baking_udims_all == 1 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_udims_all" label "All" type toggle default { "0" } help "Bake all the udims" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_normal_offset" label "Surface Offset" type float default { "0.001" } help "Ray cast from the mesh with the given offset along the normal" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uv_offset" label "UV Offset" type float size 2 default { "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uv_scale" label "UV Scale" type float size 2 default { "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } multiparm { name "ar_baking_meshes" label "Meshes" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } parm { name "ar_enable_mesh#" label "Enable Mesh #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_mesh#" label "Mesh #" type oppath default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_enable_mesh# == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uvset#" label "UV Set #" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_enable_mesh# == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" menureplace { [ "['', 'Default (uv)', 'uv2', 'UV Set 2', 'uv3', 'UV Set 3', 'uv4', 'UV Set 4', 'uv5', 'UV Set 5', 'uv6', 'UV Set 6', 'uv7', 'UV Set 7', 'uv8', 'UV Set 8' ]" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } } } group { name "folder0_7" label "MaterialX" parm { name "ar_materialx_enable" label "Enable MaterialX Export" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_file" label "MaterialX File" type file default { "" } help "Specifies the output path for MaterialX ass files." disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.mtlx" } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_look" label "Look" type string default { "" } help "Output look name that will be created/appended" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa.operator').operator.lookMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_materialx_file').eval())" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_relative" label "Relative Assignment" type toggle default { "1" } help "If true, the assignments for nodes will be relative to their top-most parent node" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } multiparm { name "ar_materialx_properties" label "Properties" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } parm { name "ar_materialx_property#" label "Property #" type string default { "" } help "A parameter to be added to the property assignments" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } } } group { name "folder0_8" label "System" parm { name "ar_force_threads" label "Force Threads" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Allow manual setting the number of render threads instead of using an optimal number based on the number of hardware processing cores." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_threads" label "Render Threads" type integer default { "0" } help "If ar_force_threads is enabled, this will let you manually set the number of rendering threads. The default of 0 will use all processing cores and negative values mean use all but that many cores. For example, threads=-2 means use all but 2 cores, while threads=2 means only use 2 cores. This is useful when you want to leave one or two cores for other tasks. This parameter is never written in an .ass file by design, and will only affect interactive or batch renders." disablewhen "{ ar_force_threads == 0 }" range { -255! 256! } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_thread_priority" label "Thread Priority" type string default { "lowest" } help "Specifies the thread priority for rendering (Windows only)." menu { "lowest" "Lowest" "low" "Low" "medium" "Medium" "high" "High" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_bucket_scanning" label "Bucket Scanning" type string default { "spiral" } help "Specifies the spatial order in which the image buckets (i.e. threads) will be processed. By default, buckets start in the center of the image and proceed outwards in a spiral pattern." menu { "top" "Top" "left" "Left" "random" "Random" "spiral" "Spiral" "hilbert" "Hilbert" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_bucket_size" label "Bucket Size" type integer default { "64" } help "The size of the image buckets. The default size is 64x64 pixels, which is a good compromise; bigger buckets use more memory, while smaller buckets may perform redundant computations and filtering and thus render slower but give initial faster feedback." range { 16! 256 } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive" label " Progressive AA " type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "Apply an iterative progressive render to the region tool, starting from the lowest selected AA until the current AA samples value." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_AA_initial" label "Progressive Min Samples" type integer default { "0" } help "If progressive passes are enabled with the Preview button, this is the initial AA samples setting used in the first progressive render pass." menu { "0" "8x8" "1" "4x4" "2" "2x2" "3" "1x1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_3" label "8x8" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "One sample per 8x8 pixels (-3)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_2" label "4x4" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } help "One sample per 4x4 pixels (-2)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_1" label "2x2" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "One sample per 2x2 pixels (-1)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_0" label "1x1" type toggle default { "0" } help "One sample per pixel (0)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_plugin_searchpath" label "Plugin Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for Arnold plugins such as shaders, procedurals, volumes, etc." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_procedural_searchpath" label "Procedural Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for procedural files." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_texture_searchpath" label "Texture Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for Arnold texture maps and IES files. This works in conjunction with the \"Save Texture Paths\" option in the ASS tab." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_osl_includepath" label "OSL Include Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies additional include search paths to OSL when compiling shaders. This string can contain multiple search paths separated by a colon or semi-colon." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_mplay_label" label "MPlay Session" type string default { "" } help "When an MPlay render is triggered, it will only output to MPlay sessions with that label. If none exist, it will create an MPlay session with that label. This is incredibly useful for users with multiple workspaces, to avoid constantly hunt for an open MPlay window and move it to their active workspace." menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.mplayLabelMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_flush_sop_cache" label "Flush SOP Cache" type toggle default { "1" } help "Flush SOP cache after each frame to reclaim memory." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_pick_material" label "Pick Material in Render View" type toggle default { "1" } help "Generate the Op_Id AOV to enable material picking in the Render View with Ctrl+LMB. The ID built-in AOV will be repurposed for this and will not be available in the Render View context." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_inherit_properties" label "Inherit Properties" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable properties inheritance for geometry at the expense of translation time." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_create_intermediate_directories" label "Create Intermediate Directories" type toggle default { "1" } help "Create intermediate parent directories when rendering to image or ASS files." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_parallel_node_init" label "Parallel Node Initialization" type toggle default { "1" } help "Initialization and update of scene nodes can be multi-threaded. This can significantly lower the scene preparation time in complex scenes with many objects, shaders or lights." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_enable_procedural_cache" label "Procedural Cache" type toggle default { "1" } help "Cache procedural nodes pointing to the same .ass file on disk by automatically instancing them." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_abort_on_error" label "Abort On Error" type toggle default { "1" } help "Aborts rendering as soon as an error is detected. This is the recommended setting. In general, you should not ignore important error messages, or you'll risk crashes, rendering artifacts and undefined behaviour." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_abort_on_license_fail" label "Abort On License Fail" type toggle default { "0" } help "Aborts rendering if when the render starts the license is not detected. If not set and no license is found, images will be watermarked." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_skip_license_check" label "Render with Watermarks (Skip License Check)" type toggle default { "0" } help "Do not try to check out a license and thus render with watermarks." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } groupsimple { name "group_callbacks" label "Callbacks" parm { name "ar_enable_post_translation" label "Enable Post Translation" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "When enabled, execute the post translation callback." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_post_translation" label "Post Translation" type string default { "" } help "Post Translation (python only) callback is executed after translation ends. In this call back you can directly edit the Arnold universe before the render begins." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_post_translation == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } } } group { name "folder0_9" label "Diagnostics" parm { name "ar_log_file_enable" label "Log File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_file" label "Log to File" type file default { "" } help "Specifies the output path for Arnold log files." disablewhen "{ ar_log_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_verbosity" label "Log Verbosity" type string joinnext default { "warnings" } help "Specifies the verbosity level and whether log messages are sent to the console or written to a file." menu { "errors" "Errors" "warnings" "Warnings" "info" "Info" "debug" "Debug" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_max_warnings" label " Max. Warnings" type integer default { "5" } help "Limits the number of warning messages that are sent to the console." range { 0! 1000 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_console_enable" label "Log to Console" type toggle default { "1" } help "Log to console." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_file_enable" label "Stats File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log stats to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_file" label "Stats File Path" type file default { "$HIP/arnold_stats.json" } help "Specifies the output path for the Arnold stats file." disablewhen "{ ar_stats_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_mode" label "Stats Mode" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Overwrite" "1" "Append" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_profile_file_enable" label "Profile" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log profile to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_profile_file" label "Profile File Path" type file default { "$HIP/arnold_profile.json" } help "Specifies the output path for the Arnold profile file." disablewhen "{ ar_profile_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_texture_per_file_stats" label "Detailed Texture Statistics" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable per file texture statistics." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_plugins" label "Detailed Plugins Information" type toggle default { "0" } help "Show details about plugins loaded." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "my_sep_diagnostics1" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_operators" label "Ignore Operators" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore operator graph." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_textures" label "Ignore Textures" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all textures when rendering." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_shaders" label "Ignore Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all shaders when rendering. By default Arnold will render with a simple \"N dot eye\" shader." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_atmosphere" label "Ignore Atmosphere" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all atmospheric shaders." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_lights" label "Ignore Lights" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all light sources." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_shadows" label "Ignore Shadows" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore shadows from all light sources." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_subdivision" label "Ignore Subdivision" type toggle default { "0" } help "No objects will be subdivided." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_displacement" label "Ignore Displacement" type toggle default { "0" } help "Displacements will be ignored." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_bump" label "Ignore Bump" type toggle default { "0" } help "Bump mapping will be ignored." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_smoothing" label "Ignore Normal Smoothing" type toggle default { "0" } help "Polygon normals will not be smoothed, resulting in a faceted appearance." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_dof" label "Ignore Depth of Field" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore depth of field effects." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_sss" label "Ignore Sub-Surface Scattering" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore Subsurface Scattering calculations." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_motion" label "Ignore Motion" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all motion effects." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_imagers" label "Ignore Imagers" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore imager graph." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "my_sep_diagnostics2" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_texture" label "Bad Texture Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "0" "0" } help "Color to use for bad textures." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_pixel" label "NaN Pixel Color" type color size 3 default { "0" "0" "1" } help "Color to use for bad pixels (NaNs)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_shader" label "Bad Shader Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "0" "1" } help "Color to use for bad shaders." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } } } group { name "main6_2" label "Archive" hidewhentab "{ ar_ass_export_authorized == 0 }" parm { name "ar_ass_export_enable" baseparm label "Export ASS File" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_ass_file" baseparm label "Export ASS File" export none } parm { name "ar_node_prefix_enable" baseparm label "Enable Node Prefix" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_node_prefix" baseparm label "Node Prefix" export none } parm { name "ar_node_suffix_enable" baseparm label "Enable Node Suffix" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_node_suffix" baseparm label "Node Suffix" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_authorized" baseparm label "Authorize Exporting ASS Files" invisible export none } parm { name "ar_binary_ass" baseparm label "Binary Encoding" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_options" baseparm label "Export Options" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_color_managers" baseparm label "Export Color Managers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_cameras" baseparm label "Export Cameras" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_lights" baseparm label "Export Lights" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shapes" baseparm label "Export Shapes" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shaders" baseparm label "Export Shaders" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shader_assignments" baseparm label "Export Shader Assignments" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_operators" baseparm label "Export Operators" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_overrides" baseparm label "Export Overrides" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_drivers" baseparm label "Export Output Drivers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_imagers" baseparm label "Export Imagers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_filters" baseparm label "Export Pixel Filters" export none } parm { name "ar_export_asstoc" baseparm label "Export .asstoc File" export none } parm { name "ar_prepend_htoa_paths" baseparm label "Prepend Plugin Paths" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_expand_procedurals" baseparm label "Expand Procedurals" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_absolute_texture_paths" baseparm label "Absolute Texture Paths" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_absolute_procedural_paths" baseparm label "Absolute Procedural Paths" export none } } group { name "main6_3" label "Scripts" parm { name "tprerender" baseparm label "tprerender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "prerender" baseparm label "Pre-Render" joinnext export none } parm { name "lprerender" baseparm label "lprerender" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpreframe" baseparm label "tpreframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "preframe" baseparm label "Pre-Frame" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpreframe" baseparm label "lpreframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostframe" baseparm label "tpostframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postframe" baseparm label "Post-Frame" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostframe" baseparm label "lpostframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostrender" baseparm label "tpostrender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postrender" baseparm label "Post-Render" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostrender" baseparm label "lpostrender" nolabel export none } } group { name "main6_4" label "SOHO" invisibletab parm { name "soho_program" baseparm label "SOHO Program" export none } parm { name "soho_outputmode" baseparm label "SOHO Output Mode" export none } parm { name "soho_pipecmd" baseparm label "Command" export none } parm { name "soho_diskfile" baseparm label "Script Disk File" export none } parm { name "soho_errormode" baseparm label "Error Mode" export none } parm { name "soho_shopstyle" baseparm label "SOHO SHOP Style" export none } parm { name "soho_precision" baseparm label "Float Precision" export none } parm { name "soho_indentstep" baseparm label "Indent Step" export none } parm { name "soho_almostzero" baseparm label "Almost Zero" export none } parm { name "soho_multiframe" baseparm label "Multi-frame mode" export none } parm { name "soho_safename" baseparm label "Safe Object names" export none } parm { name "soho_ipr_support" baseparm label "SOHO IPR Support" export none } parm { name "soho_foreground" baseparm label "Block Until Render Completes" export none } } parm { name "renderpreview" baseparm label "Render to MPlay" invisible joinnext export none } parm { name "executebackground" baseparm label "Render to Disk in Background" invisible export none } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003400000012373out/arnold_noice_imager.chn{ channel f1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = $FSTART } } channel f2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 240 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 240 240 expr = $FEND } } channel ar_ass_export_authorized { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa.utils').utils.allowSceneExport() language = python } } channel soho_outputmode { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_ass_export_enable\"), 2, 0)" } } channel soho_pipecmd { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.searchpath return htoa.searchpath.hick" language = python } } channel vm_picture { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = chs(\"ar_picture\") } } channel ar_overscany { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_overscanz { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_overscanw { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_AA_samples_extra { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "ch(\"ar_AA_samples_max\") - ch(\"ar_AA_samples\")" } } channel ar_info_samples_camera { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_diffuse1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_diffuse2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_specular1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_specular2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_transmission1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_transmission2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_total1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_total2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth() language = python } } channel ar_platform { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('sys').platform language = python } } channel ar_ocio_enabled { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = bool(__import__('htoa.ocio').ocio.has_config) language = python } } channel ar_color_family_narrow { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" language = python } } channel ar_color_space_narrow { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" language = python } } channel ar_color_family_linear { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" language = python } } channel ar_color_space_linear { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear" language = python } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003500000035320out/arnold_noice_imager.parm{ version 0.8 execute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderpreview [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) executebackground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderdialog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) trange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) f [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ f1 1 ] [ f2 240 ] 1 ) take [ 0 locks=0 ] ( _current_ ) main [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) folder_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /obj/cam1 ) folder_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_subdiv_dicing_camera_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_subdiv_dicing_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_culling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) target [ 0 locks=0 ] ( current ) sepparm [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) folder_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forceobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludeobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) phantom_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) matte_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) folder_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_environment [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_forced_materials [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_shader_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_export_referenced_materials [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) obj_light_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) folder_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sololight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) alights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forcelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_autoheadlight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) light_fog_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) vfog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) soho_viewport_menu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_initsim [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_render_selection_only [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_render_selection_others [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "invisible" ) shop_propertiespath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_export_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/$HIPNAME:r.$F4.ass ) ar_node_prefix_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_node_prefix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_node_suffix_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_node_suffix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [$F] ) ar_ass_export_authorized [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_ass_export_authorized 0 ] ) ar_binary_ass [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_color_managers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_cameras [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shapes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shader_assignments [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_operators [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_overrides [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_drivers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_filters [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_export_asstoc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_prepend_htoa_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_expand_procedurals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_absolute_texture_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_absolute_procedural_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) tprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) prerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) preframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpostframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) postframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpostframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpostrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) postrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpostrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) soho_program [ 0 locks=0 ] ( arnold.py ) soho_outputmode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ soho_outputmode 0 ] ) soho_pipecmd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ soho_pipecmd "import htoa.searchpath return htoa.searchpath.hick" ] ) soho_diskfile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_errormode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) soho_shopstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( Arnold ) soho_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 12 ) soho_indentstep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) soho_almostzero [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) soho_multiframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_safename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_ipr_support [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_foreground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) main6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 1 ) folder_camera2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_subdivision2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_objects2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_shaders2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_lights2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ar_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/render/crag_imager_$F4.exr ) vm_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ vm_picture chs(\"ar_picture\") ] ) override_camerares [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) res_fraction [ 0 locks=0 ] ( specific ) res_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 640 480 ) res_overrideMenu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) aspect_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) my_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_overscan_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_denoise [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_output_variance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_overscan [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 [ ar_overscany 0 ] [ ar_overscanz 0 ] [ ar_overscanw 0 ] ) ar_overscan_label [ 0 locks=0 ] ( Top Bottom Left Right ) ar_overscan_separator [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_picture_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( exr ) ar_picture_tiling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_tiff_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_tiff_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lzw ) ar_tiff_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_tiff_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_png_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_png_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_png_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_png_skip_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_exr_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( zip ) ar_exr_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_exr_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_jpeg_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_jpeg_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_jpeg_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 100 ) ar_exr_beauty_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_multipart [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_preserve_layer_name [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_autocrop [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_picture_output_padded [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_picture_dither [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tiff_unpremult_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_tiff_skip_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_deepexr_beauty_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_alpha_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_depth_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_beauty_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_alpha_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_depth_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_use_RGB_opacity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_enable_filtering [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_picture_append [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_metadata [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_enable_aov_composition [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_multicam [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ../arnold_imager_noice ) ar_imager_presets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "none" ) ar_aov_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_overridden [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_AA_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) ar_enable_adaptive_sampling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_samples_max [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 20 ) ar_AA_samples_extra [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_AA_samples_extra 0 ] ) ar_AA_adaptive_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.015 ) ar_GI_diffuse_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_specular_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_transmission_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_sss_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_volume_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_enable_progressive_render [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_pixelfilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_pixel_filter_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( gaussian_filter ) ar_pixel_filter_width [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) ar_pixel_filter_width_sinc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 6 ) ar_pixel_filter_farthest_domain [ 0 locks=0 ] ( first_hit ) ar_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) group_clamping [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_sample_clamp_affects_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_sample_clamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_indirect_sample_clamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) group_advanced [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_lock_sampling_pattern [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_dielectric_priorities [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_indirect_specular_blur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_light_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) group_deprecated [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_sss_use_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Deprecated: Use 'Subsurface Ray Visibility' in the 'Render Geometry Settings' LOP instead" ) group_info [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_info_samples_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_camera __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera() ] ) ar_info_samples_diffuse [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_diffuse1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse() ] [ ar_info_samples_diffuse2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_specular1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular() ] [ ar_info_samples_specular2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_transmission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_transmission1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission() ] [ ar_info_samples_transmission2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_total [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_total1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal() ] [ ar_info_samples_total2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth() ] ) ar_GI_total_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_GI_diffuse_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_GI_specular_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_GI_transmission_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 8 ) ar_GI_volume_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_auto_transparency_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_low_light_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_mb_xform_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_xform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_dform_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_mb_dform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) group_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_mb_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( center ) ar_mb_shutter_length [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) ar_mb_shutter_range [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -0.25 0.25 ) ar_ignore_motion_blur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_texture_max_sharpen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) ar_texture_max_memory_MB [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4096 ) ar_texture_max_open_files [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_texture_accept_untiled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_autotile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 64 ) ar_texture_accept_unmipped [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_automip [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_auto_maketx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_use_existing_tx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_auto_tx_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_platform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_platform __import__('sys').platform ] ) group_render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( CPU ) ar_render_device_fallback [ 0 locks=0 ] ( error ) group_auto_gpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_gpu_default_names [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_gpu_default_min_memory_MB [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 512 ) group_manual_gpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_manual_device_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_device_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) group_gpu_settings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_gpu_max_texture_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) group_cm [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_color_space_singleton [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ocio_enabled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_ocio_enabled 0 ] ) ar_color_family_narrow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family_narrow "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" ] ) ar_color_space_narrow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_space_narrow "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" ] ) ar_color_family_linear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family_linear "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" ] ) ar_color_space_linear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_space_linear "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear" ] ) ar_linear_chromaticities [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_chromaticity_red [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.64 0.33 ) ar_chromaticity_green [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3 0.6 ) ar_chromaticity_blue [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.15 0.06 ) ar_chromaticity_white [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3127 0.329 ) ar_baking_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_baking_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 256 ) ar_baking_extend_edges [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_baking_udims [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_baking_udims_all [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_baking_normal_offset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_baking_uv_offset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) ar_baking_uv_scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 ) ar_baking_meshes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_materialx_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_materialx_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_materialx_look [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_materialx_relative [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_materialx_properties [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_force_threads [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_threads [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_thread_priority [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lowest ) ar_bucket_scanning [ 0 locks=0 ] ( spiral ) ar_bucket_size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 64 ) ar_progressive [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_AA_initial [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_progressive_AA_3 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_progressive_AA_2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_progressive_AA_1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_progressive_AA_0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_plugin_searchpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_procedural_searchpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_texture_searchpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_osl_includepath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_mplay_label [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_flush_sop_cache [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_pick_material [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_inherit_properties [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_create_intermediate_directories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_parallel_node_init [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_enable_procedural_cache [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_abort_on_error [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_abort_on_license_fail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_skip_license_check [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_callbacks [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_enable_post_translation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_post_translation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_log_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_log_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_log_verbosity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( warnings ) ar_log_max_warnings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 5 ) ar_log_console_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_stats_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_stats_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/arnold_stats.json ) ar_stats_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_profile_file_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_profile_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/arnold_profile.json ) ar_texture_per_file_stats [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_log_plugins [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) my_sep_diagnostics1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_ignore_operators [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_textures [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_atmosphere [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_shadows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_displacement [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_bump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_smoothing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_dof [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_sss [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_motion [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ignore_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) my_sep_diagnostics2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_error_color_bad_texture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 0 ) ar_error_color_bad_pixel [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 1 ) ar_error_color_bad_shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 1 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003700000000012out/arnold_noice_imager.netbox__netbox1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004100000000031out/arnold_noice_imager.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000000035out/arnold_noice_post_process.inittype = arnold matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004200000000704out/arnold_noice_post_process.defcomment "" position 5.74374 2.47347 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716315758 modify 1716315907 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600005300000455607out/arnold_noice_post_process.spareparmdef parm { name "execute" baseparm label "Render to Disk" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderdialog" baseparm label "Controls..." nolabel export none } parm { name "trange" baseparm label "Valid Frame Range" export none } parm { name "f" baseparm label "Start/End/Inc" export none } parm { name "take" baseparm label "Render with Take" export none } group { name "main6" label " Main " grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "main" } groupsimple { name "folder_camera2" label "Camera" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_camera" } parm { name "camera" baseparm label "Camera" export none } groupsimple { name "folder_subdivision2" label "Subdivision" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_subdivision" } parm { name "ar_subdiv_dicing_camera_enable" baseparm label "Use Alternate Dicing Camera" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_dicing_camera" baseparm label "Dicing Camera" export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_culling" baseparm label "Enable" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_subdiv_frustum_padding" baseparm label "Frustum Culling" export none } } } parm { name "target" baseparm label "Render Target" invisible export none } parm { name "sepparm" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } groupsimple { name "folder_objects2" label "Objects" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_objects" } parm { name "vobject" baseparm label "Candidate Objects" export none } parm { name "forceobject" baseparm label "Force Objects" export none } parm { name "excludeobject" baseparm label "Exclude Objects" export none } parm { name "phantom_objects" baseparm label "Forced Phantom" export none } parm { name "matte_objects" baseparm label "Forced Matte" export none } } groupsimple { name "folder_shaders2" label "Shaders" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_shaders" } parm { name "ar_environment" baseparm label "Environment" export none } parm { name "ar_forced_materials" baseparm label "Forced Materials" export none } parm { name "ar_shader_override" baseparm label "Shader Override" export none } parm { name "ar_export_referenced_materials" baseparm label "Export Referenced Materials" export none } } parm { name "obj_light_sep" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } groupsimple { name "folder_lights2" label "Lights" grouptag { "sidefx::switcher" "folder_lights" } parm { name "sololight" baseparm label "Solo Light" export none } parm { name "alights" baseparm label "Candidate Lights" export none } parm { name "forcelights" baseparm label "Force Lights" export none } parm { name "excludelights" baseparm label "Exclude Lights" export none } parm { name "soho_autoheadlight" baseparm label "Headlight Creation" invisible export none } parm { name "light_fog_sep" baseparm label "Separator" invisible export none } } parm { name "vfog" baseparm label "Visible Fog" invisible export none } parm { name "soho_viewport_menu" baseparm label "Show in Viewport Menu" export none } parm { name "soho_initsim" baseparm label "Initialize Simulation OPs" export none } parm { name "ar_render_selection_only" baseparm label "Render Selection Only" export none } parm { name "ar_render_selection_others" baseparm label "Render Others As" export none } } group { name "main6_1" label "Properties" parm { name "shop_propertiespath" baseparm label "Default Properties" export none } parm { name "ar_user_options" baseparm label "User Options" joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_user_options_enable" baseparm label "Enable" export none } group { name "folder0" label "Output" parm { name "ar_picture" label "Output Picture" type file default { "ip" } menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_picture" label "Compat. Output Picture" type string invisible default { [ "chs(\"ar_picture\")" hscript-expr ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "override_camerares" label "Override Camera Resolution" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_fraction" label "Resolution Scale" type string default { "specific" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" menu { "0.1" "1/10 (One Tenth Resolution)" "0.2" "1/5 (One Fifth Resolution)" "0.25" "1/4 (Quarter Resolution)" "0.3333333" "1/3 (One Third Resolution)" "0.5" "1/2 (Half Resolution)" "0.6666666" "2/3 (Two Thirds Resolution)" "0.75" "3/4 (Three Quarter Resolution)" "specific" "User Specified Resolution" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_override" label "Resolution" type intvector2 joinnext size 2 default { "640" "480" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 } { res_fraction != specific }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "res_overrideMenu" label "Choose Resolution" type button nolabel default { "0" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 } { res_fraction != specific }" menumini { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBres')\")`" ] } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . res_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 0)` `arg(\"$script_value\", 1)` aspect_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 2)` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "aspect_override" label "Pixel Aspect Ratio" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" range { 0.05 2 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "my_sep" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_overscan_enable" label "Overscan" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable rendered image overscan." } parm { name "ar_denoise" label "Denoise with Optix" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable optix denoising on beauty AOV. Not available when an imager graph is attached, instead add the optix imager in the graph." disablewhen "{ ar_imagers != \"\" }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" } parm { name "ar_output_variance" label "Output Variance AOV" type toggle default { "0" } help "Add an extra variance AOV to the beauty for arnold denoising. If the AOVs N, Z, diffuse_albedo then they will be used to enhance the denoising." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" } parm { name "ar_overscan" label "Overscan Margins" type intvector4 size 4 default { "0" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" "ch(\"ar_overscanx\")" } help "Extend the render region by those amounts in pixels. EXR output will fully respect the overscan region with differing data and display windows, but the other image formats will simply enlarge the final image resolution to incorporate overscan since they cannot accommodate data outside the display area of the image." hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" range { 0 100 } } parm { name "ar_overscan_label" label " " type label size 4 default { "Top" "Bottom" "Left" "Right" } hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_overscan_separator" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } hidewhen "{ ar_overscan_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "ar_picture_format" label "Image Format" type string joinnext default { "exr" } help "Output image file format." menu { "exr" "OpenEXR" "deepexr" "Deep OpenEXR" "tiff" "TIFF" "png" "PNG" "jpeg" "JPEG" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_tiling" label " Tiling" type integer default { "0" } help "Allows to save the image in scanline or tiled mode. It seems Scanline works better with composition packages like Nuke or Fusion." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "0" "Scanline " "1" "Tiled" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_format" label "Pixel Format" type string joinnext default { "0" } help "TIFF bit depth." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" "int32" "Integer 32 bit" "float32" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_compression" label " Compression" type string default { "lzw" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the TIFF file." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { "none" "None" "lzw" "LZW" "ccittrle" "CCITT RLE" "zip" "Zip" "packbits" "PackBits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_tiff_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_format" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "0" } help "PNG bit depth." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_png_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_png_skip_alpha" label "Skip Alpha" type toggle default { "1" } help "Skip the alpha channel of RGBA outputs." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_compression" label "Compression" type string default { "zip" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the EXR file:\n\n- None: Disables all compression.\n\n- Run Length Encoding (RLE): This is a basic form of compression that is comparable to that used by standard Targa files.\n\n- Zip (per scanline): Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.\n\n- Zip (16 scanline blocks): Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. This tends to be the most effective style of compression to use with rendered images that do not have film grain applied.\n\n- PIZ: This uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.\n\n- PXR24: This form of compression from Pixar converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.\n\n- B44: This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.\n\n- B44A: An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.\n\n- DWAA: JPEG-like lossy compression format contributed by DreamWorks Animation. Compresses 32 scanlines together.\n\n- DWAB: Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { "none" "None " "rle" "Run Length Encoding (RLE)" "zips" "Zip (per scanline)" "zip" "Zip (16 scanline blocks)" "piz" "PIZ" "pxr24" "PXR24" "b44" "B44" "b44a" "B44A" "dwaa" "DWAA" "dwab" "DWAB" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(filter_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_family').eval(), filter_linear=True)" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_exr_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family, filter_linear=True)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_color_family" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "All" } help "The output color family." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu()" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_family').eval())" ] [ "if kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_space').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_space').set('auto')" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_color_space" label "Color Space" type string nolabel default { "auto" } help "The output color space." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_jpeg_color_family').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.outputColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_jpeg_quality" label "JPEG Quality" type integer default { "100" } help "JPEG compression quality." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != jpeg }" range { 1! 100! } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_beauty_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Beauty" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store beauty layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_half_precision" label "Half Precision" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store all pixels as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_multipart" label "Multipart" type toggle default { "0" } help "The ability to encode separate, but related, images in one file. This allows for access to individual parts without the need to read other parts in the file." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_preserve_layer_name" label "Preserve Layer Name" type toggle default { "0" } help "If checked, will store the AOV in a layer different with the name of the AOV, and not the RGB." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_exr_autocrop" label "Autocrop" type toggle default { "0" } help "Automatically crop uniform borders." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_tiling != 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_output_padded" label "Pad Crop Region" type toggle default { "0" } help "Defines a padding around the crop region." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format == exr } { ar_picture_format == deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_dither" label "Dithering" type toggle default { "1" } help "Applies a small amount of noise to the final pixel values. This helps minimize banding artifacts apparent on 8-bit output image file formats such as TIFF8." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format == exr } { ar_picture_format == deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_unpremult_alpha" label "Unpremultiply Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specifies whether the main RGB channel is premultiplied with the alpha channel (the default) or not. It only works with 8-bit output images." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_tiff_skip_alpha" label "Skip Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Skip the alpha channel of RGBA outputs." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge" label "Merge Subpixel Samples" type toggle default { "1" } help "Nearby subpixel samples will be merged." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_beauty_tolerance" label "Beauty Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Beauty tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_alpha_tolerance" label "Alpha Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Alpha tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_depth_tolerance" label "Depth Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Depth tolerance over which samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_beauty_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Beauty" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store beauty layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_alpha_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store alpha layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_depth_half_precision" label "Half Precision for Depth" type toggle default { "0" } help "Store depth layer as half-floats instead of floats." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_use_RGB_opacity" label "RGB Opacity" type toggle default { "0" } help "Write out RGB opacity, rather than just alpha. Nuke can read these images but cannot display them." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_deepexr_enable_filtering" label "Filter Beauty" type toggle default { "1" } help "If set to false disable any filtering operation on this layer's raw data -- useful for normals or ID layers." hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_picture_append" label "Append" type toggle default { "0" } help "Append to existing tiles when re-rendering the same image." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_tiling != 1 }" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr ar_picture_format != tiff }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } multiparm { name "ar_exr_metadata" label "Metadata" hidewhen "{ ar_picture_format != exr ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_key#" label "Key" type string joinnext default { "metadata#" } help "Metadata key name." range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_type#" label " Type" type ordinal default { "4" } help "Metadata type." menu { "int" "Integer" "float" "Float" "point2" "Point2" "matrix" "Matrix" "string" "String" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_int_value#" label "Value" type integer default { "0" } help "Metadata integer value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != int }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_float_value#" label "Value" type float default { "0" } help "Metadata float value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != float }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_point2_value#" label "Value" type vector2 size 2 default { "0" "0" } help "Metadata Point2 value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != point2 }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_matrix_value#" label "Value" type float size 16 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" } help "Metadata matrix value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != matrix }" range { 0 10 } } parm { name "ar_exr_metadata_string_value#" label "Value" type string default { "" } help "Metadata string value." hidewhen "{ ar_exr_metadata_type# != string }" range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "ar_enable_aov_composition" label "Enable AOV Composition" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Globally control whether any capable AOVs will automatically compose through semi-opaque surfaces rendered using auto-transparency. AOVs which are composable (i.e., which have opacity-blending capability) are provided in the standard, lambert, and hair shaders." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_multicam" label "Enable Multicam" type toggle invisible default { "1" } help "Helper flag for HtoA to determine if muticam is supported in the render context. IPR contexts disable multicam." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_imagers" label "Imagers" type oppath joinnext default { "/mat/arnold_default_imager" } help "Select a driver output defining an imager graph to apply post process effects to the beauty pass." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!CUSTOM/VOP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_imager_presets" label "Imager Presets" type ordinal nolabel default { "0" } help "Builds a new imager network with the selected imager node" menu { [ "__import__('htoa.imager').imager.ropImagerPresetMenu(kwargs)" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa.imager').imager.ropImagerPresetBuildGraph(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "sidefx::look" "icon" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_shaders" label "AOV Shaders" type oppath default { "" } help "AOV shader will be evaluated after the regular surface shader. With this it is possible to add shaders to set specific AOVs without modifying the original shader tree, such as the popular Cryptomatte automatic ID matte shader." parmtag { "opfilter" "!!CUSTOM/MATERIAL!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } multiparm { name "ar_aovs" label "AOVs" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } parm { name "ar_enable_aov#" label "Enable AOV #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_label#" label "AOV #" type string default { "" } help "The AOV name" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 }" menureplace { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.aovMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . vm_vextype_plane$script_multiparm_index ( `ifs(index(\",Pz,Af,Render_Time,Op_Id,Prim_Id,level,specularlevel,diffuselevel,direct_samples,indirect_samples,\", \",$script_value,\")>=0, \"float\", \"vector\")` )" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_enable_layer_name#" label "Enable Layer Name #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_layer_name#" label "Layer Name" type string default { "" } help "The EXR layer name. If this is the empty string then the ar_aov_label is used as the exr layer name as usual." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_exr_enable_layer_name# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_lpe_enable#" label "Enable Light Path Expression" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable a custom light path expression for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_lpe#" label "Light Path Expr." type string default { "" } help "Custom light path expression for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_lpe_enable# == 0 } { ar_aov_camera# == camera }" menutoggle { [ "import htoa.properties" ] [ "return htoa.properties.lpeMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['parm'].set(kwargs['script_value'].replace(' ', ''))" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_camera_enable#" label "Enable AOV Camera" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable using a separable camera for this AOV." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_camera#" label "Camera" type oppath default { "" } help "The camera to use for this AOV. When the camera is different from the main camera, you need to specify a separate file to render the AOV to. Also, the AOV will be ignored in interactive rendering contexts." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_camera_enable# == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/CAMERA!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_separate#" label "Output to Separate File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Save this deep raster plane to a different disk file than the main image." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_separate_file#" label "Separate File" type file default { "" } help "Save this deep raster plane to a different disk file than the main image.\nThis does *not* work when rendering to mplay." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 } { ar_aov_camera# == camera }" menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_denoise_enable#" label "Denoise with Optix" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable optix denoiser for this AOV. Not available when an imager graph is attached, instead add the optix imager in the graph." disablewhen "{ ar_imagers != \"\" } { ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_picture_format#" label "Image Format" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "AOV image file format." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "exr" "OpenEXR" "deepexr" "Deep OpenEXR" "tiff" "TIFF" "png" "PNG" "jpeg" "JPEG" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_type#" label " Type" type string default { "RGB" } help "The type associated with the AOV" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" }" menu { "RGB" "RGB" "RGBA" "RGBA" "BOOL" "Boolean" "INT" "Integer" "UINT" "Unsigned Integer" "FLOAT" "Float" "VECTOR" "Vector" "VECTOR2" "Vector 2D" "NODE" "Node Pointer" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_compression#" label "Compression" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "Specifies the compression mode of the EXR file:\n\n- None: Disables all compression.\n\n- Run Length Encoding (RLE): This is a basic form of compression that is comparable to that used by standard Targa files.\n\n- Zip (per scanline): Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.\n\n- Zip (16 scanline blocks): Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. This tends to be the most effective style of compression to use with rendered images that do not have film grain applied.\n\n- PIZ: This uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.\n\n- PXR24: This form of compression from Pixar converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.\n\n- B44: This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.\n\n- B44A: An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.\n\n- DWAA: JPEG-like lossy compression format contributed by DreamWorks Animation. Compresses 32 scanlines together.\n\n- DWAB: Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "none" "None " "rle" "Run Length Encoding (RLE)" "zips" "Zip (per scanline)" "zip" "Zip (16 scanline blocks)" "piz" "PIZ" "pxr24" "PXR24" "b44" "B44" "b44a" "B44A" "dwaa" "DWAA" "dwab" "DWAB" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_exr_precision#" label "Precision" type string default { "beauty" } help "EXR precision." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty ar_aov_picture_format# != exr ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == png } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == tiff } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == jpg } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "half" "Float 16 bit" "float" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_tiff_format#" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "beauty" } help "TIFF bit depth." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_picture_format# != tiff }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" "int32" "Integer 32 bit" "float32" "Float 32 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_png_format#" label "Pixel Format" type string default { "beauty" } help "PNG bit depth." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_picture_format# != png }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "int8" "Integer 8 bit " "int16" "Integer 16 bit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter#" label "Pixel Filter" type string joinnext default { "beauty" } help "The filter type used for averaging individual subpixel samples into a final pixel color. The default gaussian-2.0 is an excellent filter, you will rarely need anything other than gaussian." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" menu { "beauty" "Same as Beauty " "blackman_harris_filter" "Blackman-Harris" "box_filter" "Box" "catrom_filter" "Catmull-Rom" "closest_filter" "Closest" "farthest_filter" "Farthest" "gaussian_filter" "Gaussian" "heatmap_filter" "Heatmap" "mitnet_filter" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc_filter" "Sinc" "triangle_filter" "Triangle" "variance_filter" "Variance" "contour_filter" "Contour" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering#" label "Filter Deep AOV" type toggle default { "1" } help "If set to false disable any filtering operation on this layer's raw data -- useful for normals or ID layers." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights#" label "Variance Filter Weights" type string default { "box" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != variance_filter }" menu { "blackman_harris" "Blackman-Harris" "box" "Box" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "mitnet" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc" "Sinc" "triangle" "Triangle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width#" label "Width" type float default { "2" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == beauty } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == blackman_harris_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == sinc_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == farthest_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == closest_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == box_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == catrom_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == heatmap_filter } { ar_aov_pixel_filter# == mitnet_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris#" label "Width" type float default { "3" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != blackman_harris_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_width_sinc#" label "Width" type float default { "6" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != sinc_filter }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_farthest_domain#" label "Farthest Domain" type string default { "first_hit" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != farthest_filter }" menu { "first_hit" "First Hit " "all_hits" "All Hits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode#" label "Variance Scalar Mode" type toggle default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != variance_filter }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum#" label "Heatmap Minimum" type float default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum#" label "Heatmap Maximum" type float default { "1" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format == deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_aov_deep_enable_filtering# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_aov_pixel_filter# != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_merge_tolerance#" label "Deep AOV Tolerance" type log default { "0.01" } help "Tolerance over which the AOV samples will not be merged together." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge == 0 } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_aov_deep_half_precision#" label "Half Precision for Deep AOV" type toggle default { "0" } help "Use 16-bit floats for this AOV filtering." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_aov# == 0 } { ar_aov_label# == \"\" } { ar_aov_separate# == 0 ar_picture_format != deepexr } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# != deepexr ar_aov_picture_format# != beauty } { ar_aov_separate# == 1 ar_aov_picture_format# == beauty ar_picture_format != deepexr }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } parm { name "ar_overridden" label "Overridden Parameters" type toggle invisible default { "0" } help "Parameters have been overridden by one of the configuration files in $HH/soho/overrides." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" groupsimple { name "group_samples" label "Samples" parm { name "ar_AA_samples" label "Camera (AA)" type integer default { "3" } help "Controls the amount of rays per pixel that will be traced from the camera. The higher the number of samples, the better the anti-aliasing quality, and the longer the render times. The exact number of rays per pixel is the square of this value. For example, an AA Samples value of 3 means 3x3 = 9 pixel samples." range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_enable_adaptive_sampling" label "Adaptive Sampling" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable adaptive AA samples based on the variance level, according to the minimum and maximum AA samples." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_samples_max" label "Max. Camera (AA)" type integer default { "20" } help "When adaptive sampling is enabled, this control the maximum amount of rays per pixel that will be traced from the camera. The exact number of rays per pixel is the square of this value. Note that setting this parameter to a value lower or equal to AA samples will disable adaptive sampling." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_adaptive_sampling == 0 }" range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_samples_extra" label "Extra AA" type integer invisible default { [ "ch(\"ar_AA_samples_max\") - ch(\"ar_AA_samples\")" hscript-expr ] } help "Maximum extra AA levels. For UI logic purposes only." range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_AA_adaptive_threshold" label "Adaptive Threshold" type log default { "0.015" } help "The variance-based threshold. Adapative sampling will stop if the variance is below this level." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_adaptive_sampling == 0 } { ar_AA_samples_extra <= 0 }" range { 0.0001 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_diffuse_samples" label "Diffuse" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of hemispherical rays fired for indirect diffuse GI shader evaluations. Increase this number to reduce the diffuse GI noise. The exact number of hemispherical rays is the square of this value. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_specular_samples" label "Specular" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of BRDF rays fired for indirect glossy specular shader evaluations. Increase this number to reduce the noise in soft/blurry reflections. The exact number of rays is the square of this value. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_transmission_samples" label "Transmission" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of samples used to simulate the microfacet-based glossy transmission evaluations. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_sss_samples" label "SSS" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of SSS lighting samples (direct and indirect) that will be taken to estimate lighting within a radius of the point being shaded. Higher values produce a cleaner solution, but will take longer to render. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_GI_volume_samples" label "Volume Indirect" type integer default { "2" } help "The number of indirect diffuse samples for volumes. Higher values reduce the noise, but will take longer to render. This is not supported for GPU renders." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_enable_progressive_render" label "Progressive Render" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable progressive sampling." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } groupsimple { name "group_pixelfilter" label "Pixel Filter" parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_type" label "Pixel Filter" type string default { "gaussian_filter" } help "The filter type used for averaging individual subpixel samples into a final pixel color. The default gaussian-2.0 is an excellent filter, you will rarely need anything other than gaussian." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" menu { "blackman_harris_filter" "Blackman-Harris" "box_filter" "Box" "catrom_filter" "Catmull-Rom" "closest_filter" "Closest" "farthest_filter" "Farthest" "gaussian_filter" "Gaussian" "heatmap_filter" "Heatmap" "mitnet_filter" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc_filter" "Sinc" "triangle_filter" "Triangle" "variance_filter" "Variance" "contour_filter" "Contour" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width" label "Filter Width" type float default { "2" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type == blackman_harris_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == sinc_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == farthest_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == closest_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == box_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == catrom_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == heatmap_filter } { ar_pixel_filter_type == mitnet_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris" label "Filter Width" type float default { "3" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != blackman_harris_filter }" range { 0! 6 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_width_sinc" label "Filter Width" type float default { "6" } help "The width of the subpixel sample averaging filter, in pixels. For circularly symmetric filters, this is the diameter of the filter's support." disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != sinc_filter }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_farthest_domain" label "Farthest Domain" type string default { "first_hit" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != farthest_filter }" menu { "first_hit" "First Hit " "all_hits" "All Hits" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode" label "Variance Scalar Mode" type toggle default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != variance_filter }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights" label "Variance Filter Weights" type string default { "box" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != variance_filter }" menu { "blackman_harris" "Blackman-Harris" "box" "Box" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "mitnet" "Mitchell-Netravali" "sinc" "Sinc" "triangle" "Triangle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum" label "Heatmap Minimum" type float default { "0" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum" label "Heatmap Maximum" type float default { "1" } help "TODO" disablewhen "{ ar_picture_format == deepexr ar_deepexr_enable_filtering == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_pixel_filter_type != heatmap_filter }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } groupsimple { name "group_clamping" label "Clamping" parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable" label "Clamp Camera Samples" type toggle default { "0" } help "When enabled, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp_affects_aovs" label "Clamp Camera Samples in AOVs" type toggle default { "0" } help "When enabled, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." disablewhen "{ ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable != 1 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_AA_sample_clamp" label "Camera Sample Clamp" type float default { "10" } help "Enabling this control, pixel samples will be clamped to the specified maximum value. This can make it easier to anti-alias certain high-dynamic range effects such as bright motion blurred specular streaks (at the cost of reduced contrast)." disablewhen "{ ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable == 0 }" range { 1e-05! 100 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "ar_indirect_sample_clamp" label "Indirect Sample Clamp" type float default { "10" } help "Works similarly to AA_sample_clamp, but only affects indirect light, so that specular highlights from direct lighting are preserved. This makes it possible to clamp fireflies more aggressively without affecting the final render significantly. It is set to 10.0 by default. Lower values result in more aggressive noise reduction, possibly at the expense of dynamic range." range { 0! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } groupsimple { name "group_advanced" label "Advanced" parm { name "ar_lock_sampling_pattern" label "Lock Sampling Pattern" type toggle default { "0" } help "The noise pattern seed is set to the current frame number by default. If lock_sampling_patter parameter is enabled, this behaviour is disabled and the AA_seed parameter on the options node is set to 0 instead." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_dielectric_priorities" label "Nested Dielectrics" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable the priority system for nested dielectrics. Disable this checkbox for legacy dielectric calculations." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_indirect_specular_blur" label "Indirect Specular Blur" type float default { "1" } help "Sets indirect specular blurring to reduce caustic noise. Setting to zero gives the most accurate but also noisy renders, while higher values blur caustics to reduce noise." range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_light_samples" label "Light Samples" type integer default { "0" } help "Global amount of light samples. When set to a non-null value, Arnold will run this given amount of light samples accross the whole scene instead of relying on per-light sampling." range { 0! 32 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } groupcollapsible { name "group_deprecated" label "Deprecated" parm { name "ar_sss_use_autobump" label "Autobump for SSS" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } help "Take autobump into account for SSS calculations. This will result in more details in the SSS, at the cost of a slower render." parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated" label "ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated" type label default { "Deprecated: Use 'Subsurface Ray Visibility' in the 'Render Geometry Settings' LOP instead" } hidewhen "{ ar_sss_use_autobump == 0 }" parmtag { "sidefx::look" "heading" } } } } groupsimple { name "group_info" label "Estimated Rays / Pixel" parm { name "ar_info_samples_camera" label "Camera (AA) Rays" type string default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_diffuse" label "Diffuse Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_specular" label "Specular Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_transmission" label "Transmission Rays" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "ar_info_samples_total" label "Total Rays (no lights)" type string size 2 default { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal()" python ] [ "__import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth()" python ] } disablewhen "{ 1 != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Ray Depth" parm { name "ar_GI_total_depth" label "Total" type integer default { "10" } help "Specifies the total maximum recursion depth of any ray in the scene." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_diffuse_depth" label "Diffuse" type integer default { "1" } help "The maximum number of times a diffuse ray can bounce." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_specular_depth" label "Specular" type integer default { "1" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can be glossily reflected." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_transmission_depth" label "Transmission" type integer default { "8" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can be refracted." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_GI_volume_depth" label "Volume" type integer default { "0" } help "The maximum number of times a ray can bounce for multiple scattering in a volume." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_auto_transparency_depth" label "Transparency" type integer default { "10" } help "The number of allowed transparency hits. With 0 objects will be treated as opaque." range { 0! 16 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } parm { name "ar_low_light_threshold" label "Low Light Threshold" type float default { "0.001" } help "Specify an illumination value below which Arnold will skip firing shadow rays to each light source, reducing rendering time." range { 0! 0.1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Ray Depth" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Motion Blur" parm { name "ar_mb_xform_enable" label "Enable Transformation Blur" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Enable motion blur." parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_xform_keys" label "Transform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for matrix transformation. Transformation motion blur is calculated based on a linear interpolation of an object transform matrix, between successive motion keys. Increasing this value will add extra steps, which can improve the blurred result specially for rotating objects. The default is 2, which results in straight lines of blur between shutter start and shutter end." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_enable" label "Enable Deformation Blur" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Motion blur will take into account geometry deformation. It should only be enabled when objects in the scene change shape quickly enough, since this option uses more memory and renders slower." parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_dform_keys" label "Deform Keys" type integer default { "2" } help "Number of motion keys for object points. Just like with transformation motion keys, increasing this value allows curved motion paths to be rendered more accurately, at the expense of using more memory." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" range { 1! 20 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } groupsimple { name "group_shutter" label "Camera Shutter" parm { name "ar_mb_shutter" label "Shutter Position" type string default { "center" } help "Decide where on the frame time the blur will be evaluated. The default is centered." disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" menu { "start" "Start On Frame" "center" "Center On Frame" "end" "End On Frame" "custom" "Custom Shutter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_length" label "Shutter Length" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter == custom }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_mb_shutter_range" label "Shutter Start/End" type vector2 size 2 default { "-0.25" "0.25" } disablewhen "{ ar_mb_xform_enable == 0 ar_mb_dform_enable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ ar_mb_shutter != custom }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Motion Blur" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_motion_blur" label "Instantaneous Shutter for Motion Vectors" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore motion blur effects in camera for generating motion vectors." range { 0 1 } } } } group { name "folder0_4" label "Textures" parm { name "ar_texture_max_sharpen" label "Sharpness" type float invisible default { "1.5" } help "Sharpens textures at the expense of increased file I/O. The theoretical optimum setting for sharpest results is to set this to AA_samples, but under most practical situations where texture I/O must be controlled, setting this to around 1.5 already gives sharp results at a moderate cost." range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_max_memory_MB" label "Cache Size (MB)" type float default { "4096" } help "Texture cache size in MB." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_caching_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 8192 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_max_open_files" label "Max. Open Textures" type integer default { "0" } help "The maximum number of files that the texture system keeps open at any given time to avoid excessive closing and re-opening of files when caching individual texture tiles. A value of 0 means the number is automatically computed by Arnold. Increasing this number may result in slightly better texture caching performance. On the other hand, if this value is higher than the maximum number of concurrently open files supported by the operating system (e.g. Linux vs Windows), some texture lookups may fail and return red." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_max_memory_MB == 0 }" range { 0! 4096 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_accept_untiled" label "Accept Untiled" type toggle default { "1" } help "High-resolution untiled texture maps are very inefficient to render, because they must be loaded entirely into memory as soon as the renderer needs to access a single texel. For that reason, you may want to use this flag to enforce that all your texture maps are already tiled in advance (perhaps by using a preprocessing tool like maketx). When this flag is enabled, any attempt at loading an untiled file will produce an error and abort the renderer." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_autotile" label "Auto-tile" type integer default { "64" } help "This is the size of the tiles when using auto-tiling. Bigger values mean less frequent texture loads, but use more memory. Use existing Tiled files: If .tx file with the same name of the texture is found, the renderer will use it." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_accept_untiled == 0 }" range { 2! 512 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_accept_unmipped" label "Accept Unmipped" type toggle default { "1" } help "Unmipped texture maps are inefficient to render, because filtering to reduce aliasing has to be done on the fly. For that reason, you may want to use this flag to enforce that all your texture maps are already mipmapped in advance (perhaps by using a preprocessing tool like maketx). When this flag is enabled, any attempt at loading an unmipped file will produce an error and abort the renderer. By default this flag is enabled, because most of the popular image formats such as JPEG don't support tiling." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_automip" label "Auto-mipmap" type toggle default { "1" } help "If a texture map file is not natively mipmapped (e.g. a JPEG file), enabling this option will trigger the automatic generation of a mipmap that will be stored in memory for the duration of the render. This mipmap generation increases render time, specially for scenes with many high resolution textures. This is in contrast to file formats that natively support mipmapping, such as TIFF and EXR, where the mipmap is generated only once (with a preprocessing tool like maketx). Use with care." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_accept_unmipped == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_auto_maketx" label "Auto-generate TX Textures" type toggle default { "1" } help "Automatically generate or update the .tx texture corresponding to the texture files. If an up to date version already exists, the generation will be skipped. The .tx textures will be linearized according to the colorspace selected on the image shader." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_use_existing_tx" label "Use Existing TX Textures" type toggle default { "1" } help "If an untiled texture is requested (e.g. concrete.jpg) but a .tx file with the same filename is found (e.g. concrete.tx), the renderer will load the .tx file instead." parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } parm { name "ar_texture_auto_tx_path" label "Auto-Tx Path" type string default { "" } help "Set an optional path where all TX files will be generated, instead of generating each TX next to the original texture." disablewhen "{ ar_texture_auto_maketx == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Textures" } } } group { name "folder0_5" label "Device" parm { name "ar_platform" label "Platform" type string invisible default { [ "__import__('sys').platform" python ] } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } groupsimple { name "group_render_device" label "Device" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_render_device" label "Render Device" type string default { "CPU" } help "Specify the render devices." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" menu { "CPU" "CPU" "GPU" "GPU" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_render_device_fallback" label "Device Fallback" type string default { "error" } help "Specify the render fallback device when no GPU is available." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" menu { "error" "Error" "CPU" "CPU" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } groupsimple { name "group_auto_gpu" label "Automatic Device Selection" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_gpu_default_names" label "Device Expression" type string default { "*" } help "Select GPU names with this filter. Note you cannot mix RTX and non-RTX graphics cards in the same render." hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_gpu_default_min_memory_MB" label "Min. Memory (MB)" type integer default { "512" } help "Select GPU names with at least this amount of memory (MB)" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" range { 0! 2048 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } groupsimple { name "group_manual_gpu" label "Manual Device Selection" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_manual_device_selection" label "Enable Manual Device Selection" type toggle default { "0" } help "Choose whether to select devices manually" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_device_selection" label "Device Selection" type string default { "" } help "GPU device selection. Note you cannot mix RTX and non-RTX graphics cards in the same render." disablewhen "{ ar_manual_device_selection == 0 } { ar_platform == darwin }" menutoggle { [ "import htoa.device" ] [ "return htoa.device.gpuDeviceMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } groupsimple { name "group_gpu_settings" label "GPU Settings" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" parm { name "ar_gpu_max_texture_resolution" label "Max. Texture Res." type integer default { "0" } help "This will limit the number of mipmap levels generated to be up to the specified resolution, unless the value is 0 in which case there is no maximum." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == CPU }" hidewhen "{ ar_platform == darwin }" range { 0! 2048 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } } groupsimple { name "group_cm" label "Color Management" parm { name "ar_color_space_singleton" label "Color Space ROP" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specify that this ROP should be used to define the color spaces for TX conversion." parmtag { "script_callback" "__import__('htoa.colorspace').colorspace.setColorSpaceRop(kwargs['node'], kwargs['parm'].eval())" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_ocio_enabled" label "OCIO Enabled" type toggle invisible default { [ "bool(__import__('htoa.ocio').ocio.has_config)" python ] } help "If OCIO was enabled and successfully loaded this will be true." parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_family_narrow" label "LDR Color Space" type string joinnext default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" python ] } help "If it exists in the OCIO config, this should be set to the name of the `sRGB` color space. This is used internally for input and output color spaces in `auto` mode for low dynamic range images. If set by the user, this color space is also used as a reference to detect the rendering color space gamut and white point." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(view_display=False, filter_non_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.narrowColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_narrow').eval())" ] [ "if color_space_menu and kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_narrow').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_narrow').set(color_space_menu[0])" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_space_narrow" label "ar_color_space_narrow" type string nolabel default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" python ] } help "If it exists in the OCIO config, this should be set to the name of the `sRGB` color space. This is used internally for input and output color spaces in `auto` mode for low dynamic range images. If set by the user, this color space is also used as a reference to detect the rendering color space gamut and white point." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_narrow').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.narrowColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_family_linear" label "Rendering Color Space" type string joinnext default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" python ] } help "This is the default linear color space that Arnold will use as its rendering color space. Arnold's default color space is `sRGB Linear` but this can correspond to any linear color space if needed. If chromaticities for this linear color space can be guessed or are user specified certain spectral effects will take them into account, but not other adaptations for albedos, transparencies, etc are applied." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "color_family_menu = htoa.ocio.colorFamilyMenu(view_display=False, filter_linear=True)" ] [ "color_space_menu = htoa.ocio.renderColorSpaceMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_linear').eval())" ] [ "if color_space_menu and kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_linear').eval() not in color_space_menu:" ] [ " kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_space_linear').set(color_space_menu[0])" ] [ "return color_family_menu" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_color_space_linear" label "ar_color_space_linear" type string nolabel default { [ "import htoa.ocio\nreturn htoa.ocio.default_linear" python ] } help "This is the default linear color space that Arnold will use as its rendering color space. Arnold's default color space is `sRGB Linear` but this can correspond to any linear color space if needed. If chromaticities for this linear color space can be guessed or are user specified certain spectral effects will take them into account, but not other adaptations for albedos, transparencies, etc are applied." menu { [ "import htoa.ocio" ] [ "family = kwargs['node'].parm('ar_color_family_linear').eval()" ] [ "return htoa.ocio.renderColorSpaceMenu(family)" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_linear_chromaticities" label "Custom Chromaticities" type toggle default { "0" } help "Specify render color space chromaticities. If they are not specified they will be gathered from the OCIO configuration." hidewhen "{ ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_red" label "Red Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.64" "0.33" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the red primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_green" label "Green Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.3" "0.6" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the green primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_blue" label "Blue Primary" type float size 2 default { "0.15" "0.06" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the blue primary." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } parm { name "ar_chromaticity_white" label "White Point" type float size 2 default { "0.3127" "0.329" } help "Chromaticity (x,y) of the white point." hidewhen "{ ar_linear_chromaticities == 0 } { ar_ocio_enabled == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Device" } } } } group { name "folder0_6" label "Baking" parm { name "ar_baking_enable" label "Enable Texture Baking" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable texture baking. Not supported on GPU." disablewhen "{ ar_render_device == GPU }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_resolution" label "Resolution" type intlog default { "256" } help "Texture baking resolution, we are using square textures." disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 1 1024 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_extend_edges" label "Extend Edges" type toggle default { "1" } help "Extend the edges" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_udims" label "Udims" type string joinnext default { "" } help "List of udim's UV pairs or udims. Example: 0:1 3:3 4:2 or 1011 1034 1025" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_baking_udims_all == 1 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_udims_all" label "All" type toggle default { "0" } help "Bake all the udims" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_normal_offset" label "Surface Offset" type float default { "0.001" } help "Ray cast from the mesh with the given offset along the normal" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uv_offset" label "UV Offset" type float size 2 default { "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uv_scale" label "UV Scale" type float size 2 default { "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } multiparm { name "ar_baking_meshes" label "Meshes" disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } parm { name "ar_enable_mesh#" label "Enable Mesh #" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_mesh#" label "Mesh #" type oppath default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_enable_mesh# == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } parm { name "ar_baking_uvset#" label "UV Set #" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ ar_baking_enable == 0 } { ar_enable_mesh# == 0 } { ar_render_device == GPU ar_platform != darwin }" menureplace { [ "['', 'Default (uv)', 'uv2', 'UV Set 2', 'uv3', 'UV Set 3', 'uv4', 'UV Set 4', 'uv5', 'UV Set 5', 'uv6', 'UV Set 6', 'uv7', 'UV Set 7', 'uv8', 'UV Set 8' ]" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Baking" } } } } group { name "folder0_7" label "MaterialX" parm { name "ar_materialx_enable" label "Enable MaterialX Export" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_file" label "MaterialX File" type file default { "" } help "Specifies the output path for MaterialX ass files." disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.mtlx" } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_look" label "Look" type string default { "" } help "Output look name that will be created/appended" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa.operator').operator.lookMenu(kwargs['node'].parm('ar_materialx_file').eval())" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } parm { name "ar_materialx_relative" label "Relative Assignment" type toggle default { "1" } help "If true, the assignments for nodes will be relative to their top-most parent node" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } multiparm { name "ar_materialx_properties" label "Properties" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } parm { name "ar_materialx_property#" label "Property #" type string default { "" } help "A parameter to be added to the property assignments" disablewhen "{ ar_materialx_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "MaterialX" } } } } group { name "folder0_8" label "System" parm { name "ar_force_threads" label "Force Threads" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Allow manual setting the number of render threads instead of using an optimal number based on the number of hardware processing cores." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_threads" label "Render Threads" type integer default { "0" } help "If ar_force_threads is enabled, this will let you manually set the number of rendering threads. The default of 0 will use all processing cores and negative values mean use all but that many cores. For example, threads=-2 means use all but 2 cores, while threads=2 means only use 2 cores. This is useful when you want to leave one or two cores for other tasks. This parameter is never written in an .ass file by design, and will only affect interactive or batch renders." disablewhen "{ ar_force_threads == 0 }" range { -255! 256! } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_thread_priority" label "Thread Priority" type string default { "lowest" } help "Specifies the thread priority for rendering (Windows only)." menu { "lowest" "Lowest" "low" "Low" "medium" "Medium" "high" "High" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_bucket_scanning" label "Bucket Scanning" type string default { "spiral" } help "Specifies the spatial order in which the image buckets (i.e. threads) will be processed. By default, buckets start in the center of the image and proceed outwards in a spiral pattern." menu { "top" "Top" "left" "Left" "random" "Random" "spiral" "Spiral" "hilbert" "Hilbert" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_bucket_size" label "Bucket Size" type integer default { "64" } help "The size of the image buckets. The default size is 64x64 pixels, which is a good compromise; bigger buckets use more memory, while smaller buckets may perform redundant computations and filtering and thus render slower but give initial faster feedback." range { 16! 256 } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive" label " Progressive AA " type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "Apply an iterative progressive render to the region tool, starting from the lowest selected AA until the current AA samples value." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_AA_initial" label "Progressive Min Samples" type integer default { "0" } help "If progressive passes are enabled with the Preview button, this is the initial AA samples setting used in the first progressive render pass." menu { "0" "8x8" "1" "4x4" "2" "2x2" "3" "1x1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_3" label "8x8" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "One sample per 8x8 pixels (-3)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_2" label "4x4" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } help "One sample per 4x4 pixels (-2)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_1" label "2x2" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } help "One sample per 2x2 pixels (-1)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_progressive_AA_0" label "1x1" type toggle default { "0" } help "One sample per pixel (0)." disablewhen "{ ar_progressive == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_plugin_searchpath" label "Plugin Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for Arnold plugins such as shaders, procedurals, volumes, etc." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_procedural_searchpath" label "Procedural Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for procedural files." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_texture_searchpath" label "Texture Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies the directory where to search for Arnold texture maps and IES files. This works in conjunction with the \"Save Texture Paths\" option in the ASS tab." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_osl_includepath" label "OSL Include Path" type directory default { "" } help "Specifies additional include search paths to OSL when compiling shaders. This string can contain multiple search paths separated by a colon or semi-colon." parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_mplay_label" label "MPlay Session" type string default { "" } help "When an MPlay render is triggered, it will only output to MPlay sessions with that label. If none exist, it will create an MPlay session with that label. This is incredibly useful for users with multiple workspaces, to avoid constantly hunt for an open MPlay window and move it to their active workspace." menureplace { [ "__import__('htoa').properties.mplayLabelMenu()" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_flush_sop_cache" label "Flush SOP Cache" type toggle default { "1" } help "Flush SOP cache after each frame to reclaim memory." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_pick_material" label "Pick Material in Render View" type toggle default { "1" } help "Generate the Op_Id AOV to enable material picking in the Render View with Ctrl+LMB. The ID built-in AOV will be repurposed for this and will not be available in the Render View context." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_inherit_properties" label "Inherit Properties" type toggle default { "0" } help "Enable properties inheritance for geometry at the expense of translation time." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_create_intermediate_directories" label "Create Intermediate Directories" type toggle default { "1" } help "Create intermediate parent directories when rendering to image or ASS files." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_parallel_node_init" label "Parallel Node Initialization" type toggle default { "1" } help "Initialization and update of scene nodes can be multi-threaded. This can significantly lower the scene preparation time in complex scenes with many objects, shaders or lights." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_enable_procedural_cache" label "Procedural Cache" type toggle default { "1" } help "Cache procedural nodes pointing to the same .ass file on disk by automatically instancing them." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_abort_on_error" label "Abort On Error" type toggle default { "1" } help "Aborts rendering as soon as an error is detected. This is the recommended setting. In general, you should not ignore important error messages, or you'll risk crashes, rendering artifacts and undefined behaviour." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_abort_on_license_fail" label "Abort On License Fail" type toggle default { "0" } help "Aborts rendering if when the render starts the license is not detected. If not set and no license is found, images will be watermarked." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_skip_license_check" label "Render with Watermarks (Skip License Check)" type toggle default { "0" } help "Do not try to check out a license and thus render with watermarks." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } groupsimple { name "group_callbacks" label "Callbacks" parm { name "ar_enable_post_translation" label "Enable Post Translation" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "When enabled, execute the post translation callback." parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } parm { name "ar_post_translation" label "Post Translation" type string default { "" } help "Post Translation (python only) callback is executed after translation ends. In this call back you can directly edit the Arnold universe before the render begins." disablewhen "{ ar_enable_post_translation == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "System" } } } } group { name "folder0_9" label "Diagnostics" parm { name "ar_log_file_enable" label "Log File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_file" label "Log to File" type file default { "" } help "Specifies the output path for Arnold log files." disablewhen "{ ar_log_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_verbosity" label "Log Verbosity" type string joinnext default { "warnings" } help "Specifies the verbosity level and whether log messages are sent to the console or written to a file." menu { "errors" "Errors" "warnings" "Warnings" "info" "Info" "debug" "Debug" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_max_warnings" label " Max. Warnings" type integer default { "5" } help "Limits the number of warning messages that are sent to the console." range { 0! 1000 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_console_enable" label "Log to Console" type toggle default { "1" } help "Log to console." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_file_enable" label "Stats File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log stats to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_file" label "Stats File Path" type file default { "$HIP/arnold_stats.json" } help "Specifies the output path for the Arnold stats file." disablewhen "{ ar_stats_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_stats_mode" label "Stats Mode" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Overwrite" "1" "Append" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_profile_file_enable" label "Profile" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } help "Log profile to file" parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_profile_file" label "Profile File Path" type file default { "$HIP/arnold_profile.json" } help "Specifies the output path for the Arnold profile file." disablewhen "{ ar_profile_file_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_texture_per_file_stats" label "Detailed Texture Statistics" type toggle default { "1" } help "Enable per file texture statistics." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_log_plugins" label "Detailed Plugins Information" type toggle default { "0" } help "Show details about plugins loaded." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "my_sep_diagnostics1" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_operators" label "Ignore Operators" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore operator graph." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_textures" label "Ignore Textures" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all textures when rendering." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_shaders" label "Ignore Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all shaders when rendering. By default Arnold will render with a simple \"N dot eye\" shader." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_atmosphere" label "Ignore Atmosphere" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all atmospheric shaders." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_lights" label "Ignore Lights" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all light sources." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_shadows" label "Ignore Shadows" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore shadows from all light sources." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_subdivision" label "Ignore Subdivision" type toggle default { "0" } help "No objects will be subdivided." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_displacement" label "Ignore Displacement" type toggle default { "0" } help "Displacements will be ignored." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_bump" label "Ignore Bump" type toggle default { "0" } help "Bump mapping will be ignored." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_smoothing" label "Ignore Normal Smoothing" type toggle default { "0" } help "Polygon normals will not be smoothed, resulting in a faceted appearance." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_dof" label "Ignore Depth of Field" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore depth of field effects." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_sss" label "Ignore Sub-Surface Scattering" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore Subsurface Scattering calculations." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_motion" label "Ignore Motion" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore all motion effects." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_ignore_imagers" label "Ignore Imagers" type toggle default { "0" } help "Ignore imager graph." parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "my_sep_diagnostics2" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_texture" label "Bad Texture Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "0" "0" } help "Color to use for bad textures." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_pixel" label "NaN Pixel Color" type color size 3 default { "0" "0" "1" } help "Color to use for bad pixels (NaNs)." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } parm { name "ar_error_color_bad_shader" label "Bad Shader Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "0" "1" } help "Color to use for bad shaders." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Diagnostics" } } } } group { name "main6_2" label "Archive" hidewhentab "{ ar_ass_export_authorized == 0 }" parm { name "ar_ass_export_enable" baseparm label "Export ASS File" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_ass_file" baseparm label "Export ASS File" export none } parm { name "ar_node_prefix_enable" baseparm label "Enable Node Prefix" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_node_prefix" baseparm label "Node Prefix" export none } parm { name "ar_node_suffix_enable" baseparm label "Enable Node Suffix" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "ar_node_suffix" baseparm label "Node Suffix" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_authorized" baseparm label "Authorize Exporting ASS Files" invisible export none } parm { name "ar_binary_ass" baseparm label "Binary Encoding" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_options" baseparm label "Export Options" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_color_managers" baseparm label "Export Color Managers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_cameras" baseparm label "Export Cameras" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_lights" baseparm label "Export Lights" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shapes" baseparm label "Export Shapes" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shaders" baseparm label "Export Shaders" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_shader_assignments" baseparm label "Export Shader Assignments" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_operators" baseparm label "Export Operators" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_overrides" baseparm label "Export Overrides" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_drivers" baseparm label "Export Output Drivers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_imagers" baseparm label "Export Imagers" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_export_filters" baseparm label "Export Pixel Filters" export none } parm { name "ar_export_asstoc" baseparm label "Export .asstoc File" export none } parm { name "ar_prepend_htoa_paths" baseparm label "Prepend Plugin Paths" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_expand_procedurals" baseparm label "Expand Procedurals" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_absolute_texture_paths" baseparm label "Absolute Texture Paths" export none } parm { name "ar_ass_absolute_procedural_paths" baseparm label "Absolute Procedural Paths" export none } } group { name "main6_3" label "Scripts" parm { name "tprerender" baseparm label "tprerender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "prerender" baseparm label "Pre-Render" joinnext export none } parm { name "lprerender" baseparm label "lprerender" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpreframe" baseparm label "tpreframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "preframe" baseparm label "Pre-Frame" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpreframe" baseparm label "lpreframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostframe" baseparm label "tpostframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postframe" baseparm label "Post-Frame" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostframe" baseparm label "lpostframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostrender" baseparm label "tpostrender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postrender" baseparm label "Post-Render" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostrender" baseparm label "lpostrender" nolabel export none } } group { name "main6_4" label "SOHO" invisibletab parm { name "soho_program" baseparm label "SOHO Program" export none } parm { name "soho_outputmode" baseparm label "SOHO Output Mode" export none } parm { name "soho_pipecmd" baseparm label "Command" export none } parm { name "soho_diskfile" baseparm label "Script Disk File" export none } parm { name "soho_errormode" baseparm label "Error Mode" export none } parm { name "soho_shopstyle" baseparm label "SOHO SHOP Style" export none } parm { name "soho_precision" baseparm label "Float Precision" export none } parm { name "soho_indentstep" baseparm label "Indent Step" export none } parm { name "soho_almostzero" baseparm label "Almost Zero" export none } parm { name "soho_multiframe" baseparm label "Multi-frame mode" export none } parm { name "soho_safename" baseparm label "Safe Object names" export none } parm { name "soho_ipr_support" baseparm label "SOHO IPR Support" export none } parm { name "soho_foreground" baseparm label "Block Until Render Completes" export none } } parm { name "renderpreview" baseparm label "Render to MPlay" invisible joinnext export none } parm { name "executebackground" baseparm label "Render to Disk in Background" invisible export none } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004200000012373out/arnold_noice_post_process.chn{ channel f1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = $FSTART } } channel f2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 240 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 240 240 expr = $FEND } } channel ar_ass_export_authorized { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa.utils').utils.allowSceneExport() language = python } } channel soho_outputmode { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "if(ch(\"ar_ass_export_enable\"), 2, 0)" } } channel soho_pipecmd { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.searchpath return htoa.searchpath.hick" language = python } } channel vm_picture { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = chs(\"ar_picture\") } } channel ar_overscany { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_overscanz { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_overscanw { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = ch(\"ar_overscanx\") } } channel ar_AA_samples_extra { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "ch(\"ar_AA_samples_max\") - ch(\"ar_AA_samples\")" } } channel ar_info_samples_camera { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_diffuse1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_diffuse2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_specular1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_specular2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_transmission1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_transmission2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_total1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal() language = python } } channel ar_info_samples_total2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth() language = python } } channel ar_platform { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = __import__('sys').platform language = python } } channel ar_ocio_enabled { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = bool(__import__('htoa.ocio').ocio.has_config) language = python } } channel ar_color_family_narrow { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" language = python } } channel ar_color_space_narrow { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" language = python } } channel ar_color_family_linear { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" language = python } } channel ar_color_space_linear { lefttype = extend righttype = extend defaultString = \"\" flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear" language = python } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004300000035270out/arnold_noice_post_process.parm{ version 0.8 execute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderpreview [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) executebackground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderdialog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) trange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "normal" ) f [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ f1 1 ] [ f2 240 ] 1 ) take [ 0 locks=0 ] ( _current_ ) main [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) folder_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /obj/cam1 ) folder_subdivision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_subdiv_dicing_camera_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_subdiv_dicing_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_culling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_subdiv_frustum_padding [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) target [ 0 locks=0 ] ( current ) sepparm [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) folder_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forceobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludeobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) phantom_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) matte_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) folder_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_environment [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_forced_materials [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_shader_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_export_referenced_materials [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) obj_light_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) folder_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) sololight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) alights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forcelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_autoheadlight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) light_fog_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) vfog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) soho_viewport_menu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_initsim [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_render_selection_only [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_render_selection_others [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "invisible" ) shop_propertiespath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_user_options_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_export_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_file [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/$HIPNAME:r.$F4.ass ) ar_node_prefix_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_node_prefix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_node_suffix_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_node_suffix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [$F] ) ar_ass_export_authorized [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_ass_export_authorized 0 ] ) ar_binary_ass [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_options [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_color_managers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_cameras [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_lights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shapes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_shader_assignments [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_operators [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_overrides [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_drivers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_export_filters [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_export_asstoc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_prepend_htoa_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_expand_procedurals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ass_absolute_texture_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_ass_absolute_procedural_paths [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) tprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) prerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "hscript" ) tpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) preframe [ 0 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[ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder_lights2 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ar_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/render/crag_$F4.exr ) vm_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ vm_picture chs(\"ar_picture\") ] ) override_camerares [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) res_fraction [ 0 locks=0 ] ( specific ) res_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 640 480 ) res_overrideMenu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) aspect_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) my_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_overscan_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_denoise [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_output_variance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_overscan [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 [ ar_overscany 0 ] [ ar_overscanz 0 ] [ ar_overscanw 0 ] ) ar_overscan_label [ 0 locks=0 ] ( Top Bottom Left Right ) ar_overscan_separator [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) ar_picture_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( exr ) ar_picture_tiling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_tiff_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_tiff_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( lzw ) ar_tiff_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_tiff_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_png_format [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_png_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_png_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_png_skip_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_exr_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( zip ) ar_exr_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_exr_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_jpeg_color_family [ 0 locks=0 ] ( All ) ar_jpeg_color_space [ 0 locks=0 ] ( auto ) ar_jpeg_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 100 ) ar_exr_beauty_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_multipart [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_preserve_layer_name [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_autocrop [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_picture_output_padded [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_picture_dither [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_tiff_unpremult_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_tiff_skip_alpha [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_subpixel_merge [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_deepexr_beauty_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_alpha_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_depth_tolerance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) ar_deepexr_beauty_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_alpha_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_depth_half_precision [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_use_RGB_opacity [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_deepexr_enable_filtering [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_picture_append [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_exr_metadata [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_enable_aov_composition [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_multicam [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_imagers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_imager_presets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "none" ) ar_aov_shaders [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_overridden [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_AA_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) ar_enable_adaptive_sampling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_samples_max [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 20 ) ar_AA_samples_extra [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_AA_samples_extra 0 ] ) ar_AA_adaptive_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.015 ) ar_GI_diffuse_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_specular_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_transmission_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_sss_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_GI_volume_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_enable_progressive_render [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) group_pixelfilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_pixel_filter_type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( gaussian_filter ) ar_pixel_filter_width [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_pixel_filter_width_blackman_harris [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) ar_pixel_filter_width_sinc [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 6 ) ar_pixel_filter_farthest_domain [ 0 locks=0 ] ( first_hit ) ar_pixel_filter_variance_scalar_mode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_pixel_filter_variance_filter_weights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_minimum [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_pixel_filter_heatmap_maximum [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) group_clamping [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_AA_sample_clamp_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_sample_clamp_affects_aovs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_AA_sample_clamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_indirect_sample_clamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) group_advanced [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_lock_sampling_pattern [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_dielectric_priorities [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_indirect_specular_blur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_light_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) group_deprecated [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_sss_use_autobump [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_sss_use_autobump_deprecated [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Deprecated: Use 'Subsurface Ray Visibility' in the 'Render Geometry Settings' LOP instead" ) group_info [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_info_samples_camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_camera __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoCamera() ] ) ar_info_samples_diffuse [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_diffuse1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuse() ] [ ar_info_samples_diffuse2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoDiffuseDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_specular [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_specular1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecular() ] [ ar_info_samples_specular2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoSpecularDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_transmission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_transmission1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmission() ] [ ar_info_samples_transmission2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTransmissionDepth() ] ) ar_info_samples_total [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_info_samples_total1 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotal() ] [ ar_info_samples_total2 __import__('htoa').properties.sampleInfoTotalDepth() ] ) ar_GI_total_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_GI_diffuse_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_GI_specular_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ar_GI_transmission_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 8 ) ar_GI_volume_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_auto_transparency_depth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) ar_low_light_threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) ar_mb_xform_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_mb_xform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ar_mb_dform_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_mb_dform_keys [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) group_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_mb_shutter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( center ) ar_mb_shutter_length [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) ar_mb_shutter_range [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -0.25 0.25 ) ar_ignore_motion_blur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_texture_max_sharpen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.5 ) ar_texture_max_memory_MB [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4096 ) ar_texture_max_open_files [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_texture_accept_untiled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_autotile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 64 ) ar_texture_accept_unmipped [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_automip [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_auto_maketx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_use_existing_tx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) ar_texture_auto_tx_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ar_platform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_platform __import__('sys').platform ] ) group_render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_render_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( CPU ) ar_render_device_fallback [ 0 locks=0 ] ( error ) group_auto_gpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_gpu_default_names [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) ar_gpu_default_min_memory_MB [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 512 ) group_manual_gpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_manual_device_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_device_selection [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) group_gpu_settings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_gpu_max_texture_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) group_cm [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ar_color_space_singleton [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_ocio_enabled [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_ocio_enabled 0 ] ) ar_color_family_narrow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family_narrow "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB_family" ] ) ar_color_space_narrow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_space_narrow "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_sRGB" ] ) ar_color_family_linear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_family_linear "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear_family" ] ) ar_color_space_linear [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ ar_color_space_linear "import htoa.ocio return htoa.ocio.default_linear" ] ) ar_linear_chromaticities [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_chromaticity_red [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.64 0.33 ) ar_chromaticity_green [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3 0.6 ) ar_chromaticity_blue [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.15 0.06 ) ar_chromaticity_white [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.3127 0.329 ) ar_baking_enable [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ar_baking_resolution [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 256 ) 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locks=0 ] ( 0 0 1 ) ar_error_color_bad_shader [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 1 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004500000000012out/arnold_noice_post_process.netbox__netbox2 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600004700000000031out/arnold_noice_post_process.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001200000000155out.order5 arnold_noice_imager_old arnold_imager_noice arnold_denoiser1 arnold_noice_imager arnold_noice_post_process 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001000000000002out.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600000700000000657ch.defcomment "" position 0 0.75 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311080 modify 1716311344 author 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___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001700000000032img/comp1.inittype = img matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001600000000654img/comp1.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1716311084 modify 1716312753 author minort@LAPTOP-LF034C0F access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600001700000000020img/comp1.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600002300000000041img/comp1.userdata ___Version___20.0.6880707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001462316344600003300000000033img/comp1/crag_F4_exr.inittype = file matchesdef = 1 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on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 3 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 4 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 5 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 6 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 7 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 8 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 9 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 10 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 11 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 12 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 13 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 14 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 15 imgview2d -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -X on -b 1 1 0 -c -1 -d '' -g 2.2 -i on -m 0 -p 0 1 -t off imgview3 16 imgviewtime -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -b on -d -e on -f on -g 0 -r 24 -u fr imgview3 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 1 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 2 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 3 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 4 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 5 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 6 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 7 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 8 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 9 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 10 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 11 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 12 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 13 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 14 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 15 imgviewhist -G on -H on -L on -P off -V on -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview3 16 imgview -p '(' none -z 1 ')' 0 -c 0 -l on -s off -i imgview2 imgdispopt -m 256 -P on -M on -A on -j on -x off -g 2.2 -B 1 -v split -V 2 2 -d h -a off -i 2 -b 0 0 0 -o "" -h on -H on -c 0.8 0.8 0.8 -C 1 1 1 -S 1 1 0 -R 6 -F dc -D "" -I "" -f "" -s off -r 256 256 -p on -l on -t on imgview -z 1 -p (none) 0 -c 0 -l on -s off -i imgview2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 1 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 3 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 4 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 5 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 6 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 7 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 8 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 9 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 10 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 11 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 12 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 13 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 14 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 15 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 16 imgviewtime -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -r 24 -u fr -g 0 -f on -e on -b on -d imgview2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 1 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 3 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 4 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 5 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 6 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 7 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 8 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 9 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 10 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 11 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 12 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 13 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 14 imgviewhist -V 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